VPC Network Access Analyzer

VPC Network Access Analyzer

  • VPC Network Access Analyzer helps identify unintended network access to the resources on AWS.
  • Network Access Analyzer can be used to
    • Understand, verify, and improve the network security posture
      • helps identify unintended network access relative to the security and compliance requirements that enable improving network security.
    • Demonstrate compliance
      • can help demonstrate that the network on AWS meets certain compliance requirements.
  • Network Access Analyzer can help verify the following example requirements:
    • Network segmentation
      • verify that the production environment VPCs and development environment VPCs are isolated from one another or systems that process credit card information are isolated from the rest of the environment.
    • Internet accessibility
      • can help identify resources that can be accessed from internet gateways, and verify that they are limited to only those resources that have a legitimate need to be accessible from the internet.
    • Trusted network paths
      • can help verify that appropriate network controls such as network firewalls and NAT gateways are configured on all network paths between the resources and internet gateways.
    • Trusted network access
      • can help verify that the resources have network access only from a trusted IP address range, over specific ports and protocols.
      • network access requirements can be specified in terms of:
        • Individual resource IDs, such as vpc-01234567
        • All resources of a given type, such as AWS::EC2::InternetGateway
        • All resources with a given tag, using AWS Resource Groups
        • IP address ranges, port ranges, and traffic protocols

Network Access Analyzer Concepts

  • Network Access Scopes
    • Network Access Scopes specifies the network access requirements, which determine the types of findings that the analysis produces.
    • MatchPaths field help to specify the types of network paths to identify.
    • ExcludePaths field help to specify the types of network paths to exclude
  • Findings
    • Findings are potential paths in the network that match any of the MatchPaths entries in the Network Access Scope, but that do not match any of the ExcludePaths entries in the Network Access Scope.

Network Access Analyzer Works

  • Network Access Analyzer uses automated reasoning algorithms to analyze the network paths that a packet can take between resources in an AWS network.
  • performs a static analysis of a network configuration, meaning that no packets are transmitted in the network as part of this analysis.
  • produces findings for paths that match a customer-defined Network Access Scope.
  • only considers the state of the network as described in the network configuration, packet loss that’s due to transient network interruptions or service failures is not considered in this analysis.

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.




NAT Gateway High Availability


  • AWS NAT – Network Address Translation devices, launched in the public subnet, enables instances in a private subnet to connect to the Internet but prevents the Internet from initiating connections with the instances.
  • Instances in private subnets would need an internet connection for performing software updates or trying to access external services.
  • NAT device performs the function of both address translation and port address translation (PAT)
  • NAT instance prevents instances to be directly exposed to the Internet and having to be launched in a Public subnet and assigning of the Elastic IP address to all, which are limited.
  • NAT device routes the traffic, from the private subnet to the Internet, by replacing the source IP address with its address and it translates the address back to the instances’ private IP addresses for the response traffic.
  • AWS allows NAT configuration in 2 ways
    • NAT Gateway, managed service by AWS
    • NAT Instance

NAT Gateway

  • NAT gateway is an AWS managed NAT service that provides better availability, higher bandwidth, and requires less administrative effort.
  • A NAT gateway supports 5 Gbps of bandwidth and automatically scales up to 100 Gbps. For higher bursts requirements, the workload can be distributed by splitting the resources into multiple subnets and creating a NAT gateway in each subnet.
  • Public NAT gateway is associated with One Elastic IP address which cannot be disassociated after its creation.
  • Each NAT gateway is created in a specific Availability Zone and implemented with redundancy in that zone.
  • A NAT gateway supports the TCP, UDP, and ICMP protocols.
  • NAT gateway cannot be associated with a security group. Security can be configured for the instances in the private subnets to control the traffic.
  • Network ACL can be used to control the traffic to and from the subnet. NACL applies to the NAT gateway’s traffic, which uses ports 1024-65535
  • NAT gateway when created receives an elastic network interface that’s automatically assigned a private IP address from the IP address range of the subnet. Attributes of this network interface cannot be modified.
  • NAT gateway cannot send traffic over VPC endpoints, VPN connections, AWS Direct Connect, or VPC peering connections. The private subnet’s route table should be modified to route the traffic directly to these devices.
  • NAT gateway times out the connection if it is idle for 350 seconds or more. To prevent the connection from being dropped, initiate more traffic over the connection or enable TCP keepalive on the instance with a value of less than 350 seconds.
  • NAT gateways currently do not support the IPsec protocol.
  • A NAT gateway only passes traffic from an instance in a private subnet to the internet.

NAT Gateway High Availability

NAT Gateway vs NAT Instance

NAT Gateway vs NAT Instance

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. After launching an instance that you intend to serve as a NAT (Network Address Translation) device in a public subnet you modify your route tables to have the NAT device be the target of internet bound traffic of your private subnet. When you try and make an outbound connection to the Internet from an instance in the private subnet, you are not successful. Which of the following steps could resolve the issue?
    1. Attaching a second Elastic Network interface (ENI) to the NAT instance, and placing it in the private subnet
    2. Attaching an Elastic IP address to the instance in the private subnet
    3. Attaching a second Elastic Network Interface (ENI) to the instance in the private subnet, and placing it in the public subnet
    4. Disabling the Source/Destination Check attribute on the NAT instance
  2. You manually launch a NAT AMI in a public subnet. The network is properly configured. Security groups and network access control lists are property configured. Instances in a private subnet can access the NAT. The NAT can access the Internet. However, private instances cannot access the Internet. What additional step is required to allow access from the private instances?
    1. Enable Source/Destination Check on the private Instances.
    2. Enable Source/Destination Check on the NAT instance.
    3. Disable Source/Destination Check on the private instances
    4. Disable Source/Destination Check on the NAT instance
  3. A user has created a VPC with public and private subnets. The VPC has CIDR The private subnet uses CIDR and the public subnet uses CIDR The user is planning to host a web server in the public subnet (port 80. and a DB server in the private subnet (port 3306.. The user is configuring a security group of the NAT instance. Which of the below mentioned entries is not required for the NAT security group?
    1. For Inbound allow Source: on port 80
    2. For Outbound allow Destination: on port 80
    3. For Inbound allow Source: on port 80 (Refer NATSG)
    4. For Outbound allow Destination: on port 443
  4. A web company is looking to implement an external payment service into their highly available application deployed in a VPC. Their application EC2 instances are behind a public facing ELB. Auto scaling is used to add additional instances as traffic increases. Under normal load the application runs 2 instances in the Auto Scaling group but at peak it can scale 3x in size. The application instances need to communicate with the payment service over the Internet, which requires whitelisting of all public IP addresses used to communicate with it. A maximum of 4 whitelisting IP addresses are allowed at a time and can be added through an API. How should they architect their solution?
    1. Route payment requests through two NAT instances setup for High Availability and whitelist the Elastic IP addresses attached to the NAT instances
    2. Whitelist the VPC Internet Gateway Public IP and route payment requests through the Internet Gateway. (Internet gateway is only to route traffic)
    3. Whitelist the ELB IP addresses and route payment requests from the Application servers through the ELB. (ELB does not have a fixed IP address)
    4. Automatically assign public IP addresses to the application instances in the Auto Scaling group and run a script on boot that adds each instances public IP address to the payment validation whitelist API. (would exceed the allowed 4 IP addresses)

AWS Transit Gateway – TGW

Transit Gateway

AWS Transit Gateway – TGW

  • AWS Transit Gateway – TGW is a highly available and scalable service to consolidate the AWS VPC routing configuration for a region with a hub-and-spoke architecture.
  • acts as a Regional virtual router and is a network transit hub that can be used to interconnect VPCs and on-premises networks.
  • traffic always stays on the global AWS backbone, data is automatically encrypted, and never traverses the public internet, thereby reducing threat vectors, such as common exploits and DDoS attacks.
  • is a Regional resource and can connect VPCs within the same AWS Region.
  • TGWs across different regions can peer with each other to enable VPC communications across regions.
  • Each spoke VPC only needs to connect to the TGW to gain access to other connected VPCs.
  • provides simpler VPC-to-VPC communication management over VPC Peering with a large number of VPCs.
  • scales elastically based on the volume of network traffic.
  • TGW routing operates at layer 3, where the packets are sent to a specific next-hop attachment, based on their destination IP addresses.
  • AWS Resource Access Manager – RAM can be used to share the TGW with other accounts.

Transit Gateway

Transit Gateway Attachments

  • Transit Gateway attachment is the connection between resources like VPC, VPN, Direct Connect, and the TGW.
  • YGW attachment is both a source and a destination of packets.
  • TGW supports the following attachments
    • One or more VPCs
    • One or more VPN connections
    • One or more AWS Direct Connect Gateways
    • One or more Transit Gateway Connect attachments
    • One or more Transit Gateway peering connections
    • One of more Connect SD-WAN/third-party network appliance

Transit Gateway Routing

  • Transit Gateway routes IPv4 and IPv6 packets between attachments using transit gateway route tables.
  • Route tables can be configured to propagate routes from the route tables for the attached VPCs, VPN connections, and Direct Connect gateways.
  • When a packet comes from one attachment, it is routed to another attachment using the route that matches the destination IP address.
  • VPC attached to a TGW must be added a route to the subnet route table in order for traffic to route through the TGW.

Transit Gateway Peering

  • Transit Gateway supports the ability to establish peering connections between TGWs in the same and different AWS Regions.
  • Inter-region Transit Gateway peering
    • enables customers to extend this connectivity and build global networks spanning multiple AWS Regions.
    • simplifies routing and inter-connectivity between VPCs and on-premises networks that are serviced and managed via separate TGWs
    • encrypts inter-region traffic with no single point of failure.
    • ensures the traffic always stays on the AWS global network and never traverses the public internet, thereby reducing threat vectors, such as common exploits and DDoS attacks.

Transit Gateway Intra and Inter Region Peering

Transit Gateway High Availability

  • Transit Gateway must be enabled with multiple AZs to ensure availability and to route traffic to the resources in the VPC subnets.
  • AZ can be enabled by specifying exactly one subnet within the AZ
  • TGW places a network interface in that subnet using one IP address from the subnet.
  • TGW can route traffic to all the subnets and not just the specified subnet within the enabled AZ.
  • Resources that reside in AZs where there is no TGW attachment cannot reach the TGW.

Transit Gateway Appliance Mode

  • For stateful network appliances in the VPC, appliance mode support for the VPC attachment can be enabled in which the appliance is located.
  • Appliance Mode ensures that network flows are symmetrically routed to the same AZ and network appliance
  • Appliance Mode ensures that the same AZ for that VPC attachment is used for the lifetime of a flow of traffic between source and destination.
  • Appliance Mode also allows the TGW to send traffic to any AZ in the VPC, as long as there is a subnet association in that zone.

Transit Gateway Connect Attachment

  • Transit Gateway Connect attachment can help establish a connection between a TGW and third-party virtual appliances (such as SD-WAN appliances) running in a VPC.
  • A Connect attachment supports the Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) tunnel protocol for high performance and Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) for dynamic routing.

Transit Gateway Network Manager

  • AWS Transit Gateway Network Manager provides a single global view of the private network.
  • includes events and metrics to monitor the quality of the global network, both in AWS and on-premises.
  • Event alerts specify changes in the topology, routing, and connection status. Usage metrics provide information on up/down connection, bytes in/out, packets in/out, and packets dropped.
  • seamlessly integrates with SD-WAN solutions

Transit Gateway Best Practices

  • Use a separate subnet for each transit gateway VPC attachment.
  • Create one network ACL and associate it with all of the subnets that are associated with the TGW. Keep the network ACL open in both the inbound and outbound directions.
  • Associate the same VPC route table with all of the subnets that are associated with the YGW, unless your network design requires multiple VPC route tables (for example, a middle-box VPC that routes traffic through multiple NAT gateways).
  • Use BGP Site-to-Site VPN connections, if the customer gateway device or firewall for the connection supports multipath, enable the feature.
  • Enable route propagation for AWS Direct Connect gateway attachments and BGP Site-to-Site VPN attachments.
  • are highly available by design and do not need additional TGWs for high availability,
  • Limit the number of TGW route tables unless the design requires multiple TGW route tables.
  • For redundancy, use a single TGW in each Region for disaster recovery.
  • For deployments with multiple TGWs, it is recommended to use a unique ASN for each of them.
  • supports intra-Region peering.

Transit Gateway vs Transit VPC vs VPC Peering

VPC Peering vs Transit VPC vs Transit Gateway

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. A company is using a VPC peering strategy to connect its VPCs in a single Region to allow for cross-communication. A recent increase in account creations and VPCs has made it difficult to maintain the VPC peering strategy, and the company expects to grow to hundreds of VPCs. There are also new requests to create site-to-site VPNs with some of the VPCs.
    A solutions architect has been tasked with creating a centrally managed networking setup for multiple accounts, VPCs, and VPNs.Which networking solution meets these requirements?

    1. Configure shared VPCs and VPNs and share with each other.
    2. Configure a hub-and-spoke VPC and route all traffic through VPC peering.
    3. Configure an AWS Direct Connect connection between all VPCs and VPNs.
    4. Configure a transit gateway with AWS Transit Gateway and connect all VPCs and VPNs
  2. A company hosts its core network services, including directory services and DNS, in its on-premises data center. The data center is connected to the AWS Cloud using AWS Direct Connect (DX). Additional AWS accounts are planned that will require quick, cost-effective, and consistent access to these network services. What should a solutions architect implement to meet these requirements with the LEAST amount of operational overhead?
    1. Create a DX connection in each new account. Route the network traffic to the on-premises servers.
    2. Configure VPC endpoints in the DX VPC for all required services. Route the network traffic to the on-premises servers.
    3. Create a VPN connection between each new account and the DX VPC. Route the network traffic to the on-premises servers.
    4. Configure AWS Transit Gateway between the accounts. Assign DX to the transit gateway and route network traffic to the on-premises servers.



Amazon Inspector

Amazon Inspector

Amazon Inspector

  • Amazon Inspector is a vulnerability management service that continuously scans the AWS workloads for vulnerabilities.
  • automatically discovers and scans EC2 instances and container images in ECR for software vulnerabilities and unintended network exposure.
  • creates a finding, when a software vulnerability or network issue is discovered, that describes the vulnerability, rates its severity, identifies the affected resource and provides remediation guidance.
  • is a Regional service and configurations needs to be repeated across each region.
  • requires Systems Manager (SSM) agent to be installed and activated for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) data.
  • SSM agents can be set up as VPC Interface endpoints to avoid sending any information over the internet.
  • uses an IAM AWSServiceRoleForAmazonInspector2 service-linked-role linked directly to Inspector with all the permissions required to call other AWS services on your behalf.
  • has multi-account management through AWS Organizations integration, which allows delegating an administrator account for the organization.
  • integrates with AWS Security Hub which collects and centralizes the security data from across the AWS accounts, services, and other supported products to assess the security state of the environment according to industry standards and best practices.

Amazon Inspector

AWS Inspector Features

  • Continuously scan environments for vulnerabilities and network exposure
    • automatically discovers and begins scanning the eligible resources without the need to manually schedule or configure assessment scans.
  • Assess vulnerabilities accurately with the Inspector Risk score
    • Inspector collects information about the environment through scans, it provides severity scores specifically tailored to the environment.
  • Identify high-impact findings with the Inspector dashboard
    • The dashboard offers a high-level view of findings from across your environment.
  • Manage your findings using customizable views
    • Inspector console offers a Findings view
    • Users can use filters and suppression rules to generate customized finding reports
  • Monitor and process findings with other services and systems
    • publishes findings to
      • EventBridge, which can then be monitored and processed in near-real time as part of the existing security and compliance workflows or routed to SNS, Lambda, etc.
      • AWS Security Hub.

Inspector Finding Types

  • Package Vulnerability
    • Package vulnerability findings identify software packages in the environment that are exposed to common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs).
    • Package vulnerability findings are generated for both EC2 instances, ECR container images and Lambda functions.
  • Network Vulnerability
    • Network reachability findings indicate that there are allowed network paths to EC2 instances in the environment.
    • Network reachability findings are only generated for EC2 resources.

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. Which of the following services allows you to analyze EC2 Instances against pre-defined security templates to check for vulnerabilities?
    1. AWS Trusted Advisor
    2. AWS Inspector
    3. AWS WAF
    4. AWS Shield
  2. Your company has a set of AWS resources which consists of EC2 Instances. The Security departments need to run vulnerability analysis on these machines to ensure that the Instances comply with the latest security standards. Which of the following would you implement for this requirement?
    1. AWS WAF
    2. AWS Snowball
    3. AWS CloudFront
    4. AWS Inspector



CloudFront Functions vs Lambda@Edge

CloudFront Functions vs Lambda@Edge

CloudFront Functions vs Lambda@Edge

CloudFront Functions vs Lambda@Edge

CloudFront Functions

  • is a CloudFront native feature (code is managed entirely within CloudFront) and visible only on the CloudFront dashboard.
  • supports lightweight functions written only in JavaScript language
  • runs in Edge Locations
  • has process-based isolation
  • supports Viewer Request, Viewer Response trigger events only
    • Viewer Request: after CloudFront receives the request from the Viewer
    • Viewer Response: before CloudFront forwards the response to the Viewer
  • supports sub-millisecond execution time
  • scales to millions of requests/second
  • as they are built to be more scalable, performant, and cost-effective, they have the following limitations
    • no network access
    • no file system access
  • cannot access the request body


  • are Lambda functions and visible on the Lambda dashboard.
  • supports Node.js and Python languages, currently
  • runs in Regional Edge Caches
  • has VM-based isolation
  • supports Viewer Request, Viewer Response, Origin Request, and Origin Response trigger events.
    • Viewer Request: after CloudFront receives the request from the Viewer
    • Viewer Response: before CloudFront forwards the response to the Viewer
    • Origin Request: before CloudFront forwards the request to the Origin
    • Origin Response: after CloudFront receives the response from the Origin
  • supports longer execution time, 5 seconds for viewer triggers and 30 seconds for origin triggers
  • scales to 1000s of requests/second
  • has network and file system access
  • can access the request body

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. You’ve been given the requirement to customize the content which is distributed to users via a CloudFront Distribution. The content origin is an S3 bucket and the customization attribute exists in the request body. How could you achieve this?
    1. Add an event to the S3 bucket. Make the event invoke a Lambda function to customize the content before rendering
    2. Use CloudFront Functions
    3. Use Lambda@Edge
    4. Use a separate application on an EC2 Instance for this purpose.



AWS Direct Connect Gateway

AWS Direct Connect Gateway

  • Direct Connect Gateway is a global network device that helps establish connectivity that spans multiple VPCs spread across multiple AWS Regions.
  • is a globally available resource that can be created in any Region and accessed from all other Regions.
  • supports Private VIF only and does not support Public VIF.
  • DX Gateway and Private VIF should be in the same AWS account, whereas the connected VPCs can be in different AWS accounts and regions.
  • can be associated with
    • a Virtual Private Gateway in any VPC, Region, or Account.
    • a Transit Gateway for multiple VPCs in the same region
  • allows scaling a Direct Connection to 500 VPCs as
    • a single Direct Connection supports 50 VIFs
    • a single private VIF can connect to a single Direct Connect Gateway
    • a single Direct Connect Gateway can connect to 10 VGWs

AWS Direct Connect Gateway

Direct Connect Gateway Limitations

  • supports 10 VGWs (VPC) connections.
  • supports a Single Transit VIF per Direct Connect.
  • does not support overlapping CIDRs.
  • does not support transitive routing i.e. does not allow gateway associations to send traffic to each other (for example, a VGW to another VGW or VPC to VPC)
  • allows a maximum of 100 prefixes. You can summarize the prefixes into a larger range to reduce the number of prefixes.

Direct Connect Gateway + Transit Gateway

AWS Direct Connect Gateway + Transit Gateway

  • AWS Direct Connect Gateway does not support transitive routing and has limits on the number of VGWs that can be connected.
  • AWS DX Gateway can be combined with AWS Transit Gateway using transit VIF attachment which enables your network to connect up to three regional centralized routers over a private dedicated connection
  • Each AWS Transit Gateway is a regional resource and acts as a network transit hub to interconnect VPCs in the same region, consolidating VPC routing configuration in one place.
  • This solution simplifies the management of connections between a VPC and the on-premises networks over a private connection that can reduce network costs, increase bandwidth throughput, and provide a more consistent network experience than internet-based connections.
  • With AWS Transit Gateway connected to VPCs, full or partial mesh connectivity can be achieved between the VPCs.
  • Cross-VPC and Cross-Region VPC communication facilitated by AWS Transit Gateway peering.

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. Your company currently has set up an AWS Direct Connect connection between their on-premise data center and a VPC in the us-east-1 region. They now want to connect their data center to a VPC in the us-west-1 region. They need to ensure latency is low and maximum bandwidth for the connection. How could they accomplish this in a cost-effective manner?
    1. Create an AWS Direct Connect connection between the VPC in the us-west-1 region and the on-premise data center
    2. Setup an AWS Direct Connect Gateway
    3. Create an AWS VPN managed connection between the VPC in the us-west-1 region and the on-premise data center
    4. Use VPC peering



AWS Direct Connect vs VPN

AWS Direct Connect vs VPN

AWS Direct Connect vs VPN

  • AWS VPN Connection utilizes IPSec to establish encrypted network connectivity between the intranet and VPC over the Internet.
  • AWS Direct Connect provides dedicated, private network connections between the intranet and VPC.
  • Setup time
    • VPN Connections can be configured in minutes and are a good solution for immediate needs, have low to modest bandwidth requirements, and can tolerate the inherent variability in Internet-based connectivity.
    • Direct Connect can take anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks
  • Routing
    • VPN traffic is still routed through the Internet.
    • Direct Connect does not involve the Internet; instead, it uses dedicated, private network connections between the intranet and VPC. The network traffic remains on the AWS global network and never touches the public internet. This reduces the chance of hitting bottlenecks or unexpected increases in latency
  • Cost
    • VPN connections are very cheap ($37.20/month as of now)
    • Direct Connect connection as it requires actual hardware and infrastructure and might go in thousands.
  • Encryption in Transit
    • VPN connections encrypt the data in transit.
    • Direct Connect data transfer can now be encrypted using MACsec, however, comes with limitations in terms of supported speed and locations.

Direct Connect vs VPN Comparison

AWS Direct Connect vs VPN

AWS Direct Connect + VPN

AWS Direct Connect + VPN

  • AWS Direct Connect + VPN combines the benefits of the end-to-end secure IPSec connection with low latency and increased bandwidth of the AWS Direct Connect to provide a more consistent network experience than internet-based VPN connections.
  • AWS Direct Connect public VIF establishes a dedicated network connection between the on-premises network to public AWS resources, such as an Amazon virtual private gateway IPsec endpoint.
  • A BGP connection is established between the AWS Direct Connect and your router on the public VIF.
  • Another BGP session or a static router will be established between the virtual private gateway and your router on the IPSec VPN tunnel.

Direct Connect + VPN as Backup

Direct Connect with VPN as Backup

  • VPN can be selected to provide a quick and cost-effective, backup hybrid network connection to an AWS Direct Connect. However, it provides a lower level of reliability and indeterministic performance over the internet
  • Be sure that you use the same virtual private gateway for both Direct Connect and the VPN connection to the VPC.
  • If you are configuring a Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) VPN, advertise the same prefix for Direct Connect and the VPN.
  • If you are configuring a static VPN, add the same static prefixes to the VPN connection that you are announcing with the Direct Connect virtual interface.
  • If you are advertising the same routes toward the AWS VPC, the Direct Connect path is always preferred, regardless of AS path prepending.

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. You work as an AWS Architect for a company that has an on-premise data center. They want to connect their on-premise infra to the AWS Cloud.  Note that this connection must have the maximum throughput and be dedicated to the company. How can this be achieved?
    1. Use AWS Express Route
    2. Use AWS Direct Connect
    3. Use AWS VPC Peering
    4. Use AWS VPN
  2. A company wants to set up a hybrid connection between their AWS VPC and their on-premise network. They need to have high bandwidth and less latency because they need to transfer their current database workloads to AWS. Which of the following would you use for this purpose?
    1. AWS Managed software VPN
    2. AWS Managed hardware VPN
    3. AWS Direct Connect
    4. AWS VPC Peering
  3. An organization has established an Internet-based VPN connection between their on-premises data center and AWS. They are considering migrating from VPN to AWS Direct Connect. Which operational concern should drive an organization to consider switching from an Internet-based VPN connection to AWS Direct Connect?
    1. AWS Direct Connect provides greater redundancy than an Internet-based VPN connection.
    2. AWS Direct Connect provides greater resiliency than an Internet-based VPN connection.
    3. AWS Direct Connect provides greater bandwidth than an Internet-based VPN connection.
    4. AWS Direct Connect provides greater control of network provider selection than an Internet-based VPN connection.

AWS Network Firewall vs WAF vs Security Groups vs NACLs

AWS Network Firewall vs WAF vs Security Groups vs NACLs

  • AWS Network Firewall is stateful, fully managed, network firewall and intrusion detection and prevention service (IDS/IPS) for VPCs.
  • AWS WAF is a web application firewall that helps protect web applications from attacks by allowing rules configuration that allow, block, or monitor (count) web requests based on defined conditions.
  • Security groups act as a virtual firewall for associated instances, controlling both inbound and outbound traffic at the instance level
  • Network access control lists (NACLs) act as a firewall for associated subnets, controlling both inbound and outbound traffic at the subnet level

AWS Security Groups vs NACLs vs WAF vs Network Firewall

AWS Network Firewall

AWS Network Firewall

AWS Network Firewall

  • AWS Network Firewall is stateful, fully managed, network firewall and intrusion detection and prevention service (IDS/IPS) for VPCs.
  • Network Firewall scales automatically with the network traffic, without the need for deploying and managing any infrastructure.
  • AWS Network Firewall
    • can filter traffic at the perimeter of the VPC. This includes filtering traffic going to and coming from an internet gateway, NAT gateway, or over VPN or AWS Direct Connect.
    • protects the subnets within the VPC by filtering traffic going between the subnets and locations outside of the VPC
    • flexible rules engine allows defining firewall rules that give fine-grained control over network traffic, such as blocking outbound Server Message Block (SMB) requests to prevent the spread of malicious activity.
    • supports importing rules already written in common open source rule formats as well as enables integrations with managed intelligence feeds sourced by AWS partners.
    • works together with AWS Firewall Manager to build policies based on AWS Network Firewall rules and then centrally apply those policies across the VPCs and accounts.
    • helps provide protection from common network threats.
    • can incorporate context from traffic flows, like tracking connections and protocol identification, to enforce policies such as preventing the VPCs from accessing domains using an unauthorized protocol.
    • supports intrusion prevention system (IPS) to provide active traffic flow inspection to help identify and block vulnerability exploits using signature-based detection.
    • uses the open source intrusion prevention system (IPS), Suricata, for stateful inspection and supports Suricata compatible rules.
    • supports web filtering that can stop traffic to known bad URLs and monitor fully qualified domain names.

AWS Network Firewall

AWS Network Firewall Components

  • Rule Group
    • Holds a reusable collection of criteria for inspecting traffic and for handling packets and traffic flows that match the inspection criteria.
    • Rule groups are either stateless or stateful.
    • Rules configuration includes 5-tuple and domain name filtering.
  • Firewall policy
    • Defines a reusable set of stateless and stateful rule groups, along with some policy-level behaviour settings.
    • Firewall policy provides the network traffic filtering behaviour for a firewall.
    • A single firewall policy can be used in multiple firewalls.
  • Firewall
    • Connects the inspection rules in the firewall policy to the VPC that the rules protect.
    • Each firewall requires one firewall policy.
    • The firewall additionally defines settings like how to log information about the network traffic and the firewall’s stateful traffic filtering.

Stateless and Stateful Rules Engines

AWS Network Firewall Stateless & Stateful Rules Engine

  • AWS Network Firewall uses two rules engines to inspect packets according to the rules that you provide in your firewall policy.
  • Stateless Rules Engine
    • First, the Stateless engine inspects the packet against the configured stateless rules.
    • Each packet inspection happens in isolation, without regard to factors such as the direction of traffic, or whether the packet is part of an existing, approved connection.
    • This engine prioritizes the speed of evaluation and it takes rules with standard 5-tuple connection criteria.
    • The engine processes the rules in the defined priority order and stops processing when it finds a match.
    • Network Firewall stateless rules are similar in behaviour and use to  VPC network access control lists (ACLs).
    • Depending on the packet settings, the stateless inspection criteria, and the firewall policy settings, the stateless engine might
      • drop a packet,
      • pass it through to its destination, or
      • forward it to the stateful rules engine.
  • Stateful Rules Engine
    • Stateful engine inspects packets in the context of their traffic flow, using the configured stateful rules.
    • Packets are inspected in the context of their traffic flow.
    • Stateful rules consider traffic direction. The stateful rules engine might delay packet delivery in order to group packets for inspection.
    • By default, the stateful rules engine processes the rules in the order of their action setting, with pass rules processed first, then drop, and then alert. The engine stops processing when it finds a match.
    • The stateful engine either
      • drops packets or
      • passes them to their destination.
    • Stateful engine activities send flow and alert logs to the firewall’s logs if logging is configured.
    • Stateful engine sends alerts for dropped packets and can optionally send them for passed packets.
    • Stateful rules are similar in behaviour and use to VPC security groups.
    • By default, the stateful rules engine allows traffic to pass, while the security groups default is to deny traffic.

AWS Network Firewall vs WAF vs Security Groups vs NACLs

AWS Security Groups vs NACLs vs WAF vs Network Firewall

AWS Network Firewall vs Gateway Load Balancer

AWS Network Firewall vs Gateway Load Balancer

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.


AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional (SAP-C01) Exam Learning Path

AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional certificate

AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional (SAP-C01) Exam Learning Path

NOTE – Refer to SAP-C02 Learning Path

  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional (SAP-C01) exam is the upgraded pattern of the previous Solution Architect – Professional exam which was released in the year (2018) and would be upgraded this year (Nov. 2022).
  • I recently recertified the existing pattern and the difference is quite a lot between the previous pattern and the latest pattern. The amount of overlap between the associates and professional exams and even the Solutions Architect and DevOps has drastically reduced.

AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional (SAP-C01) exam basically validates

  • Design and deploy dynamically scalable, highly available, fault-tolerant, and reliable applications on AWS
  • Select appropriate AWS services to design and deploy an application based on given requirements
  • Migrate complex, multi-tier applications on AWS
  • Design and deploy enterprise-wide scalable operations on AWS
  • Implement cost-control strategies

Refer to AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional Exam Guide

AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional Exam Domains

AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional (SAP-C01) Exam Resources

AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional (SAP-C01) Exam Summary

  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional (SAP-C01) exam was for a total of 170 minutes and it had 75 questions.
  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional (SAP-C01) focuses a lot on concepts and services related to Architecture & Design, Scalability, High Availability, Disaster Recovery, Migration, Security and Cost Control.
  • Each question mainly touches multiple AWS services.
  • Questions and answers options have a lot of prose and a lot of reading that needs to be done, so be sure you are prepared and manage your time well.
  • As always, mark the questions for review and move on and come back to them after you are done with all.
  • As always, having a rough architecture or mental picture of the setup helps focus on the areas that you need to improve. Trust me, you will be able to eliminate 2 answers for sure and then need to focus on only the other two. Read the other 2 answers to check the difference area and that would help you reach the right answer or at least have a 50% chance of getting it right.

AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional (SAP-C01) Exam Topics


  • S3
    • S3 Permissions & S3 Data Protection
      • S3 bucket policies to control access to VPC Endpoints
    • S3 Storage Classes & Lifecycle policies
      • covers S3 Standard, Infrequent access, intelligent tier and Glacier for archival and object transitions & deletions for cost management.
    • S3 Transfer Acceleration can be used for fast, easy, and secure transfers of files over long distances between the client and an S3 bucket.
    • supports the same and cross-region replication for disaster recovery.
    • integrates with CloudFront for caching to improve performance
    • S3 supports Object Lock and Glacier supports Vault lock to prevent the deletion of objects, especially required for compliance requirements.
    • supports S3 Select feature to query selective data from a single object.
  • Elastic Block Store
    • EBS Backup using snapshots for HA and Disaster recovery
    • Data Lifecycle Manager can be used to automate the creation, retention, and deletion of snapshots taken to back up the EBS volumes.
  • Storage Gateway
  • Elastic File System
    • provides a fully managed, scalable, serverless, shared and cost-optimized file storage for use with AWS and on-premises resources.
    • supports cross-region replication for disaster recovery
    • supports storage classes like S3
  • AWS Transfer Family
    • provides a secure transfer service (FTP, SFTP, FTPs) that helps transfer files into and out of AWS storage services.
    • supports transferring data from or to S3 and EFS.
  • FSx for Lustre
    • managed, cost-effective service to launch and run the HPC high-performance Lustre file system.


  • DynamoDB
    • DynamoDB Auto Scaling
    • DynamoDB Streams for tracking changes
    • TTL to expire objects automatically and cost-effectively.
    • Global tables for multi-master, active-active inter-region storage needs.
    • Global tables do not support strong global consistency
    • DynamoDB Accelerator – DAX for seamlessly caching to reduce the load on DynamoDB for read-heavy requirements.
  • RDS
    • supports cross-region read replicas ideal for disaster recovery with low RTO and RPO.
    • provides RDS proxy for effective database connection polling
    • RDS Multi-AZ vs Read Replicas
  • Aurora
    • fully managed, MySQL- and PostgreSQL-compatible, relational database engine
    • supports Aurora Serverless to on-demand, autoscaling configuration
    • Aurora Global Database consists of one primary AWS Region where the data is mastered, and up to five read-only, secondary AWS Regions. It is a multi-master setup but can be used for disaster recovery.
  • DocumentDB as a replacement for MongoDB

Data Migration & Transfer

  • Cloud Migration Services
    • Cloud Migration (hint: make sure you understand the difference between rehost, replatform, and rearchitect
    • Server Migration Service helps to migrate servers and applications.
    • Database Migration Service
      • enables quick and secure data migration with minimal to zero downtime
      • supports Full and Change Data Capture – CDC migration to support continuous replication for zero downtime migration.
      • homogeneous migrations such as Oracle to Oracle, as well as heterogeneous migrations (using SCT) between different database platforms, such as Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server to Aurora.
      • Hint: Elasticsearch is not supported as a target by DMS
    • Snow Family
      • Ideal for one-time big data transfers usually for use cases with limited bandwidth from on-premises to AWS.
  • Application Discovery Service
    • Agent ones can be used for hyper-v and physical services
    • Agentless can be used for VMware but does not track processes.
  • Disaster Recovery
    • Disaster Recovery whitepaper, although outdated, make sure you understand the difference between each type esp. pilot light, warm standby w.r.t RTO and RPO.
    • Compute
      • Make components available in an alternate region,
      • either as AMIs that can be restored
      • CloudFormation to create infra as needed
      • partial which can be scaled once the failover happens
      • or fully running compute in active-active confirmation with health checks.
    • Storage
      • S3 and EFS support cross-region replication
      • DynamoDB supports Global tables for multi-master, active-active inter-region storage needs.
      • Aurora Global Database provides a multi-master setup but can be used for disaster recovery.
      • RDS supports cross-region read replicas which can be promoted to master in case of a disaster. This can be done using Route 53, CloudWatch and lambda functions.
    • Network
      • Route 53 failover routing with health checks to failover across regions.

Networking & Content Delivery

  • VPC – Virtual Private Cloud
    • Understand Security Groups, NACLs (Hint: know NACLs are stateless and need to open ephemeral ports for response traffic )
    • Understand VPC Gateway Endpoints to provide access to S3 and DynamoDB (hint: know how to restrict access on S3 to specific VPC Endpoint)
    • Understand VPC Interface Endpoints or PrivateLink to provide access to a variety of services like SQS, Kinesis or Private APIs exposed through NLB.
    • Understand VPC Flow Logs
    • Understand VPC Peering to enable communication between VPCs within the same or different regions. (hint: VPC peering does not support transitive routing)
  • Route 53
    • Routing Policies
      • focus on Weighted, Latency and failover routing policies
      • failover routing provides active-passive configuration for disaster recovery while the others are active-active configuration.
    • Route 53 Resolver
      • Outbound endpoint for AWS -> On-premises DNS query resolution
      • Inbound endpoint for On-premises DNS query resolution
  • CloudFront
    • fully managed, fast CDN service that speeds up the distribution of static, dynamic web or streaming content to end-users.
    • supports multiple origins including S3, ALB etc.
    • does not support Auto Scaling as an origin
    • supports Geo-restriction
    • supports Lambda@Edge and Cloud Functions to execute code closer to the user.
    • Lambda@Edge can be used for quick auth checks, and redirect users based on request data.
    • Security can be enhanced by whitlisting CloudFront IPs or adding custom header in CloudFront and verifiing it in ALB.
  • API Gateway
    • supports throttling, caching and helps define usage plans with API keys to identify clients
    • provides regional and edge-optimized endpoint types
    • supports authentication mechanisms, such as AWS IAM policies, Lambda authorizer functions, and Amazon Cognito user pools.
  • Load Balancer – ELB, ALB and NLB 
  • Global Accelerator
    • optimizes the path to applications to keep packet loss, jitter, and latency consistently low.
    • helps improve the performance of the applications by lowering first-byte latency
    • provides 2 static IP address
    • does not preserve the client’s IP address with NLB
  • Transit Gateway or Transit VPC
    • is a network transit hub that can be used to interconnect VPCs and on-premises networks via Direct Connect or VPN.
    • Transit Gateway is regional and Transit Gateway Peering needs to be configured to peer regional Transit gateways.
  • Placement Groups
    • Cluster placement group with Enhanced Networking for HPC
    • Spread placement group for fault tolerance and high availability.
  • Direct Connect & VPN
    • provide on-premises to AWS connectivity
    • know Direct Connect vs VPN
    • VPN can provide a cost-effective, quick failover for Direct Connect.
    • VPN over Direct Connect provides a secure dedicated connection and requires a public virtual interface.
    • Direct Connect Gateway is a global network device that helps establish connectivity that spans VPCs spread across multiple AWS Regions with a single Direct Connect connection.

Security, Identity & Compliance

  • AWS Identity and Access Management
  • AWS Shield & Shield Advanced
    • for DDoS protection and integrates with Route 53, CloudFront, ALB and Global Accelerator.
    • protects from common attack techniques like SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Conditions based include IP addresses, HTTP headers, HTTP body, and URI strings.
    • integrates with CloudFront, ALB, and API Gateway.
    • supports Web ACLs and can block traffic based on IPs, Rate limits, and specific countries as well.
  • ACM – AWS Certificate Manager
    • helps easily provision, manage, and deploy public and private SSL/TLS certificates
    • is regional and you need to request certificates in all regions and associate individually in all regions.
    • does not provide certificates for EC2 instances.
  • AWS KMS – Key Management Service
    • managed encryption service that allows the creation and control of encryption keys to enable data encryption.
    • KMS Multi-region keys
      • are AWS KMS keys in different AWS Regions that can be used interchangeably – as though having the same key in multiple Regions.
      • are not global and each multi-region key needs to be replicated and managed independently.
  • Secrets Manager
    • helps protect secrets needed to access applications, services, and IT resources.
    • Secrets Manager vs SSM Parameter Store.
      • Supports automatic rotation of secrets, which is not provided by SSM Parameter Store.
      • Costs more than SSM Parameter Store.


  • EC2
  • Auto Scaling
  • Elastic Beanstalk supports Blue/Green deployment using swap URLs.
  • Lambda
    • Lambda running in VPC requires NAT Gateway to communicate with external public services
    • Lambda CPU can be increased by increasing memory only.
    • helps define reserved concurrency limit to reduce the impact
    • Lambda Alias now supports canary deployments
  • ECS – Elastic Container Service
    • container management service that supports Docker containers
    • supports two launch types – EC2 and Fargate which provides the serverless capability
    • For least privilege, the role should be assigned to the Task.
    • awsvpc network mode gives ECS tasks the same networking properties as EC2 instances.

Management & Governance tools

  • AWS Organizations
  • Systems Manager
    • AWS Systems Manager and its various services like parameter store, patch manager
    • Parameter Store provides secure, scalable, centralized, hierarchical storage for configuration data and secret management. Does not support secrets rotation. Use Secrets Manager.
    • Session Manager helps manage EC2 instances through an interactive one-click browser-based shell or through the AWS CLI without opening ports or creating bastion hosts.
    • Patch Manager helps automate the process of patching managed instances with both security-related and other types of updates.
  • CloudWatch
  • CloudTrail
    • for audit and governance
    • With Organizations, the trail can be configured to log CloudTrail from all accounts to a central account.
  • CloudFormation
    • Handle disaster Recovery by automating the infra to replicate the environment across regions.
    • Deletion Policy to prevent, retain or backup RDS, EBS Volumes
    • Stack policy can prevent stack resources from being unintentionally updated or deleted during a stack update. Stack Policy only applies for Stack updates and not stack deletion.
    • StackSets helps to create, update, or delete stacks across multiple accounts and Regions with a single operation.
  • Control Tower
    • to setup, govern, and secure a multi-account environment
    • strongly recommended guardrails cover EBS encryption
  • Service Catalog
    • allows organizations to create and manage catalogues of IT services that are approved for use on AWS with minimal permissions.
  • Trusted Advisor
    • helps with cost optimization and service limits in addition to security, performance and fault tolerance.
  • Compute Optimizer recommends optimal AWS resources for the workloads to reduce costs and improve performance by using machine learning to analyze historical utilization metrics.
  • AWS Budgets to see usage-to-date and current estimated charges from AWS, set limits and provide alerts or notifications.
  • Cost Allocation Tags can be used to organize AWS resources, and cost allocation tags to track the AWS costs on a detailed level.
  • Cost Explorer helps visualize, understand, manage and forecast the AWS costs and usage over time.


Integration Tools

  • SQS in terms of loose coupling and scaling.
    • Difference between SQS Standard and FIFO esp. with throughput and order
    • SQS supports dead letter queues
  • CloudWatch integration with SNS and Lambda for notifications.

Architecture & Design Flows