Google Cloud – Professional Cloud Network Engineer Certification learning path

Google Cloud - Professional Cloud Network Engineer Certification

Google Cloud – Professional Cloud Network Engineer Certification learning path

Google Cloud – Professional Cloud Network Engineer certification exam focuses on almost all of the Google Cloud network services.

Google Cloud -Professional Cloud Network Engineer Certification Summary

  • Has 50 questions to be answered in 2 hours.
  • Covers a wide range of Google Cloud services mainly focusing on network services
  • Hands-on is a MUST, if you have not worked on GCP before make sure you do lots of labs else you would be absolutely clueless for some of the questions and commands
  • I did Coursera and ACloud Guru which is really vast, but hands-on or practical knowledge is MUST.

Google Cloud – Professional Cloud Network Engineer Certification Resources

Google Cloud – Professional Cloud Network Engineer Certification Topics

Network Services

  • Refer Google Cloud Networking Services Cheat Sheet
  • Virtual Private Cloud
    • Understand Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), subnets, and host applications within them
    • VPC Routes determine the next hop for the traffic. HINT: It can be defined for specific tags as well. More specific takes priority.
    • Firewall rules control the Traffic to and from instances. HINT: rules with lower integers indicate higher priorities. Firewall rules can be applied to specific tags.
    • VPC Peering allows internal or private IP address connectivity across two VPC networks regardless of whether they belong to the same project or the same organization. HINT: VPC Peering uses private IPs and does not support transitive peering
    • Shared VPC allows an organization to connect resources from multiple projects to a common VPC network so that they can communicate with each other securely and efficiently using internal IPs from that network HINT: VLAN attachments and Cloud Routers for Interconnect must be created in the host project
    • Understand the concept internal and external IPs and the difference between static and ephemeral IPs
    • VPC Subnets support primary and secondary (alias) IP range
    • Primary IP range of an existing subnet can be expanded by modifying its subnet mask, setting the prefix length to a smaller number.
    • Private Access options for services allow instances with internal IP addresses can communicate with Google APIs and services.
    • Private Google Access allows VMs to connect to the set of external IP addresses used by Google APIs and services by enabling Private Google Access on the subnet used by the VM’s network interface. HINT: Private Google Access is enabled on the subnet and not on the VPC level
    • VPC Flow Logs records a sample of network flows sent from and received by VM instances, including instances used as GKE nodes.
    • Firewall Rules Logging enables auditing, verifying, and analyzing the effects of the firewall rules HINT: Default implicit ingress deny rule is not captured by firewall rules logging. Add an explicit deny rule
    • Resources within a VPC network can communicate with one another by using internal IPv4 addresses
  • Hybrid Connectivity
  • Cloud VPN
    • Cloud VPN provides secure connectivity from the on-premises data center to the GCP network through the public internet. Cloud VPN does not provide internal or private IP connectivity
    • Understand what are the requirements to setup Cloud VPN.
    • Cloud VPN is quick to setup and test hybrid connectivity
    • Understand limitations of Cloud VPN esp. 3Gbps limit. How it can be improved with multiple tunnels.
    • Cloud VPN requires non overlapping primary and secondary IPs address between on-premises and GCP VPC networks
    • Cloud VPN HA provides a highly available and secure connection between the on-premises and the VPC network through an IPsec VPN connection in a single region
  • Cloud Interconnect
    • Cloud Interconnect provides direct connectivity from the on-premises data center to GCP network
    • Dedicated Interconnect provides a direct physical connection between the on-premises network and Google’s network. Supports > 10Gbps
    • Partner Interconnect provides connectivity between the on-premises and VPC networks through a supported service provider. Supports 50Mbps to 10 Gbps
    • Understand Dedicated Interconnect vs Partner Interconnect  and when to choose
    • Know Interconnect as the reliable high speed, low latency, and dedicated bandwidth option.
    • Cloud Monitoring monitors interconnect links. Circuit Operational Status metric threshold tracks the circuits while Interconnect Operational Status metric tracks all the links
  • Cloud Router
    • Cloud Router provides dynamic routing using BGP with HA VPN and Cloud Interconnect
    • Cloud Router Global routing mode provides visibility to resources in all regions
    • Cloud Router uses Multi-exit Discriminator (MED) value to route traffic. The same MED value results in Active/Active connection and different MED results in Active/Passive connection
  • Cloud NAT
    • Cloud NAT allows VM instances without external IP addresses and private GKE clusters to send outbound packets to the internet and receive any corresponding established inbound response packets.
    • Requests would not be routed through Cloud NAT if they have an external IP address
  • Cloud Peering
    • Google Cloud Peering provides Direct Peering and Carrier Peering
    • Peering provides a direct path from the on-premises network to Google services, including Google Cloud products that can be exposed through one or more public IP addresses does not provide a private dedicated connection
  • Cloud Load Balancing
    • Google Cloud Load Balancing provides scaling, high availability, and traffic management for your internet-facing and private applications.
    • Understand Google Load Balancing options and their use cases esp. which is global and internal and what protocols they support.
      • Network Load Balancer – regional, external, pass through and supports TCP/UDP
      • Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancer – regional, internal, pass through and supports TCP/UDP
      • HTTP/S Load Balancer – regional/global, external, pass through and supports HTTP/S
      • Internal HTTP/S Load Balancer – regional/global, internal, pass through and supports HTTP/S
      • SSL Proxy Load Balancer – regional/global, external, proxy, supports SSL with SSL offload capability
      • TCP Proxy Load Balancer – regional/global, external, proxy, supports TCP without SSL offload capability
    • Cloud Load Balancing supports health checks with managed instance groups
  • Cloud CDN
    • Understand Cloud CDN as the global content delivery network
    • Know CDN works only for global external HTTP/S Load Balancer
    • Cache is not removed if the underlying origin data is removed. Cache has to be invalidated explicitly, or is removed once expired.
    • Cloud CDN does not compress but serves response from the origin as is. HINT: As LB adds Via header some web server do not compress response and must be configured to ignore the Via header
  • Cloud DNS
    • Understand Cloud DNS and its features
    • supports migration or importing of records from on-premises using JSON/YAML format
    • supports DNSSEC, a feature of DNS, that authenticates responses to domain name lookups and protects the domains from spoofing and cache poisoning attacks

Identity Services

  • Cloud Identity and Access Management
    • Identify and Access Management – IAM provides administrators the ability to manage cloud resources centrally by controlling who can take what action on specific resources.
    • Compute Network Admin does not provide access to SSL certificates and firewall rules. Need to assign Security Admin role

Compute Services

  • Compute services like Google Compute Engine and Google Kubernetes Engine are lightly covered more from the networking aspects
  • Google Compute Engine
    • Google Compute Engine is the best IaaS option for compute and provides fine grained control
    • Difference between managed vs unmanaged instance groups and auto-healing feature
    • Regional Managed Instance group helps spread load across instances in multiple zones within the same region providing scalability and HA
    • Managed Instance group helps perform canary and rolling updates
    • Managed Instance group autoscaling can be configured on CPU or load balancer metrics or custom metrics.
    • Managing access using OS Login or project and instance metadata
  • Google Kubernetes Engine

Security Services

  • Cloud Armor
    • Cloud Armor protects the applications from multiple types of threats, including DDoS attacks and application attacks like XSS and SQLi
    • with GKE needs to be configured with GKE Ingress
    • can be used to blacklist IP
    • supports preview mode to understand patterns without blocking the users

All the Best !!

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty (AXS-C01) Exam Learning Path

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder - Specialty Certificate

Finally All Down for AWS (for now) …

Continuing on my AWS journey with the last AWS certification, I took another step by clearing the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty (AXS-C01) certification. It is amazing to know and learn how Voice first experiences are making an impact and changing how we think about technology and use cases.

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty (AXS-C01) exam basically validates your ability to build, test, publish and certify Alexa skills.

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty (AXS-C01) Exam Summary

  • AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty exam focuses only on Alexa and how to build skills.
  • AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty exam has 65 questions with a time limit of 170 minutes
  • Compared to the other professional and specialty exams, the question and answers are not long and similar to associate exams. So if you are prepared well, it should not need the 170 minutes.
  • As the exam was online from home, there was no access to paper and pen but the trick remains the same, read the question and draw a rough architecture and focus on the areas that you need to improve. Trust me, you will be able to eliminate 2 answers for sure and then need to focus on only the other two. Read the other 2 answers to check the difference area and that would help you reach to the right answer or atleast have a 50% chance of getting it right.

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AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty (AXS-C01) Exam Topic Summary

Refer AWS Alexa Cheat Sheet

Domain 1: Voice-First Design Practices and Capabilities

1.1 Describe how users interact with skills

1.2 Map features and capabilities to use cases

  • Alexa supports display cards to display text (Simple card) and text with image (Standard card)
  • Alexa Alexa Skill Kits supports APIs
    • Alexa Settings APIs allow developers to retrieve customer preferences for the settings like time zone, distance measuring unit, and temperature measurement unit 
    • Device services – a skill can request the customer’s permission to their address information, which is a static data filled by customer and includes the country/region, postal code and full address
    • Customer Profile services – a skill can request the customer’s permission to their contact information, which includes name, email address and phone number
    • With Location services, a skill can ask a user’s permission to obtain the real-time location of their Alexa-enabled device, specifically at the time of the user’s request to Alexa, so that the skill can provide enhanced services.
  • Alexa Skill Kit APIs need apiAccessToken and deviceId to access the ASK APIs
  • Progressive Response API allows you to keep the user engaged while the skill prepares a full response to the user’s request.
  • Personalization can be provided using userId and state persistence

Domain 2: Skill Design

2.1 Design and develop an interaction model

  • Alexa interaction model includes skill, Invocation name, utterances, slots, Intents
  • A skill is ‘an app for Alexa’, however they are not downloadable but just need to be enabled.
  • Wakeword – Amazon offers a choice of wakewords like ‘Alexa’, ‘Amazon’, ‘Echo’, ‘skill’, ‘app’ or ‘Computer’, with the default being ‘Alexa’.
  • Launch phrases include “run,” “start,” “play,” “resume,” “use,” “launch,” “ask,” “open,” “tell,” “load,” “begin,” and “enable.”
  • Connecting words include “to,” “from,” “in,” “using,” “with,” “about,” “for,” “that,” “by,” “if,” “and,” “whether.”
  • Invocation name
    • is the word or phrase used to trigger the skill for custom skills and the invocation name should adhere to the requirements
    • must not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of an entity or person
    • must be compound of two or more works.
    • One-word invocation names are allowed only for brand/intellectual property.
    • must not include names of people or places
    • if two-word invocation names, one of the words cannot be a definite article (“the”), indefinite article (“a”, “an”) or preposition (“for”, “to”, “of,” “about,” “up,” “by,” “at,” “off,” “with”).
    • must not contain any of the Alexa skill launch phrases, connecting words and wake words
    • must contain only lower-case alphabetic characters, spaces between words, and possessive apostrophes
    • must spell characters like numbers for e.g., twenty one
    • can have periods in the invocation names containing acronyms or abbreviations that are pronounced as a series of individual letters, for e.g. NASA as n. a. s. a.
    • cannot spell out phonemes for e.g., a skill titled “AWS Facts” would need “AWS” represented as “a. w. s. ” and NOT “ay double u ess.”
    • must not create confusion with existing Alexa features.
    • must be written in each supported language
  • An intent is what a user is trying to accomplish.
    • Amazon provides standard built-in intents which can be extended
    • Intents need to have a unique utterance
  • Utterances are the specific phrases that people will use when making a request to Alexa.
  • A slot is a variable that relates to an intent allowing Alexa to understand information about the request
    • Amazon provides standard built-in slots which can be extended
  • Entity resolution improves the way Alexa matches possible slot values in a user’s utterance with the slots defined in your interaction model

2.2 Design a multi-turn conversation

  • Alexa Dialog management model identifies the prompts and utterances to collect, validate, and confirm the slot values and intents.
  • Alexa supports
    • Auto Delegation where Alexa completes all of the dialog steps based on the dialog model.
    • Manual delegation using Dialog.Delegate where Alexa sends the skill an IntentRequest for each turn of the conversation and provides more flexibility.
  • AMAZON.FallbackIntent will not be triggered in the middle of a dialog

2.3 Use built-in intents and slots

  • Standard built-in intents cannot include any slots. If slots are needed, create a custom intent and write your own sample utterances.
  • Alexa recommends using and extending standard built-in intents like Alexa.HelpIntent, Alexa.YesIntent with additional utterances as per the skill requirements
  • Alexa provides Alexa.FallbackIntent for handling any unmatched utterances and can be used to improve the interaction model accuracy.
  • Standard built-in intents cannot include any slots. If slots are needed, create a custom intent and write your own sample utterances.
  • Alexa provides slot which helps capture variables and can be either be a Amazon predefined slot such as dates, numbers, durations, time, etc. or a custom one specific to the skill
  • Predefined slots can be extended to add additional values

2.4 Handle unexpected conversational requests or responses

  • Alexa provides Alexa.FallbackIntent for handling any unmatched utterances and can be used to improve the interaction model accuracy.
  • Alexa also provides Intent History  which provides  a consolidate view with aggregated, anonymized frequent utterances and the resolved intents. These can be used to map the utterances to correct intents

2.5 Design multi-modal skills using one or more service interfaces (for example, audio, video, and gadgets)

  • Alexa enabled devices with a screen handles Page and Scroll intents. Do not handle Next and Previous.
  • Alexa skill with AudioPlayer interface
    • must handle AMAZON.ResumeIntent and AMAZON.PauseIntent
    • PlaybackController events to track AudioPlayer status changes initiated from the device buttons

Domain 3: Skill Architecture

3.1 Identify AWS services for extending Alexa skill functionality (Amazon CloudFront, Amazon S3, Amazon CloudWatch, and Amazon DynamoDB)

  • Focus on standard skill architecture using Lambda for backend, DynamoDB for persistence, S3 for severing static assets, and CloudWatch for monitoring and logs.
  • Lambda provide serverless handling for the Alexa requests, but remember the following limits
    • default concurrency soft limit of 1000 can be increased by raising a support request
    • default timeout of 3 secs, and should be increased to atleast 7 secs to be inline with Alexa timeout of 8 secs
    • default memory of 128mb, increase to improve performance
  • S3 performance can be improved by exposing it through CloudFront esp. for images, audio and video files

3.2 Use AWS Lambda to build Alexa skills

  • Lambda integrates with CloudWatch to provide logs and should be the first thing to check in case of any issues or errors.
  • Alexa allows any http endpoint to act as a backend, but needs to meet following requirements
    • must be accessible over the internet.
    • must accept HTTP requests on port 443.
    • must support HTTP over SSL/TLS, using an Amazon-trusted certificate.

3.3 Follow AWS and Alexa security and privacy best practices

  • Alexa requires the backend to verify that incoming requests come from Alexa using Skill ID verification
  • Child-directed skills cannot use personal and location information
  • Skills cannot be used to capture health information
  • Alexa Skills Kit uses the OAuth 2.0 authentication framework for Account linking, which defines a means by which the service can allow Alexa, with the user’s permission, to access information from the account that the user has set up with you.
  • Alexa smart home skills must have OAuth authorization code grant implementation while custom skills can have authorization code grant or impact grant implementation.

Domain 4: Skill Development

4.1 Implement in-skill purchasing and Amazon Pay for Alexa Skills

  • In-skill purchasing enables selling premium content such as game features and interactive stories in skills with a custom interaction model.
  • In-skill purchasing is handled by Alexa when the skill sends a Upsell directive. As the skill session ends when a Upsell directive is sent, be sure to save any relevant user data in a persistent data store so that the skill can continue where the user left off after the purchase flow is completed and the endpoint is back in control of the user experience.
  • Skill can handle the Connections.Response request that indicates the result of a purchase flow and resume the skill

4.2 Use Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) for expression and MP3 audio

  • SSML is a markup language that provides a standard way to mark up text for the generation of synthetic speech.
  • Alexa supports a subset of SSML tags including
    • say-as to interpret text as telephone, date, time etc.
    • phonemeprovides a phonemic/phonetic pronunciation
    • prosody modifies the volume, pitch, and rate of the tagged speech.
    • audioallows playing MP3 player while rendering a response
      • must be in valid MP3 file (MPEG version 2) format
      • must be hosted at an Internet-accessible HTTPS endpoint.
      • For speech response, the audio file cannot be longer than 240 seconds.
        • combined total time for all audio files in the outputSpeech property of the response cannot be more than 240 seconds.
        • combined total time for all audio files in the reprompt property of the response cannot be more than 90 seconds.
      • bit rate must be 48 kbps.
      • sample rate must be 22050Hz, 24000Hz, or 16000Hz.

4.3 Implement state management

  • Alexa Skill state persistence can be handled using session attributes during the session and externally using services like DynamoDB, RDS across sessions.

4.4 Implement Alexa service interfaces (audio player, video player, and screens)

4.5 Parse Alexa JSON requests and provide responses

  • All requests include the session (optional), context, and request objects at the top level.
    •  session object provides additional context associated with the request.
      • session attributes can be used to store data
      • user containing userId to uniquely define an user and accessToken to access other services.
      • system object provides apiAccessToken and device object provides deviceId to access ASK APIs
      • application provide applicationId
      • device object provides supportedInterfaces to list each interface that the device supports
      • user containing userId to uniquely define an user and accessToken to access other services.
    • request object that provides the details of the user’s request.
  • Response includes
    • outputSpeech contains the speech to render to the user.
    • reprompt contains the outputSpeech to use if a re-prompt is necessary.
    • shouldEndSession provides a boolean value that indicates what should happen after Alexa speaks the response.

Domain 5: Test, Validate, and Troubleshoot

5.1 Debug and troubleshoot using Amazon CloudWatch or other tools

  • Lambda integrates with CloudWatch for metric and logs and can be check for any errors and metrics.

5.2 Use the Alexa developer testing tools

  • Utterance profiles – test utterances to know what intent they resolve to 
  • Alexa Skill simulator
    • provides an ability to Interact with Alexa with either your voice or text, without an actual device.
    • maintains the skill session, so the interaction model and dialog flow can be tested.
    • supports multiple languages testing by selecting locale
    • has limitations in testing audio, video, Alexa settings and Device API
  • Manual Json
    • enter a JSON request directly and see the skill returned JSON response
    • does not maintain the skill session and is similar to testing a JSON request in the Lambda console.
  • Voice & Tone – enter plain text or SSML and hear how Alexa speaks the text in a selected language
  • Alexa device – test with an Alexa-enabled device.
  • Alexa app – test the skill with the Alexa app for Android/iOS
  • Lambda Test console – to test Lambda functions

5.3 Perform beta testing

  • Skill beta testing tool can be used to test the Alexa skill in beta before releasing it to production
  • Beat testing allows testing changes to an existing skill, while still keeping the currently live version of the skill available for the general public.
  • Members can be invited using their Alexa email address. Alexa device used by the beta tester must be associated with the email address in the tester’s invitation.

5.4 Troubleshoot errors in the interaction model

Domain 6: Publishing, Operations, and Lifecycle Management

6.1 Describe the skill publishing process

  • Alexa skill needs to go through certification process before the Skill is live and made available to the users
  • Alexa creates an in development version of the skill, once the skill becomes live
  • Alexa Skill live version cannot be edited, and it is recommended to edit the in development skill, test and then re-certify for publishing.
  • Backend changes like changes in Lambda functions or response output from the function, however, can be made on live version and do not require re-certification. However, it is recommended to use Lambda versioning or alias to do such changes.
  • Alexa for Business allows skill to be made private and available to select users within the company

6.2 Add and remove users in the developer console

  • Alexa Skill Developer console access can be shared across multiple users for collaboration
  • Administrator and Analyst roles will also have access to the Earnings and Payments sections.
  • Administrator and Marketer roles will also have access to edit the content associated with apps (i.e. Descriptions, Images & Multimedia) and IAPs
  • Administrator and Developer roles will have access to create, modify and delete Alexa skills using ASK CLI and SMAPI.
  • Administrator, Analyst and Marketer roles have access to sales report

6.3 Perform analysis of skill analytics in the developer console

  • Intent History – View aggregated, anonymized frequent utterances and the resolved intents. You cannot track the user intent history as they are anonymized.
  • Actions – Unique customers per action, total actions, and total utterances per action.
  • Customers – Total number of unique customers who accessed the skill.
  • Intents – Unique customers per intent, total utterances per intent, total intents, and failed intents.
  • Interaction Path – Paths users take when interacting with the skill.
  • Plays Total number of times that a user played the skill content.
  • Retention (live skills only) Usage of the skill over time by groups of customers or cohorts. View the number or percentage of customers who returned to your skill over a 12-week period.
  • Sessions Total sessions, successful session types (sessions that didn’t end due to an error), average sessions per customer. Includes a breakdown of successful, failed, and no-response sessions as a percentage of total sessions. Custom
  • Utterances Metrics for utterances depend on the skill category.

6.4 Differentiate among the statuses/versions of skills (for example, In Development, In Certification, and Live)

  • In Development – skill available for development, testing
  • In Review – A certification review is in progress and the skill cannot be edited
  • Certified – Skill passed certification review, and is not yet available to users
  • Live – skill has been published and is available to users. You cannot edit the configuration for live skills
  • Hidden – skill was previously published, but has since been hidden. Existing users can access the skill. New users cannot discover the skill.
  • Removed – skill was previously published, but has since been removed. Users cannot enable or use the skill.

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty (AXS-C01) Exam Resources

AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate SAA-C02 Exam Learning Path

SAA-C02 Certification

AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate SAA-C02 Exam Learning Path

AWS Solutions Architect – Associate SAA-C02 exam is the latest AWS exam that has replaced the previous SAA-C01 certification exam. It basically validates the ability to effectively demonstrate knowledge of how to architect and deploy secure and robust applications on AWS technologies

  • Define a solution using architectural design principles based on customer requirements.
  • Provide implementation guidance based on best practices to the organization throughout the life cycle of the project.

Refer AWS_Solution_Architect_-_Associate_SAA-C02_Exam_Blue_Print

AWS Solutions Architect – Associate SAA-C02 Exam Summary

  • SAA-C02 exam consists of 65 questions in 130 minutes, and the time is more than sufficient if you are well prepared.
  • SAA-C02 Exam covers the architecture aspects in deep, so you must be able to visualize the architecture, even draw them out in the exam just to understand how it would work and how different services relate.
  • AWS has updated the exam concepts from the focus being on individual services to more building of scalable, highly available, cost-effective, performant, resilient.
  • If you had been preparing for the SAA-C01 –
    • SAA-C02 is pretty much similar to SAA-C01 except the operational effective architecture domain has been dropped
    • Although, most of the services and concepts covered by the SAA-C01 are the same. There are few new additions like Aurora Serverless, AWS Global Accelerator, FSx for Windows, FSx for Lustre
  • AWS exams are available online, and I took the online one. Just make sure you have a proper place to take the exam with no disturbance and nothing around you.
  • Also, if you are taking the AWS Online exam for the first time try to join atleast 30 minutes before the actual time.

AWS Solutions Architect – Associate SAA-C02 Exam Resources

AWS Solutions Architect – Associate SAA-C02 Exam Topics

Make sure you go through all the topics and focus on hints in italics


  • Be sure to create VPC from scratch. This is mandatory.
    • Create VPC and understand whats an CIDR and addressing patterns
    • Create public and private subnets, configure proper routes, security groups, NACLs. (hint: Subnets are public or private depending on whether they can route traffic directly through Internet gateway)
    • Create Bastion for communication with instances
    • Create NAT Gateway or Instances for instances in private subnets to interact with internet
    • Create two tier architecture with application in public and database in private subnets
    • Create three tier architecture with web servers in public, application and database servers in private. (hint: focus on security group configuration with least privilege)
    • Make sure to understand how the communication happens between Internet, Public subnets, Private subnets, NAT, Bastion etc.
  • Understand difference between Security Groups and NACLs (hint: Security Groups are Stateful vs NACLs are stateless. Also only NACLs provide an ability to deny or block IPs)
  • Understand VPC endpoints and what services it can help interact (hint: VPC Endpoints routes traffic internally without Internet)
    • VPC Gateway Endpoints supports S3 and DynamoDB.
    • VPC Interface Endpoints OR Private Links supports others
  • Understand difference between NAT Gateway and NAT Instance (hint: NAT Gateway is AWS managed and is scalable and highly available)
  • Understand how NAT high availability can be achieved (hint: provision NAT in each AZ and route traffic from subnets within that AZ through that NAT Gateway)
  • Understand VPN and Direct Connect for on-premises to AWS connectivity
    • VPN provides quick connectivity, cost-effective, secure channel, however routes through internet and does not provide consistent throughput
    • Direct Connect provides consistent dedicated throughput without Internet, however requires time to setup and is not cost-effective
  • Understand Data Migration techniques
    • Choose Snowball vs Snowmobile vs Direct Connect vs VPN depending on the bandwidth available, data transfer needed, time available, encryption requirement, one-time or continuous requirement
    • Snowball, SnowMobile are for one-time data, cost-effective, quick and ideal for huge data transfer
    • Direct Connect, VPN are ideal for continuous or frequent data transfers
  • Understand CloudFront as CDN and the static and dynamic caching it provides, what can be its origin (hint: CloudFront can point to on-premises sources and its usecases with S3 to reduce load and cost)
  • Understand Route 53 for routing
    • Understand Route 53 health checks and failover routing
    • Understand  Route 53 Routing Policies it provides and their use cases mainly for high availability (hint: focus on weighted, latency, geolocation, failover routing)
  • Be sure to cover ELB concepts in deep.
    • SAA-C02 focuses on ALB and NLB and does not cover CLB
    • Understand differences between  CLB vs ALB vs NLB
      • ALB is layer 7 while NLB is layer 4
      • ALB provides content based, host based, path based routing
      • ALB provides dynamic port mapping which allows same tasks to be hosted on ECS node
      • NLB provides low latency and ability to scale
      • NLB provides static IP address


  • Understand IAM as a whole
    • Focus on IAM role (hint: can be used for EC2 application access and Cross-account access)
    • Understand IAM identity providers and federation and use cases
    • Understand MFA and how would implement two factor authentication for an application
    • Understand IAM Policies (hint: expect couple of questions with policies defined and you need to select correct statements)
  • Understand encryption services
  • AWS WAF integrates with CloudFront to provide protection against Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. It also provide IP blocking and geo-protection.
  • AWS Shield integrates with CloudFront to provide protection against DDoS.
  • Refer Disaster Recovery whitepaper, be sure you know the different recovery types with impact on RTO/RPO.


  • Understand various storage options S3, EBS, Instance store, EFS, Glacier, FSx and what are the use cases and anti patterns for each
  • Instance Store
    • Understand Instance Store (hint: it is physically attached  to the EC2 instance and provides the lowest latency and highest IOPS)
  • Elastic Block Storage – EBS
    • Understand various EBS volume types and their use cases in terms of IOPS and throughput. SSD for IOPS and HDD for throughput
    • Understand Burst performance and I/O credits to handle occasional peaks
    • Understand EBS Snapshots (hint: backups are automated, snapshots are manual
  • Simple Storage Service – S3
    • Cover S3 in depth
    • Understand S3 storage classes with lifecycle policies
      • Understand the difference between SA Standard vs SA IA vs SA IA One Zone in terms of cost and durability
    • Understand S3 Data Protection (hint: S3 Client side encryption encrypts data before storing it in S3)
    • Understand S3 features including
      • S3 provides a cost effective static website hosting
      • S3 versioning provides protection against accidental overwrites and deletions
      • S3 Pre-Signed URLs for both upload and download provides access without needing AWS credentials
      • S3 CORS allows cross domain calls
      • S3 Transfer Acceleration enables fast, easy, and secure transfers of files over long distances between your client and an S3 bucket.
    • Understand Glacier as an archival storage with various retrieval patterns
    • Glacier Expedited retrieval now allows object retrieval within mins
  • Understand Storage gateway and its different types.
    • Cached Volume Gateway provides access to frequently accessed data, while using AWS as the actual storage
    • Stored Volume gateway uses AWS as a backup, while the data is being stored on-premises as well
    • File Gateway supports SMB protocol
  • Understand FSx easy and cost effective to launch and run popular file systems.
  • Understand the difference between EBS vs S3 vs EFS
    • EFS provides shared volume across multiple EC2 instances, while EBS can be attached to a single volume within the same AZ.
  • Understand the difference between EBS vs Instance Store
  • Would recommend referring Storage Options whitepaper, although a bit dated 90% still holds right


  • Understand Elastic Cloud Compute – EC2
  • Understand Auto Scaling and ELB, how they work together to provide High Available and Scalable solution. (hint: Span both ELB and Auto Scaling across Multi-AZs to provide High Availability)
  • Understand EC2 Instance Purchase Types – Reserved, Scheduled Reserved, On-demand and Spot and their use cases
    • Choose Reserved Instances for continuous persistent load
    • Choose Scheduled Reserved Instances for load with fixed scheduled and time interval
    • Choose Spot instances for fault tolerant and Spiky loads
    • Reserved instances provides cost benefits for long terms requirements over On-demand instances
    • Spot instances provides cost benefits for temporary fault tolerant spiky load
  • Understand EC2 Placement Groups (hint: Cluster placement groups provide low latency and high throughput communication, while Spread placement group provides high availability)
  • Understand Lambda and serverless architecture, its features and use cases. (hint: Lambda integrated with API Gateway to provide a serverless, highly scalable, cost-effective architecture)
  • Understand ECS with its ability to deploy containers and micro services architecture.
    • ECS role for tasks can be provided through taskRoleArn
    • ALB provides dynamic port mapping to allow multiple same tasks on the same node
  • Know Elastic Beanstalk at a high level, what it provides and its ability to get an application running quickly.


  • Understand relational and NoSQLs data storage options which include RDS, DynamoDB, Aurora and their use cases
  • RDS
    • Understand RDS features – Read Replicas vs Multi-AZ
      • Read Replicas for scalability, Multi-AZ for High Availability
      • Multi-AZ are regional only
      • Read Replicas can span across regions and can be used for disaster recovery
    • Understand Automated Backups, underlying volume types
  • Aurora
    • Understand Aurora
      • provides multiple read replicas and replicates 6 copies of data across AZs
    • Understand Aurora Serverless provides a highly scalable cost-effective database solution
  • DynamoDB
    • Understand DynamoDB with its low latency performance, key-value store (hint: DynamoDB is not a relational database)
    • DynamoDB DAX provides caching for DynamoDB
    • Understand DynamoDB provisioned throughput for Read/Writes (It is more cover in Developer exam though.)
  • Know ElastiCache use cases, mainly for caching performance

Integration Tools

  • Understand SQS as message queuing service and SNS as pub/sub notification service
  • Understand SQS features like visibility, long poll vs short poll
  • Focus on SQS as a decoupling service
  • Understand SQS Standard vs SQS FIFO difference (hint: FIFO provides exactly once delivery both low throughput)


  • Know Redshift as a business intelligence tool
  • Know Kinesis for real time data capture and analytics
  • Atleast know what AWS Glue does, so you can eliminate the answer

Management Tools

  • Understand CloudWatch monitoring to provide operational transparency
  • Know which EC2 metrics it can track. Remember, it cannot track memory and disk space/swap utilization
  • Understand CloudWatch is extendable with custom metrics
  • Understand CloudTrail for Audit
  • Have a basic understanding of CloudFormation, OpsWorks

AWS Whitepapers & Cheat sheets

AWS Solutions Architect – Associate Exam Domains

Domain 1: Design Resilient Architectures

  1. Design a multi-tier architecture solution
  2. Design highly available and/or fault-tolerant architectures
  3. Design decoupling mechanisms using AWS services
  4. Choose appropriate resilient storage

Domain 2: Define High-Performing Architectures

  1. Identify elastic and scalable compute solutions for a workload
  2. Select high-performing and scalable storage solutions for a workload
  3. Select high-performing networking solutions for a workload
  4. Choose high-performing database solutions for a workload

Domain 3: Specify Secure Applications and Architectures

  1. Design secure access to AWS resources
  2. Design secure application tiers
  3. Select appropriate data security options

Domain 4: Design Cost-Optimized Architectures

  1. Determine how to design cost-optimized storage.
  2. Determine how to design cost-optimized compute.

AWS Certified Big Data -Speciality (BDS-C00) Exam Learning Path

Clearing the AWS Certified Big Data – Speciality (BDS-C00) was a great feeling. This was my third Speciality certification and in terms of the difficulty level (compared to Network and Security Speciality exams), I would rate it between Network (being the toughest) Security (being the simpler one).

Big Data in itself is a very vast topic and with AWS services, there is lots to cover and know for the exam. If you have worked on Big Data technologies including a bit of Visualization and Machine learning, it would be a great asset to pass this exam.

AWS Certified Big Data – Speciality (BDS-C00) exam basically validates

  • Implement core AWS Big Data services according to basic architectural best practices
  • Design and maintain Big Data
  • Leverage tools to automate Data Analysis

Refer AWS Certified Big Data – Speciality Exam Guide for details

                              AWS Certified Big Data – Speciality Domains

AWS Certified Big Data – Speciality (BDS-C00) Exam Summary

  • AWS Certified Big Data – Speciality exam, as its name suggests, covers a lot of Big Data concepts right from data transfer and collection techniques, storage, pre and post processing, analytics, visualization with the added concepts for data security at each layer.
  • One of the key tactic I followed when solving any AWS Certification exam is to read the question and use paper and pencil to draw a rough architecture and focus on the areas that you need to improve. Trust me, you will be able to eliminate 2 answers for sure and then need to focus on only the other two. Read the other 2 answers to check the difference area and that would help you reach to the right answer or atleast have a 50% chance of getting it right.
  • Be sure to cover the following topics
    • Whitepapers and articles
    • Analytics
      • Make sure you know and cover all the services in depth, as 80% of the exam is focused on these topics
      • Elastic Map Reduce
        • Understand EMR in depth
        • Understand EMRFS (hint: Use Consistent view to make sure S3 objects referred by different applications are in sync)
        • Know EMR Best Practices (hint: start with many small nodes instead on few large nodes)
        • Know Hive can be externally hosted using RDS, Aurora and AWS Glue Data Catalog
        • Know also different technologies
          • Presto is a fast SQL query engine designed for interactive analytic queries over large datasets from multiple sources
          • D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG, and CSS
          • Spark is a distributed processing framework and programming model that helps do machine learning, stream processing, or graph analytics using Amazon EMR clusters
          • Zeppelin/Jupyter as a notebook for interactive data exploration and provides open-source web application that can be used to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text
          • Phoenix is used for OLTP and operational analytics, allowing you to use standard SQL queries and JDBC APIs to work with an Apache HBase backing store
      • Kinesis
        • Understand Kinesis Data Streams and Kinesis Data Firehose in depth
        • Know Kinesis Data Streams vs Kinesis Firehose
          • Know Kinesis Data Streams is open ended on both producer and consumer. It supports KCL and works with Spark.
          • Know Kineses Firehose is open ended for producer only. Data is stored in S3, Redshift and ElasticSearch.
          • Kinesis Firehose works in batches with minimum 60secs interval.
        • Understand Kinesis Encryption (hint: use server side encryption or encrypt in producer for data streams)
        • Know difference between KPL vs SDK (hint: PutRecords are synchronously, while KPL supports batching)
        • Kinesis Best Practices (hint: increase performance increasing the shards)
      • Know ElasticSearch is a search service which supports indexing, full text search, faceting etc.
      • Redshift
        • Understand Redshift in depth
        • Understand Redshift Advance topics like Workload Management, Distribution Style, Sort key
        • Know Redshift Best Practices w.r.t selection of Distribution style, Sort key, COPY command which allows parallelism
        • Know Redshift views to control access to data.
      • Amazon Machine Learning
      • Know Data Pipeline for data transfer
      • QuickSight
      • Know Glue as the ETL tool
    • Security, Identity & Compliance
    • Management & Governance Tools
      • Understand AWS CloudWatch for Logs and Metrics. Also, CloudWatch Events more real time alerts as compared to CloudTrail
    • Storage
    • Compute
      • Know EC2 access to services using IAM Role and Lambda using Execution role.
      • Lambda esp. how to improve performance batching, breaking functions etc.

AWS Certified Big Data – Speciality (BDS-C00) Exam Resources

AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional (DOP-C01) Exam Learning Path

AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional (DOP-C01) Certificate

AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional (DOP-C01) Exam Learning Path

NOTE – Refer to DOP-C02 Learning Path

AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional (DOP-C01) exam is the upgraded pattern of the DevOps Engineer – Professional exam which was released last year (2018). I recently attempted the latest pattern and AWS has done quite good in improving it further, as compared to the old one, to include more DevOps related questions and services.

AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional (DOP-C01) exam basically validates

  • Implement and manage continuous delivery systems and methodologies on AWS
  • Implement and automate security controls, governance processes, and compliance validation
  • Define and deploy monitoring, metrics, and logging systems on AWS
  • Implement systems that are highly available, scalable, and self-healing on the AWS platform
  • Design, manage, and maintain tools to automate operational processes

Refer to AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional Exam Guide

AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional (DOP-C01) Exam Summary

  • AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional exam was for a total of 170 minutes but it had 75 questions (I was always assuming it to be 65) and I just managed to complete the exam with 20 mins remaining. So be sure you are prepared and manage your time well. As always, mark the questions for review and move on and come back to them after you are done with all.
  • One of the key tactic I followed when solving the DevOps Engineer questions was to read the question and use paper and pencil to draw a rough architecture and focus on the areas that you need to improve. Trust me, you will be able eliminate 2 answers for sure and then need to focus on only the other two. Read the other 2 answers to check the difference area and that would help you reach to the right answer or atleast have a 50% chance of getting it right.
  • AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional exam covers a lot of concepts and services related to Automation, Deployments, Disaster Recovery, HA, Monitoring, Logging and Troubleshooting. It also covers security and compliance related topics.
  • Be sure to cover the following topics
    • Whitepapers are the key to understand Deployments and DR
    • Management Tools
      • DevOps professional exam cannot be cleared without the knowledge of this topics
      • Deep dive into CloudFormation, Elastic Beanstalk and OpsWorks
      • Very important to understand CloudFormation vs Elastic Beanstalk vs OpsWorks
      • CloudFormation
        • Have in-depth understand of CloudFormation concepts
        • Know how to indicate completion of events using CloudFormation helper scripts.
        • Understand CloudFormation deployment strategies esp. rolling and replacing update with AutoScaling and update of launch configuration
        • Understand CloudFormation policies esp. Update and Deletion policies (hint : retain resources on stack deletion)
        • Understand CloudFormation Best Practices esp. Nested Stacks and logical grouping
        • Understand CloudFormation template anatomy – parameters, outputs, mappings
        • Understand CloudFormation Custom resource and its use cases (hint : you can use Custom resource to retrieve AMI IDs or interact with external services)
      • Elastic Beanstalk
      • OpsWorks
        • Understand OpsWorks overall – stacks, layers, recipes
        • Understand OpsWorks Lifecycle events esp. the Configure event and how it can be used.
        • Understand OpsWorks Deployment Strategies
        • Know OpsWorks auto-healing and how to be notified for it.
      • Development Tools
        • Unlike the previous DevOps Engineer – Professional exam, the latest pattern has a heavy focus on the Developer tools and be sure to deep dive into them
        • Understand CodePipepline, CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, CodeBuild and their uses cases
        • CodePipeline
          • Understand how to build Pipelines and integration with other Code* services
          • Understand CodePipeline pipeline structure (Hint : run builds parallelly using runorder)
          • Understand how to configure notifications on events and failures
          • Know CodePipeline supports Manual Approval
        • CodeCommit
          • How to handle deployments for code. (Hint : Same repository and branches for projects and environments)
          • Know CodeCommit IAM policies
        • CodeDeploy
    • Monitoring & Governance tools
      • Very important to understand AWS CloudWatch vs AWS CloudTrail vs AWS Config
      • Very important to understand Trust Advisor vs Systems manager vs AWS Inspector
      • Know Personal Health Dashboard & Service Health Dashboard
      • CloudWatch
      • CloudTrail
        • Understand how to maintain CloudTrail logs integrity
      • Understand AWS Config and its use cases (hint : Config maintains history and can be used to revert the config)
      • Know Personal Health Dashboard (hint : it tracks events on your AWS resources)
      • Understand AWS Trusted Advisor and what it provides (hint : low utilization resources)
      • Systems Manager
        • Systems Manager is also covered heavily in the exams so be sure you know
        • Understand AWS Systems Manager and its various services like parameter store, patch manager
    • Networking & Content Delivery
      • Networking is covered very lightly. Usually the questions are targetted towards Troubleshooting of access or permissions.
      • Know VPC
      • Route 53
    • Security, Identity & Compliance
    • Storage
      • Exam does not cover Storage services in deep
      • Focus on Simple Secure Service (S3)
        • Understand S3 Permissions (Hint – acl authenticated users provides access to all authenticated users. How to control access)
        • Know S3 disaster recovery across region. (hint : cross region replication)
        • Know CloudFront for caching to improve performance
      • Elastic Block Store
        • Focus mainly on EBS Backup using snapshots for HA and Disaster recovery
    • Database
    • Compute
      • Know EC2
        • Understand ENI for HA, user data, pre-baked AMIs for faster instance start times
        • Amazon Linux 2 Image (hint : it allows for replication of Amazon Linux behavior in on-premises)
        • Snapshot and sharing
      • Auto Scaling
        • Auto Scaling Lifecycle events
        • Blue/green deployments with Auto Scaling – With new launch configurations, new auto scaling groups or CloudFormation update policies.
      • Understand Lambda
      • ECS
        • Know Monitoring and deployments with image update
    • Integration Tools
      • Know how CloudWatch integration with SNS and Lambda can help in notification (Topics are not required to be in detail)

AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional (DOP-C01) Exam Resources

AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Speciality (ANS-C00) Exam Learning Path

AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Speciality (ANS-C00) Exam Learning Path

I recently cleared the AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Speciality (ANS-C00), which was my first, en route my path to the AWS Speciality certifications. Frankly, I feel the time I gave for preparation was still not enough, but I just about managed to get through. So a word of caution, this exam is inline or tougher than the professional exam especially for the reason that the Networking concepts it covers are not something you can get your hands dirty with easily.

AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Speciality (ANS-C00) exam is the focusing on the AWS Networking concepts. It basically validates

  • Design, develop, and deploy cloud-based solutions using AWS
    Implement core AWS services according to basic architecture best practices
  • Design and maintain network architecture for all AWS services
  • Leverage tools to automate AWS networking tasks

Refer to AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Speciality Exam Guide

AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Speciality (ANS-C00) Exam Resources

AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Speciality (ANS-C00) Exam Summary

  • AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Speciality exam covers a lot of Networking concepts like VPC, VPN, Direct Connect, Route 53, ALB, NLB.
  • One of the key tactic I followed when solving the DevOps Engineer questions was to read the question and use paper and pencil to draw a rough architecture and focus on the areas that you need to improve. Trust me, you will be able eliminate 2 answers for sure and then need to focus on only the other two. Read the other 2 answers to check the difference area and that would help you reach to the right answer or atleast have a 50% chance of getting it right.
  • Be sure to cover the following topics
    • Networking & Content Delivery
      • You should know everything in Networking.
      • Understand VPC in depth
      • Virtual Private Network to establish connectivity between on-premises data center and AWS VPC
      • Direct Connect to establish connectivity between on-premises data center and AWS VPC and Public Services
        • Make sure you understand Direct Connect in detail, without this you cannot clear the exam
        • Understand Direct Connect connections – Dedicated and Hosted connections
        • Understand how to create a Direct Connect connection (hint: LOA-CFA provides the details for partner to connect to AWS Direct Connect location)
        • Understand virtual interfaces options – Private Virtual Interface for VPC resources and Public Virtual Interface for Public resources
        • Understand setup Private and Public VIF
        • Understand Route Propagation, propagation priority, BGP connectivity
        • Understand High Availability options based on cost and time i.e. Second Direct Connect connection OR VPN connection
        • Understand Direct Connect Gateway – it provides a way to connect to multiple VPCs from on-premises data center using the same Direct Connect connection
      • Route 53
        • Understand Route 53 and Routing Policies and their use cases Focus on Weighted, Latency routing policies
        • Understand Route 53 Split View DNS to have the same DNS to access a site externally and internally
      • Understand CloudFront and use cases
      • Load Balancer
        • Understand ELB, ALB and NLB 
        • Understand the difference ELB, ALB and NLB esp. ALB provides Content, Host and Path based Routing while NLB provides the ability to have static IP address
        • Know how to design VPC CIDR block with NLB (Hint – minimum number of IPs required are 8)
        • Know how to pass original Client IP to the backend instances (Hint – X-Forwarded-for and Proxy Protocol)
      • Know WorkSpaces requirements and setup
    • Security
      • Know AWS GuardDuty as managed threat detection service
      • Know AWS Shield esp. the Shield Advanced option and the features it provides
      • Know WAF as Web Traffic Firewall – (Hint – WAF can be attached to your CloudFront, Application Load Balancer, API Gateway to dynamically detect and prevent attacks)

Google Cloud – Associate Cloud Engineer Certification learning path

Google Cloud - Associate Cloud Engineer

Google Cloud – Associate Cloud Engineer Certification learning path

Google Cloud – Associate Cloud Engineer certification exam is basically for one who works day-in day-out with the Google Cloud Services. It targets an Cloud Engineer who deploys applications, monitors operations, and manages enterprise solutions. The exam makes sure it covers gamut of services and concepts. Although, the exam is not that tough and time available of 2 hours a quite plenty, if you well prepared.

Google Cloud – Associate Cloud Engineer Certification Summary

  • Has 50 questions to be answered in 2 hours.
  • Covers wide range of Google Cloud services and what they actually do. It focuses heavily on IAM, Compute, Storage with a little bit of Network but hardly any data services.
  • Hands-on is a must. Covers Cloud SDK, CLI commands and Console operations that you would use for day-to-day work. If you have not worked on GCP before make sure you do lot of labs else you would be absolute clueless for some of the questions and commands
  • Once again be sure that NO Online Course or Practice tests is going to cover all. I did ACloud Guru – LA course which covered maybe 60-70%, but hands-on or practical knowledge is MUST

Google Cloud – Associate Cloud Engineer Certification Topics

General Services

  • Cloud Billing
    • understand how Cloud Billing works. Monthly vs Threshold and which has priority
    • Budgets can be set to alert for projects
    • how to change a billing account for a project and what roles you need. Hint – Project Owner and Billing Administrator for the billing account
    • Cloud Billing can be exported to BigQuery and Cloud Storage
  • Resource Manager
    • Understand Resource Manager the hierarchy Organization -> Folders -> Projects -> Resources
    • IAM Policy inheritance is transitive and resources inherit the policies of all of their parent resources.
    • Effective policy for a resource is the union of the policy set on that resource and the policies inherited from higher up in the hierarchy.
  • Cloud SDK
    • understand gcloud commands esp. when dealing with
      • configurations i.e. gcloud config
        • activate profiles – gcloud config configurations activate
        • GKE setting default cluster i.e. gcloud config set container/cluster CLUSTER_NAME
        • set project gcloud config set project mygcp-demo
        • set region gcloud config set compute/region us-west1
        • set zone gcloud config set compute/zone us-west1-a
      • Get project list and ids gcloud projects list
      • Auth i.e gcloud auth
        • Auth login using user gcloud auth login
        • Auth login using service accountgcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=sa_key.json
      • deployment manager i.e. gcloud deployment-manager
      • VPC firewalls i.e. gcloud compute firewall-rules

Network Services

  • Virtual Private Cloud
    • Understand Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), subnets and host applications within them Hint VPC spans across region
    • Understand how Firewall rules works and how they are configured. Hint – Focus on Network Tags. Also, there are 2 implicit firewall rules – default ingress deny and default egress allow
    • Understand VPC Peering and Shared VPC
    • Understand the concept internal and external IPs and difference between static and ephemeral IPs
    • Primary IP range of an existing subnet can be expanded by modifying its subnet mask, setting the prefix length to a smaller number.
  • Cloud Load Balancing

Identity Services

  • Identity and Access Management – IAM 
    • Identify and Access Management – IAM provides administrators the ability to manage cloud resources centrally by controlling who can take what action on specific resources.
    • Understand how IAM works and how rules apply esp. the hierarchy from Organization -> Folder -> Project -> Resources
    • Understand the difference between Primitive, Pre-defined and Custom roles and their use cases
    • IAM Policy inheritance is transitive and resources inherit the policies of all of their parent resources.
    • Effective policy for a resource is the union of the policy set on that resource and the policies inherited from higher up in the hierarchy.
    • Basically  Permissions -> Roles -> (IAM Policy) -> Members
    • Need to know and understand the roles for the following services atleast
      • Cloud Storage – Admin vs Creator vs Viewer
      • Compute Engine – Admin vs Instance Admin
      • Spanner – Viewer vs Database User
      • BigQuery – User vs JobUser
    • Know how to copy roles to different projects or organization. Hint – gcloud iam roles copy
    • Know how to use service accounts with applications
  • Cloud Identity
    • Cloud Identity provides IDaaS (Identify as a Service) and provides single sign-on functionality and federation with external identity provides like Active Directory.

Compute Services

  • Make sure you know all the compute services Google Compute Engine, Google App Engine and Google Kubernetes Engine, they are heavily covered in the exam.
  • Google Compute Engine
    • Google Compute Engine is the best IaaS option for compute and provides fine grained control
    • Know how to create a Compute Engine instance, connect to it using Cloud shell or ssh keys
    • Difference between backups and images and how to create instances from the same.
    • Instance templates with managed instance groups. Instance template cannot be edited, create a new one and attach.
    • Difference between managed vs unmanaged instance groups and auto-healing feature
    • Preemptible VMs and their use cases. HINT – can be terminated any time and supports max 24 hours.
    • Upgrade an instance without downtime using Live Migration
    • Managing access using OS Login or project and instance metadata
    • Prevent accidental deletion using deletion protection flag
    • In case of any issues or errors, how to debug the same
  • Google App Engine
    • Google App Engine is mainly the best option for PaaS with platforms supported and features provided.
    • Deploy an application with App Engine and understand how versioning and rolling deployments can be done
    • Understand how to keep auto scaling and traffic splitting and migration.
    • Know App Engine is a regional resource and understand the steps to migrate or deploy application to different region and project.
    • Know the difference between App Engine Flexible vs Standard
  • Google Kubernetes Engine
    • Google Container Engine is now officially Google Kubernetes Engine and the questions refer to the same
    • Google Kubernetes Engine, powered by the open source container scheduler Kubernetes, enables you to run containers on Google Cloud Platform.
    • Kubernetes Engine takes care of provisioning and maintaining the underlying virtual machine cluster, scaling your application, and operational logistics such as logging, monitoring, and cluster health management.
    • Be sure to Create a Kubernetes Cluster and configure it to host an application
    • Understand how to make the cluster auto repairable and upgradable. Hint – Node auto-upgrades and auto-repairing feature
    • Very important to understand where to use gcloud commands (to create a cluster) and kubectl commands (manage the cluster components)
    • Very important to understand how to increase cluster size and enable autoscaling for the cluster
    • know how to manage secrets like database passwords

Storage Services

  • Understand each storage service options and their use cases.
  • Cloud Storage
    • Cloud Storage is cost-effective object storage for unstructured data.
    • very important to know the different storage classes and their use cases esp. Regional and Multi-Regional (frequent access), Nearline (monthly access) and Coldline (yearly access)
    • Understand life cycle management. HINT – Changes are in accordance to object creation date
    • Understand Signed URL to give temporary access and the users do not need to be GCP users
    • Understand access control and permissions – IAM vs ACLs (fine grained control)
    • Understand best practices esp. uploading and downloading the data. HINT using parallel composite uploads
  • Relational Databases
    • Cloud SQL
      • Cloud SQL is a fully-managed service that provides MySQL, PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server
      • limited to 10TB 64TB and is a regional service.
      • Difference between Failover and Read replicas. Failover provides High Availability and almost zero downtime while Read replicas provide scalability. Cross region Read Replicas are supported
      • Perform Point-In-Time recovery. Hint – requires binary logging and backups
    • Cloud Spanner
      • is a fully managed, mission-critical relational database service.
      • provides a scalable online transaction processing (OLTP) database with high availability and strong consistency at global scale.
      • globally distributed and can scale and handle more than 10TB.
      • not a direct replacement and would need migration
    • There are no direct options for Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle yet.
  • Data Warehousing
    • BigQuery
      • provides scalable, fully managed enterprise data warehouse (EDW) with SQL and fast ad-hoc queries.
      • Remember it is most suitable for historical analysis.
      • know how to perform a preview or dry run. Hint – price is determined by bytes read not bytes returned.
      • supports federated tables or external tables that can support Cloud Storage, BigTable, Google Drive and Cloud SQL.

Data Services

  • Although there were only a couple of reference of big data services in the exam, it is important to know (DO NOT DEEP DIVE) the Big Data stack (esp. IoT gateway, Pub/Sub, Bigtable vs BigQuery) to understand which service fits the different layers of ingest, store, process, analytics, use
    • Cloud Storage as the medium to store data as data lake
    • Cloud Pub/Sub as the messaging service to capture real time data esp. IoT
    • Cloud Pub/Sub is designed to provide reliable, many-to-many, asynchronous messaging between applications esp. real time IoT data capture
    • Cloud Dataflow to process, transform, transfer data and the key service to integrate store and analytics.
    • Cloud BigQuery for storage and analytics. Remember BigQuery provides the same cost-effective option for storage as Cloud Storage
    • Cloud Dataprep to clean and prepare data. Hint – It can be used anomaly detection.
    • Cloud Dataproc to handle existing Hadoop/Spark jobs. Hint – Use it to replace existing hadoop infra.
    • Cloud Datalab is an interactive tool for exploration, transformation, analysis and visualization of your data on Google Cloud Platform


  • Google Cloud Monitoring or Stackdriver
    • provides everything from monitoring, alert, error reporting, metrics, diagnostics, debugging, trace.
    • remember audits are mainly checking Stackdriver

DevOps services

  • Deployment Manager 
  • Google Marketplace (Cloud Launcher)
    • provides a way to launch common software packages e.g. Jenkins or WordPress and stacks on Google Compute Engine with just a few clicks like a prepackaged solution.
    • It can help minimize deployment time and can be used without any knowledge about the product

Google Cloud – Associate Cloud Engineer Certification Resources

Google Cloud – Professional Data Engineer Certification learning path

Google Cloud – Professional Data Engineer Certification Learning Path

I just recertified on my Google Cloud Certified – Professional Data Engineer certification. The first attempt on the Data Engineer exam has already been 2 long years which lasted for 4 hours with 95 questions. Once again, similar to the other Google Cloud certification exams, the Data Engineer exam covers not only the gamut of services and concepts but also focuses on logical thinking and practical experience.

Google Cloud – Professional Cloud Data Engineer Certification Summary

  • Cloud Data Engineer exam had 50 questions to be answered in 2 hours
  • Covers a wide range of data services including machine learning, with other topics covering storage and security.
  • Exam does not cover any case studies
  • Although the exam covers the latest services, it has not been updated for Cloud Monitoring and Logging and still refers to Stackdriver.
  • Nothing much on Compute and Network is covered
  • Questions sometimes test your logical thinking rather than any concept regarding Google Cloud.
  • Hands-on is MUST, if you have not worked on GCP before make sure you do lots of labs else you would be absolutely clueless about some of the questions and commands
  • Be sure that NO Online Courses or Practice tests are going to cover all. I did Coursera, LinuxAcademy which is really vast, but hands-on or practical knowledge is MUST.

Google Cloud – Professional Cloud Data Engineer Certification Resources

Google Cloud – Professional Cloud Data Engineer Certification Topics

Data & Analytics Services

  • Obviously, there are lots and lots of data and related services
  • Google Cloud Data & Analytics Services Cheatsheet
  • Know the Big Data stack and understand which service fits the different layers of ingest, store, process, analytics
  • Cloud BigQuery
    • provides scalable, fully managed enterprise data warehouse (EDW) with SQL and fast ad-hoc queries.
    • ideal for storage and analytics.
    • provides the same cost-effective option for storage as Cloud Storage
    • understand BigQuery Security
      • use BigQuery IAM access roles to control data and querying access
      • use Authorized views to access control tables, columns within tables, and query results. HINT: Authorized views need to reside in a different dataset as compared to the source dataset.
      • support data encryption
    • understand BigQuery Best Practices including key strategy, cost optimization, partitioning, and clustering
      • use dry run to estimate costs
      • use partitioning and clustering to limit the amount of data scanned
      • using external data sources might result in query performance degradation and its better to import the data
    • Dataset location can be set ONLY at the time of its creation.
    • supports schema auto-detection for JSON and CSV files.
    • understand how BigQuery Streaming works
    • know BigQuery limitations esp. with updates and inserts
    • supports an external data source (federated data source)
      • which is a data source that can be queried directly even though the data is not stored in BigQuery.
      • offers support for querying data directly from:
        • Cloud Bigtable
        • Cloud Storage
        • Google Drive
        • Cloud SQL
      • Use Permanent table for querying an external data source multiple times
      • Use Temporary table for querying an external data source for one-time, ad-hoc queries over external data, or for extract, transform, and load (ETL) processes.
  • Cloud Bigtable
    • provides column database suitable for both low-latency single-point lookups and precalculated analytics
    • understand Bigtable is not for long term storage as it is quite expensive
    • know the differences with HBase
    • Know how to measure performance and scale
    • supports Development and Production mode. Development mode can be upgraded to production and not vice versa.
    • supports HDD and SDD storage during cluster creation. HDD can be converted to SDD by exporting the data to the new instance.
    • understand Bigtable Replication. Can be used to separate real-time and batch workloads on the same instance using application profiles.
  • Cloud Pub/Sub
    • as the messaging service to capture real-time data esp. IoT
    • is designed to provide reliable, many-to-many, asynchronous messaging between applications esp. real-time IoT data capture
    • guarantees at-least-once (but not exactly once) message delivery and can result in data duplication if the message is not ack within a defined time period.
    • how it compares to Kafka (HINT: provides only 7 days of retention vs Kafka which depends on the storage)
  • Cloud Dataflow
    • to process, transform, transfer data and the key service to integrate store and analytics.
    • know how to improve a Dataflow performance
    • understand Apache Beam features as well
      • understand PCollections, Transforms, ParDo and what they do
      • understand windowing, watermarks, triggers Hint: windowing and watermarks can be used to handle delayed messages
    • supports drain feature to finish existing jobs but stop processing new ones, usually useful for deploying incompatible breaking changes
    • canceling a job will lead to an immediate stop and in-flight data loss.
  • Cloud Dataprep
    • to clean and prepare data. It can be used for anomaly detection.
    • does not need any programming language knowledge and can be done through the graphical interface
    • be sure to know or try hands-on on a dataset
  • Cloud Dataproc
    • to handle existing Hadoop/Spark jobs
    • supports connector for BigQuery, Bigtable, Cloud Storage
    • supports Ephermal clusters and with Cloud Storage connector support the data can be stored in GCS instead of HDFS
    • you need to know how to improve the performance of the Hadoop cluster as well :). Know how to configure the Hadoop cluster to use all the cores (hint- spark executor cores) and handle out of memory errors (hint – executor memory)
    • Secondary workers can be used to scale with the below limitations
      • Processing only with no data storage
      • No secondary-worker-only clusters
      • Persistent disk size is used for local caching of data and is not available through HDFS.
    • how to install other components (hint – initialization actions)
  • Cloud Datalab
    • is an interactive tool for exploration, transformation, analysis, and visualization of your data on Google Cloud Platform
    • based on Jupyter
  • Cloud Composer
    • fully managed workflow orchestration service, based on Apache Airflow, enabling workflow creation that spans across clouds and on-premises data centers.
    • pipelines are configured as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs)
    • workflow lives on-premises, in multiple clouds, or fully within GCP.
    • provides the ability to author, schedule, and monitor the workflows in a unified manner

Identity Services

  • Cloud IAM 
    • provides administrators the ability to manage cloud resources centrally by controlling who can take what action on specific resources.
    • Understand how IAM works and how rules apply esp. the hierarchy from Organization -> Folder -> Project -> Resources
    • Understand IAM Best practices

Storage Services

  • Understand each storage service option and its use cases.
  • Cloud Storage
    • cost-effective object storage for unstructured data.
    • very important to know the different classes and their use cases esp. Regional and Multi-Regional (frequent access), Nearline (monthly access), and Coldline (yearly access)
    • Understand Signed URL to give temporary access and the users do not need to be GCP users
    • Understand permissions – IAM vs ACLs (fine-grained control)
  • Cloud SQL
    • is a fully-managed service that provides MySQL and PostgreSQL only.
    • Limited to 10TB and is a regional service.
    • No direct options for Oracle yet.
  • Cloud Spanner
    • is a fully managed, mission-critical relational database service.
    • provides a scalable online transaction processing (OLTP) database with high availability and strong consistency at a global scale.
    • globally distributed and can scale and handle more than 10TB.
    • not a direct replacement and would need migration
  • Cloud Datastore
    • provides document database for web and mobile applications. Datastore is not for analytics
    • Understand Datastore indexes and how to update indexes for Datastore

Machine Learning

  • Google expects the Data Engineer to surely know some of the Data scientists stuff
  • Understand the different algorithms
    • Supervised Learning (labeled data)
      • Classification (for e.g. Spam or Not)
      • Regression (for e.g. Stock or House prices)
    • Unsupervised Learning (Unlabelled data)
      • Clustering (for e.g. categories)
    • Reinforcement Learning
  • Know Cloud ML with Tensorflow
  • Know all the Cloud AI products which include
    • Cloud Vision
    • Cloud Natural Language
    • Cloud Speech-to-Text
    • Cloud Video Intelligence
    • Cloud Dialogflow
  • Cloud AutoML products, which can help you get started without much machine learning experience


  • Cloud Monitoring and Logging
    • provides everything from monitoring, alert, error reporting, metrics, diagnostics, debugging, trace.
    • remember audits are mainly checking Cloud Logging entries
    • Aggregated sink can then route log entries from the organization or folder, plus (recursively) from any contained folders, billing accounts, or projects

Security Services

Other Services

  • Storage Transfer Service 
    • allows import of large amounts of online data into Google Cloud Storage, quickly and cost-effectively. Online data is the key here as it supports AWS S3, HTTP/HTTPS, and other GCS buckets. If the data is on-premises you need to use the gsutil command
  • Transfer Appliance 
    • to transfer large amounts of data quickly and cost-effectively into Google Cloud Platform. Check for the data size and it would be always compared with Google Transfer Service or gsutil commands.
  • BigQuery Data Transfer Service
    • to integrate with third-party services and load data into BigQuery

Google Cloud – Professional Cloud Architect Certification learning path

Google Cloud - Professional Cloud Architect certificate

Google Cloud – Professional Cloud Architect Certification Learning Path

Re-certified !!!! Google Cloud – Professional Cloud Architect certification exam is one of the toughest exam I have appeared for. Even though it was recertification, the preparation level was same as the first one. The gamut of services and concepts it tests your knowledge on is really vast.

Google Cloud – Professional Cloud Architect Certification Summary

  • Has 50 questions to be answered in 2 hours.
  • Covers wide range of Google Cloud services and what they actually do.
  • includes Compute, Storage, Network and even Data services
  • Questions sometimes tests your logical thinking rather than any concept regarding Google Cloud.
  • Hands-on is a MUST, if you have not worked on GCP before make sure you do lots of labs else you would be absolute clueless for some of the questions and commands
  • Make sure you cover the case studies before hand. I got  ~15 questions (almost 5 per case study) and it can really be a savior for you in the exams.
  • Be sure that NO Online Course or Practice tests is going to cover all. I did LinuxAcademy (a bit old now) which is really vast, but hands-on or practical knowledge is MUST.

Google Cloud – Professional Cloud Architect Certification Resources

Google Cloud – Professional Cloud Architect Certification Topics

General Services

  • Cloud Billing
    • understand how Cloud Billing works. Monthly vs Threshold and which has priority
    • Budgets can be set to alert for projects
    • how to change a billing account for a project and what roles you need. Hint – Project Owner and Billing Administrator for the billing account
    • Cloud Billing can be exported to BigQuery and Cloud Storage
  • Resource Manager
    • Understand Resource Manager the hierarchy Organization -> Folders -> Projects -> Resources
    • IAM Policy inheritance is transitive and resources inherit the policies of all of their parent resources.
    • Effective policy for a resource is the union of the policy set on that resource and the policies inherited from higher up in the hierarchy.

Identity Services

  • Cloud Identity and Access Management
    • Identify and Access Management – IAM provides administrators the ability to manage cloud resources centrally by controlling who can take what action on specific resources.
    • Understand how IAM works and how rules apply esp. the hierarchy from Organization -> Folder -> Project -> Resources
    • Understand the difference between Primitive, Pre-defined and Custom roles and their use cases
    • IAM Policy inheritance is transitive and resources inherit the policies of all of their parent resources.
    • Effective policy for a resource is the union of the policy set on that resource and the policies inherited from higher up in the hierarchy.
    • Basically  Permissions -> Roles -> (IAM Policy) -> Members
    • Know how to use service accounts with applications
  • Cloud Identity
    • Cloud Identity provides IDaaS (Identity as a Service) and provides single sign-on functionality and federation with external identity provides like Active Directory.
    • Cloud Identity supports federating with Active Directory using GCDS to implement the synchronization

Compute Services

    • Make sure you know all the compute services Google Compute Engine, Google App Engine and Google Kubernetes Engine. You need to be sure to know the pros and cons and the use cases that you should use them.
    • Google Compute Engine
      • Google Compute Engine is the best IaaS option for compute and provides fine grained control
      • Know how to create a Compute Engine instance, connect to it using Cloud shell or ssh keys
      • Difference between backups and images and how to create instances from the same.
      • Understand Compute Engine Storage Options. Disk throughput and IOPS depends on type and size.
      • Understand Compute Engine Snapshots
      • Instance templates with managed instance groups provide scalability and high availability
      • Instance template cannot be edited, create a new one and attach.
      • Difference between managed vs unmanaged instance groups and auto-healing feature
      • Managed instance groups are covered heavily the exam, as they provide the key auto-scaling capability. Hint: you need to create an Instance template and associate it with Instance group
      • Understand how migration or traffic splitting with Managed instance groups works Hint – rolling updates & deployments
      • Preemptible VMs and their use cases. HINT – can be terminated any time and supports max 24 hours.
      • Upgrade an instance without downtime using Live Migration
      • Managing access using OS Login or project and instance metadata
      • Prevent accidental deletion using deletion protection flag
      •  Understand the pricing and discounts model Hint – Sustained (automatic upto 30%) vs Committed (1 to 3 yrs) discounts.
      • In case of any issues or errors, how to debug the same
    • Google App Engine
      • Google App Engine is mainly the best option for PaaS with platforms supported and features provided.
      • Deploy an application with App Engine and understand how versioning and rolling deployments can be done
      • Understand how to keep auto scaling and traffic splitting and migration.
      • Know App Engine is a regional resource and understand the steps to migrate or deploy application to different region and project.
      • Know the difference between App Engine Flexible vs Standard
    • Google Kubernetes Engine
      • Google Kubernetes Engine, powered by the open source container scheduler Kubernetes, enables you to run containers on Google Cloud Platform.
      • Kubernetes Engine takes care of provisioning and maintaining the underlying virtual machine cluster, scaling your application, and operational logistics such as logging, monitoring, and cluster health management.
      • A node pool is a subset of machines that all have the same configuration, including machine type (CPU and memory) authorization scopes. Node pools represent a subset of nodes within a cluster; a container cluster can contain one or more node pools. Hint : For adding new machine types, need to add a new node pool as existing one cannot be edited
      • Be sure to Create a Kubernetes Cluster and configure it to host an application
      • Understand how to make the cluster auto repairable and upgradable. Hint – Node auto-upgrades and auto-repairing feature
      • Very important to understand where to use gcloud commands (to create a cluster) and kubectl commands (manage the cluster components)
      • Very important to understand how to increase cluster size and enable autoscaling for the cluster
      • Know how to manage secrets like database passwords
    • Cloud Functions
      • is a lightweight, event-based, asynchronous compute solution that allows you to create small, single-purpose functions that respond to cloud events without the need to manage a server or a runtime environment.
      • Remember that Cloud Functions is serverless and scales from zero to scale and back to zero as the demand changes.

Network Services

  • Virtual Private Cloud
    • Understand Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), subnets and host applications within them Hint VPC spans across region
    • Understand how Firewall rules works and how they are configured. Hint – Focus on Network Tags. Also, there are 2 implicit firewall rules – default ingress deny and default egress allow
    • Understand VPC Peering and Shared VPC
    • Understand the concept internal and external IPs and difference between static and ephemeral IPs
    • Primary IP range of an existing subnet can be expanded by modifying its subnet mask, setting the prefix length to a smaller number.
    • Understand Private Google Access use cases
  • On-premises connectivity
    • Cloud VPN and Interconnect are 2 components which help you connect to on-premises data center.
    • Understand limitations of Cloud VPN esp. 3Gbps limit. How it can be improved with multiple tunnels.
    • Understand what are the requirements to setup Cloud VPN.
    • Cloud Router provides dynamic routing using BGP
    • Know Interconnect as the reliable high speed, low latency and dedicated bandwidth options.
  • Cloud Load Balancing (GCLB)
    • Google Cloud Load Balancing provides scaling, high availability, and traffic management for your internet-facing and private applications.
    • Understand Google Load Balancing options and their use cases esp. which is global and internal and what protocols they support.

Storage Services

  • Understand each Storage Options and use cases.
  • Persistent disks
    • attached to the Compute Engines, provide fast access however are limited in scalability, availability and scope.
    • Remember performance depends on the size of the disk
  • Cloud Storage
    • Cloud Storage is cost-effective object storage for unstructured data.
    • very important to know the different storage classes and their use cases esp. Regional and Multi-Regional (frequent access), Nearline (monthly access) and Coldline (yearly access)
    • Understand life cycle management. HINT – Changes are in accordance to object creation date
    • Understand various data encryption techniques
    • Understand Signed URL to give temporary access and the users do not need to be GCP users
    • Understand access control and permissions – IAM vs ACLs (fine grained control)
    • Understand best practices esp. uploading and downloading the data. HINT using parallel composite uploads
  • Relational Databases
    • Know Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanner
    • Cloud SQL
      • Cloud SQL is a fully-managed service that provides MySQL, PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server
      • limited to 10TB and is a regional service.
      • Difference between Failover and Read replicas. Failover provides High Availability and almost zero downtime while Read replicas provide scalability. Cross region Read Replicas are supported
      • Perform Point-In-Time recovery. Hint – requires binary logging and backups
      • MS SQL server support was added anew. Previously for HA, it required setting up SQL Server on Compute Engine, using Always On Availability Groups using Windows Failover Clustering. Place nodes in different subnets.
    • Cloud Spanner
      • is a fully managed, mission-critical relational database service.
      • provides a scalable online transaction processing (OLTP) database with high availability and strong consistency at global scale.
      • globally distributed and can scale and handle more than 10TB.
      • not a direct replacement and would need migration
    • There are no direct options for Oracle yet.
  • NoSQL
    • Know Cloud Datastore and BigTable
    • Datastore
      • provides document database for web and mobile applications. Datastore is not for analytics
      • Understand Datastore indexes and how to update indexes for Datastore
      • Can be configured Multi-regional and regional
    • Bigtable
      • provides column database suitable for both low-latency single-point lookups and precalculated analytics
      • understand Bigtable is not for long term storage as it is quite expensive
  • Data Warehousing
    • BigQuery
      • provides scalable, fully managed enterprise data warehouse (EDW) with SQL and fast ad-hoc queries.
      • Remember it is most suitable for historical analysis.
  • MemoryStore and Firebase did not feature in any of the questions

Data Services

  • Although there is a different certification for Data Engineer, the Cloud Architect does cover data services. Data services are also part of the use cases so be sure to know about them
  • Know the Big Data stack and understand which service fits the different layers of ingest, store, process, analytics, use
  • Key Services which need to be mainly covered are –
    • Cloud Storage as the medium to store data as data lake
    • Cloud Pub/Sub
      • as the messaging service to capture real time data esp. IoT
      • is designed to provide reliable, many-to-many, asynchronous messaging between applications esp. real time IoT data capture
      • Cloud Storage can generate notifications Object change notification
    • Cloud Dataflow to process, transform, transfer data and the key service to integrate store and analytics.
    • Cloud BigQuery for storage and analytics. Remember BigQuery provides the same cost-effective option for storage as Cloud Storage
    • Cloud Dataprep to clean and prepare data. Hint – It can be used anomaly detection.
    • Cloud Dataproc to handle existing Hadoop/Spark jobs. Hint – Use it to replace existing hadoop infra.
    • Cloud Datalab is an interactive tool for exploration, transformation, analysis and visualization of your data on Google Cloud Platform
  • Know standard patterns Cloud Pub/Sub -> Dataflow -> BigQuery


  • Google Cloud Monitoring or Stackdriver
    • provides everything from monitoring, alert, error reporting, metrics, diagnostics, debugging, trace.
    • remember audits are mainly checking Stackdriver
  • Google Cloud Logging or Stackdriver logging

DevOps services

  • Deployment Manager 
    • provides Infrastructure as Code
    • provides dynamic provisioning with templates
  • Cloud Source Repositories
    • provides source code repository with Git version control to support collaborative development
  • Container Registry
    • is a private Docker image storage system on Google Cloud Platform.
    • images stored are immutable.
  • Cloud Build
    • is a service that executes your builds on Google Cloud Platform infrastructure.
  • MarketPlace (Cloud Launcher)
    • provides a way to launch common software packages e.g. Jenkins or WordPress and stacks on Google Compute Engine with just a few clicks like a prepackaged solution.
    • can help minimize deployment time and can be used without any knowledge about the product

Security Services

  • Cloud Security Scanner 
    • is a web application security scanner that enables developers to easily check for a subset of common web application vulnerabilities in websites built on App Engine and Compute Engine.
  • Data Loss Prevention API
    • to handle sensitive data esp. redaction of PII data.
  • PCI-DSS compliant
    • GCP services are PCI-DSS complaint, however you need to make sure for the applications and hosting to be inline with PCI-DSS requirements
  • Same concept as PCI-DSS applies to GDPR as well

Other Services

  • Know various data transfer options
  • Storage Transfer Service
    • allows import of large amounts of online data into Google Cloud Storage, quickly and cost-effectively.
    • Online data is the key here as it supports AWS S3, HTTP/HTTPS and other GCS buckets.
    • for on-premises data you need to use gsutil command
  • Transfer Appliance 
    • to transfer large amounts of data quickly and cost-effectively into Google Cloud Platform.
    • Check for the data size and it would be always compared with Google Transfer Service or gsutil commands.
    • Transfer Appliance Rehydrator provides data rehydration, which is the process by to fully reconstitute the files, so that the transferred data can be accessed and used.
  • Spinnaker
    • is an open source, multi-cloud, continuous delivery platform and does appear in answer options. So be sure to know about it.
  • Jenkins
    • for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery.

Case Studies

AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate (SOA-C01) Exam Learning Path

AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate (SOA-C01) Exam Learning Path

AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate (SOA-C01) exam is the latest AWS exam and has already replaced the old SysOps Administrator – Associate exam from 24th Sept 2018. It basically validates

  • Deploy, manage, and operate scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant systems on AWS
  • Implement and control the flow of data to and from AWS
  • Select the appropriate AWS service based on compute, data, or security requirements
  • Identify appropriate use of AWS operational best practices
  • Estimate AWS usage costs and identify operational cost control mechanisms
  • Migrate on-premises workloads to AWS

Refer AWS Certified SysOps – Associate Exam Guide Sep 18

AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Content Outline

AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate (SOA-C01) Exam Summary

  • AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate exam is quite different from the previous one with more focus on the error handling, deployment, monitoring.
  • AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate exam covers a lot of latest AWS services like ALB, Lambda, AWS Config, AWS Inspector, AWS Shield while focusing majorly on other services like CloudWatch, Metrics from various services, CloudTrail.
  • Be sure to cover the following topics
    •  Monitoring & Management Tools
      • Understand CloudWatch monitoring to provide operational transparency
        • Know which EC2 metrics it can track (disk, network, CPU, status checks) and which would need custom metrics (memory, disk swap, disk storage etc.)
        • Know ELB monitoring
          • Classic Load Balancer metrics SurgeQueueLength and SpilloverCount
          • Reasons for 4XX and 5XX errors
      • Understand CloudTrail for audit and governance
      • Understand AWS Config and its use cases
      • Understand AWS Systems Manager and its various services like parameter store, patch manager
      • Understand AWS Trusted Advisor and what it provides
      • Very important to understand AWS CloudWatch vs AWS CloudTrail vs AWS Config
      • Very important to understand Trust Advisor vs Systems manager vs Inspector
      • Know Personal Health Dashboard & Service Health Dashboard
      • Deployment tools
        • Know AWS OpsWorks and its ability to support chef & puppet
        • Know Elastic Beanstalk and its advantages
        • Understand AWS CloudFormation
          • Know stacks, templates, nested stacks
          • Know how to wait for resources setup to be completed before proceeding esp. cfn-signal
          • Know how to retain resources (RDS, S3), prevent rollback in case of a failure
    • Networking & Content Delivery
      • Understand VPC in depth
        • Understand the difference between
          • Bastion host – allow access to instances in private subnet
          • NAT – route traffic from private subnets to internet
          • NAT instance vs NAT Gateway
          • Internet Gateway – Access to internet
          • Virtual Private Gateway – Connectivity between on-premises and VPC
          • Egress-Only Internet Gateway – relevant to IPv6 only to allow egress traffic from private subnet to internet, without allowing ingress traffic
        • Understand
        • Understand how VPC Peering works and limitations
        • Understand VPC Endpoints and supported services
        • Ability to debug networking issues like EC2 not accessible, EC2 instances not reachable, Instances in subnets not able to communicate with others or Internet.
      • Understand Route 53 and Routing Policies and their use cases
        • Focus on Weighted, Latency routing policies
      • Understand VPN and Direct Connect and their use cases
      • Understand CloudFront and use cases
      • Understand ELB, ALB and NLB and what features they provide like
        • ALB provides content and path routing
        • NLB provides ability to give static IPs to load balancer.
    • Compute
      • Understand EC2 in depth
        • Understand EC2 instance types
        • Understand EC2 purchase options esp. spot instances and improved reserved instances options.
        • Understand how IO Credits work and T2 burstable performance and T2 unlimited
        • Understand EC2 Metadata & Userdata. Whats the use of each? How to look up instance data after it is launched.
        • Understand EC2 Security. 
          • How IAM Role work with EC2 instances
          • IAM Role can now be attached to stopped and runnings instances
        • Understand AMIs and remember they are regional and how can they be shared with others.
        • Troubleshoot issues with launching EC2 esp. RequestLimitExceeded, InstanceLimitExceeded etc.
        • Troubleshoot connectivity, lost ssh keys issues
      • Understand Auto Scaling
      • Understand Lambda and its use cases
      • Understand Lambda with API Gateway
    • Storage
    • Databases
    • Security
      • Understand IAM as a whole
      • Understand KMS for key management and envelope encryption
      • Understand CloudHSM and KMS vs CloudHSM esp. support for symmetric and asymmetric keys
      • Know AWS Inspector and its use cases
      • Know AWS GuardDuty as managed threat detection service. Will help eliminate as the option
      • Know AWS Shield esp. the Shield Advanced option and the features it provides
      • Know WAF as Web Traffic Firewall
      • Know AWS Artifact as on-demand access to compliance reports
    • Integration Tools
      • Understand SQS as message queuing service and SNS as pub/sub notification service
        • Focus on SQS as a decoupling service
        • Understand SQS FIFO, make sure you know the differences between standard and FIFO
      • Understand CloudWatch integration with SNS for notification
    • Cost management

AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate (SOA-C01) Exam Resources

AWS Cloud Computing Whitepapers

AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate (SOA-C01) Exam Contents

Domain 1: Monitoring and Reporting

  1. Create and maintain metrics and alarms utilizing AWS monitoring services
  1. Recognize and differentiate performance and availability metrics
  2. Perform the steps necessary to remediate based on performance and availability metrics

Domain 2: High Availability

  1. Implement scalability and elasticity based on use case
  2. Recognize and differentiate highly available and resilient environments on AWS

Domain 3: Deployment and Provisioning

  1. Identify and execute steps required to provision cloud resources
  2. Identify and remediate deployment issues

Domain 4: Storage and Data Management

  1. Create and manage data retention
  2. Identify and implement data protection, encryption, and capacity planning needs

Domain 5: Security and Compliance

  1. Implement and manage security policies on AWS
  1. Implement access controls when using AWS
  2. Differentiate between the roles and responsibility within the shared responsibility model

Domain 6: Networking

  1. Apply AWS networking features
  1. Implement connectivity services of AWS
  2. Gather and interpret relevant information for network troubleshooting

Domain 7: Automation and Optimization

  1. Use AWS services and features to manage and assess resource utilization
  2. Employ cost-optimization strategies for efficient resource utilization
  3. Automate manual or repeatable process to minimize management overhead