AWS S3 Subresources

AWS S3 Subresources

  • S3 Subresources provides support to store, and manage the bucket configuration information.
  • S3 subresources only exist in the context of a specific bucket or object
  • S3 subresources are associated with buckets and objects.
  • S3 Subresources are subordinates to objects; i.e. they do not exist on their own, they are always associated with some other entity, such as an object or a bucket.
  • S3 supports various options to configure a bucket for e.g., the bucket can be configured for website hosting, configuration added to manage the lifecycle of objects in the bucket, and to log all access to the bucket.

S3 Object Lifecycle

Refer blog post @ S3 Object Lifecycle Management

Static Website Hosting

  • S3 can be used for Static Website hosting with Client-side scripts.
  • S3 does not support server-side scripting.
  • S3, in conjunction with Route 53, supports hosting a website at the root domain which can point to the S3 website endpoint
  • S3 website endpoints do not support HTTPS or access points
  • For S3 website hosting the content should be made publicly readable which can be provided using a bucket policy or an ACL on an object.
  • Users can configure the index, and error document as well as configure the conditional routing of an object name
  • Bucket policy applies only to objects owned by the bucket owner. If the bucket contains objects not owned by the bucket owner, then public READ permission on those objects should be granted using the object ACL.
  • Requester Pays buckets or DevPay buckets do not allow access through the website endpoint. Any request to such a bucket will receive a 403 -Access Denied response

S3 Versioning

Refer blog post @ S3 Object Versioning

Policy & Access Control List (ACL)

Refer blog post @ S3 Permissions

CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing)

  • All browsers implement the Same-Origin policy, for security reasons, where the web page from a domain can only request resources from the same domain.
  • CORS allows client web applications loaded in one domain access to the restricted resources to be requested from another domain.
  • With CORS support, S3 allows cross-origin access to S3 resources
  • CORS configuration rules identify the origins allowed to access the bucket, the operations (HTTP methods) that would be supported for each origin, and other operation-specific information.

S3 Access Logs

  • S3 Access Logs enable tracking access requests to an S3 bucket.
  • S3 Access logs are disabled by default.
  • Each access log record provides details about a single access request, such as the requester, bucket name, request time, request action, response status, and error code, etc.
  • Access log information can be useful in security and access audits and also help learn about the customer base and understand the S3 bill.
  • S3 periodically collects access log records, consolidates the records in log files, and then uploads log files to a target bucket as log objects.
  • Logging can be enabled on multiple source buckets with the same target bucket which will have access logs for all those source buckets, but each log object will report access log records for a specific source bucket.
  • Source and target buckets should be in the same region.
  • Source and target buckets should be different to avoid an infinite loop of logs issue.
  • Target bucket can be encrypted using SSS-S3 default encryption. However, Default encryption with AWS KMS keys (SSE-KMS) is not supported.
  • S3 Object Lock cannot be enabled on the target bucket.
  •  S3 uses a special log delivery account to write server access logs.
    • AWS recommends updating the bucket policy on the target bucket to grant access to the logging service principal ( for access log delivery.
    • Access for access log delivery can also be granted to the S3 log delivery group through the bucket ACL. Granting access to the S3 log delivery group using your bucket ACL is not recommended.
  • Access log records are delivered on a best-effort basis. The completeness and timeliness of server logging is not guaranteed i.e. log record for a particular request might be delivered long after the request was actually processed, or it might not be delivered at all.
  • S3 Access Logs can be analyzed using data analysis tools or Athena.


  • S3 provides the tagging subresource to store and manage tags on a bucket
  • Cost allocation tags can be added to the bucket to categorize and track AWS costs.
  • AWS can generate a cost allocation report with usage and costs aggregated by the tags applied to the buckets.


  • AWS region needs to be specified during bucket creation and it cannot be changed.
  • S3 stores this information in the location subresource and provides an API for retrieving this information

Event Notifications

  • S3 notification feature enables notifications to be triggered when certain events happen in the bucket.
  • Notifications are enabled at the Bucket level
  • Notifications can be configured to be filtered by the prefix and suffix of the key name of objects. However, filtering rules cannot be defined with overlapping prefixes, overlapping suffixes, or prefix and suffix overlapping
  • S3 can publish the following events
    • New Object created events
      • Can be enabled for PUT, POST, or COPY operations
      • You will not receive event notifications from failed operations
    • Object Removal events
      • Can public delete events for object deletion, version object deletion or insertion of delete marker
      • You will not receive event notifications from automatic deletes from lifecycle policies or from failed operations.
    • Restore object events
      • restoration of objects archived to the S3 Glacier storage classes
    • Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) object lost events
      • Can be used to reproduce/recreate the Object
    • Replication events
      • for replication configurations that have S3 replication metrics or S3 Replication Time Control (S3 RTC) enabled
  • S3 can publish events to the following destination
  • For S3 to be able to publish events to the destination, the S3 principal should be granted the necessary permissions
  • S3 event notifications are designed to be delivered at least once. Typically, event notifications are delivered in seconds but can sometimes take a minute or longer.

Cross-Region Replication & Same-Region Replication

  • S3 Replication enables automatic, asynchronous copying of objects across S3 buckets in the same or different AWS regions.
  • S3 Cross-Region Replication – CRR is used to copy objects across S3 buckets in different AWS Regions.
  • S3 Same-Region Replication – SRR is used to copy objects across S3 buckets in the same AWS Regions.
  • S3 Replication helps to
    • Replicate objects while retaining metadata
    • Replicate objects into different storage classes
    • Maintain object copies under different ownership
    • Keep objects stored over multiple AWS Regions
    • Replicate objects within 15 minutes
  • S3 can replicate all or a subset of objects with specific key name prefixes
  • S3 encrypts all data in transit across AWS regions using SSL
  • Object replicas in the destination bucket are exact replicas of the objects in the source bucket with the same key names and the same metadata.
  • Objects may be replicated to a single destination bucket or multiple destination buckets.
  • Cross-Region Replication can be useful for the following scenarios:-
    • Compliance requirement to have data backed up across regions
    • Minimize latency to allow users across geography to access objects
    • Operational reasons compute clusters in two different regions that analyze the same set of objects
  • Same-Region Replication can be useful for the following scenarios:-
    • Aggregate logs into a single bucket
    • Configure live replication between production and test accounts
    • Abide by data sovereignty laws to store multiple copies
  • Replication Requirements
    • source and destination buckets must be versioning-enabled
    • for CRR, the source and destination buckets must be in different AWS regions.
    • S3 must have permission to replicate objects from that source bucket to the destination bucket on your behalf.
    • If the source bucket owner also owns the object, the bucket owner has full permission to replicate the object. If not, the source bucket owner must have permission for the S3 actions s3:GetObjectVersion and s3:GetObjectVersionACL to read the object and object ACL
    • Setting up cross-region replication in a cross-account scenario (where the source and destination buckets are owned by different AWS accounts), the source bucket owner must have permission to replicate objects in the destination bucket.
    • if the source bucket has S3 Object Lock enabled, the destination buckets must also have S3 Object Lock enabled.
    • destination buckets cannot be configured as Requester Pays buckets
  • Replicated & Not Replicated
    • Only new objects created after you add a replication configuration are replicated. S3 does NOT retroactively replicate objects that existed before you added replication configuration.
    • Objects encrypted using customer provided keys (SSE-C), objects encrypted at rest under an S3 managed key (SSE-S3) or a KMS key stored in AWS Key Management Service (SSE-KMS).
    • S3 replicates only objects in the source bucket for which the bucket owner has permission to read objects and read ACLs
    • Any object ACL updates are replicated, although there can be some delay before S3 can bring the two in sync. This applies only to objects created after you add a replication configuration to the bucket.
    • S3 does NOT replicate objects in the source bucket for which the bucket owner does not have permission.
    • Updates to bucket-level S3 subresources are NOT replicated, allowing different bucket configurations on the source and destination buckets
    • Only customer actions are replicated & actions performed by lifecycle configuration are NOT replicated
    • Replication chaining is NOT allowed, Objects in the source bucket that are replicas, created by another replication, are NOT replicated.
    • S3 does NOT replicate the delete marker by default. However, you can add delete marker replication to non-tag-based rules to override it.
    • S3 does NOT replicate deletion by object version ID. This protects data from malicious deletions.

S3 Inventory

  • S3 Inventory helps manage the storage and can be used to audit and report on the replication and encryption status of the objects for business, compliance, and regulatory needs.
  • S3 inventory provides a scheduled alternative to the S3 synchronous List API operation.
  • S3 inventory provides CSV, ORC, or Apache Parquet output files that list the objects and their corresponding metadata on a daily or weekly basis for an S3 bucket or a shared prefix.

Requester Pays

  • By default, buckets are owned by the AWS account that created it (the bucket owner) and the AWS account pays for storage costs, downloads, and data transfer charges associated with the bucket.
  • Using Requester Pays subresource:-
    • Bucket owner specifies that the requester requesting the download will be charged for the download
    • However, the bucket owner still pays the storage costs
  • Enabling Requester Pays on a bucket
    • disables anonymous access to that bucket
    • does not support BitTorrent
    • does not support SOAP requests
    • cannot be enabled for end-user logging bucket


  • Default distribution mechanism for S3 data is via client/server download
  • Bucket owner bears the cost of Storage as well as the request and transfer charges which can increase linearly for a popular object
  • S3 also supports the BitTorrent protocol
    • BitTorrent is an open-source Internet distribution protocol
    • BitTorrent addresses this problem by recruiting the very clients that are downloading the object as distributors themselves
    • S3 bandwidth rates are inexpensive, but BitTorrent allows developers to further save on bandwidth costs for a popular piece of data by letting users download from Amazon and other users simultaneously
  • Benefit for a publisher is that for large, popular files the amount of data actually supplied by S3 can be substantially lower than what it would have been serving the same clients via client/server download
  • Any object in S3 that is publicly available and can be read anonymously can be downloaded via BitTorrent
  • Torrent file can be retrieved for any publicly available object by simply adding a “?torrent” query string parameter at the end of the REST GET request for the object
  • Generating the .torrent for an object takes time proportional to the size of that object, so its recommended to make a first torrent request yourself to generate the file so that subsequent requests are faster
  • Torrent is enabled only for objects that are less than 5 GB in size.
  • Torrent subresource can only be retrieved, and cannot be created, updated, or deleted

Object ACL

Refer blog post @ S3 Permissions

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. An organization’s security policy requires multiple copies of all critical data to be replicated across at least a primary and backup data center. The organization has decided to store some critical data on Amazon S3. Which option should you implement to ensure this requirement is met?
    1. Use the S3 copy API to replicate data between two S3 buckets in different regions
    2. You do not need to implement anything since S3 data is automatically replicated between regions
    3. Use the S3 copy API to replicate data between two S3 buckets in different facilities within an AWS Region
    4. You do not need to implement anything since S3 data is automatically replicated between multiple facilities within an AWS Region
  2. A customer wants to track access to their Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets and also use this information for their internal security and access audits. Which of the following will meet the Customer requirement?
    1. Enable AWS CloudTrail to audit all Amazon S3 bucket access.
    2. Enable server access logging for all required Amazon S3 buckets
    3. Enable the Requester Pays option to track access via AWS Billing
    4. Enable Amazon S3 event notifications for Put and Post.
  3. A user is enabling a static website hosting on an S3 bucket. Which of the below mentioned parameters cannot be configured by the user?
    1. Error document
    2. Conditional error on object name
    3. Index document
    4. Conditional redirection on object name
  4. Company ABCD is running their corporate website on Amazon S3 accessed from http// Their marketing team has published new web fonts to a separate S3 bucket accessed by the S3 endpoint: While testing the new web fonts, Company ABCD recognized the web fonts are being blocked by the browser. What should Company ABCD do to prevent the web fonts from being blocked by the browser?
    1. Enable versioning on the abcdfonts bucket for each web font
    2. Create a policy on the abcdfonts bucket to enable access to everyone
    3. Add the Content-MD5 header to the request for webfonts in the abcdfonts bucket from the website
    4. Configure the abcdfonts bucket to allow cross-origin requests by creating a CORS configuration
  5. Company ABCD is currently hosting their corporate site in an Amazon S3 bucket with Static Website Hosting enabled. Currently, when visitors go to the index.html page is returned. Company C now would like a new page welcome.html to be returned when a visitor enters in the browser. Which of the following steps will allow Company ABCD to meet this requirement? Choose 2 answers.
    1. Upload an html page named welcome.html to their S3 bucket
    2. Create a welcome subfolder in their S3 bucket
    3. Set the Index Document property to welcome.html
    4. Move the index.html page to a welcome subfolder
    5. Set the Error Document property to welcome.html

AWS EC2 Amazon Machine Image – AMI

Amazon Machine Image – AMI

  • An Amazon Machine Image – AMI provides the information required to launch an instance, which is a virtual server in the cloud.
  • An AMI is basically a template and can be used to launch as many instances as needed
  • Within a VPC, instances can be launched from as many different AMIs
  • An AMI includes the following:
    • One or more EBS snapshots, or, for instance-store-backed AMIs, a template for the root volume of the instance for e.g, an operating system, an application server, and applications
    • Launch permissions that control which AWS accounts can use the AMI to launch instances for e.g. AWS account ids whom the AMI is shared
    • A block device mapping that specifies the volumes to attach to the instance when it’s launched
  • Amazon Machine Images can be either
    • AWS managed, provided, and published AMIs
    • Third-party or Community provided public custom AMIs
    • Private AMIs created by other AWS accounts and shared with you
    • Private and Custom AMIs created by you

AMI Types

  • Region & Availability Zone
    • are regional but can be copied over to other regions
  • Operating system
    • are available in a variety of OS flavors for e.g. Linux, windows, etc.
  • Architecture (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Launch Permissions
    • Launch permissions define who has access to the AMI
      • Public – Accessible to all AWS accounts
      • Explicit – Shared with specific AWS accounts
      • Private/Implicit – Owned and available for AMI creator account only
  • Root device storage
    • can have EBS or Instance store as the root device storage
    • EBS backed
      • EBS volumes are independent of the EC2 instance lifecycle and can persist independently
      • EBS backed instances can be stopped without losing the volumes
      • EBS instance can also be persisted without losing the volumes on instance termination if the Delete On Termination flag is disabled
      • EBS backed instances boot up much faster than the Instance store backed instances as only the parts required to boot the instance needs to be retrieved from the snapshot before the instance is made available
      • AMI creation is much easier for AMIs backed by EBS. The CreateImage API action creates the EBS-backed AMI and registers it
    • Instance Store backed
      • Instance store is ephemeral storage and is dependent on the lifecycle of the Instance
      • Instance store is deleted if the instance is terminated or if the EBS backed instance, with attached instance store volumes, is stopped
      • Instance store volumes cannot be stopped
      • Instance store volumes have their AMI in S3 and have higher boot times compared to EBS backed instances, as all the parts have to be retrieved from S3 before the instance is made available
      • To create Linux AMIs backed by the instance store, you must create an AMI from your instance on the instance itself using the Amazon EC2 AMI tools.

More detailed @ EBS vs Instance Store

Linux Virtualization Types

  • Linux Amazon Machine Images use one of two types of virtualization: paravirtual (PV) or hardware virtual machine (HVM).
  • Main difference between PV and HVM AMIs is the way in which they boot and whether they can take advantage of special hardware extensions (CPU, network, and storage) for better performance.
  • For the best performance, AWS recommends the use of current generation instance types and HVM AMIs when launching instances.
  • HVM AMIs
    • HVM AMIs are presented with a fully virtualized set of hardware and boot by executing the master boot record of the root block device of the image.
    • HVM virtualization type provides the ability to run an operating system directly on top of a virtual machine without any modification as if it were run on bare-metal hardware.
    • EC2 host system emulates some or all of the underlying hardware that is presented to the guest.
    • HVM guests, unlike PV guests, can take advantage of hardware extensions that provide fast access to the underlying hardware on the host system.
    • HVM AMIs are required to take advantage of enhanced networking and GPU processing. In order to pass through instructions to specialized network and GPU devices, the OS needs to be able to have access to the native hardware platform; HVM virtualization provides this access.
    • All current generation instance types support HVM AMIs.The CC2, CR1, HI1, and HS1 previous generation instance types support HVM AMIs.
  • PV AMIs
    • PV AMIs boot with a special boot loader called PV-GRUB, which starts the boot cycle and then chain loads the kernel specified in the menu.lst file on your image.
    • Paravirtual guests can run on host hardware that does not have explicit support for virtualization, but they cannot take advantage of special hardware extensions such as enhanced networking or GPU processing
    • C3 and M3 current generation instance types support PV AMIs. The C1, HI1, HS1, M1, M2, and T1 previous generation instance types support PV AMIs.

Shared AMIs

  • Shared AMI is an AMI that can be created and shared with others for use
  • A Shared AMI with all the components needed can be used to get started and then add custom components as and when needed
  • Shared AMI can be risky as Amazon does not perform detailed checks and vouch for the integrity and security of these AMIs
  • Before using a Shared AMI, check for any pre-installed credentials that would allow unwanted access to the instance by a third party and no pre-configured remote logging that could transmit sensitive data to a third party
  • Amazon allows you to share an image, by defining launch permissions, to all (making it public) or only to specific AWS accounts
  • Launch permissions work at the AWS account level only, and can’t be used to restrict specific users within an AWS account.
  • Sharing an image does not affect the ownership of the AMI
  • Only AMIs with unencrypted volumes or encrypted with a customer-managed key can be shared.
  • AMIs are a regional resource. Therefore, sharing an image makes it available in that Region. To make an image available in a different Region, copy the AMI to the Region and then share it.
  • Make AMI Public
    • AMIs with encrypted volumes cannot be made public.
    • AMI with product codes or snapshots of an encrypted volume can’t be made public; they can be shared only with specific AWS accounts.
  • Guidelines for Shared Linux AMIs
    • Update the AMI Tools at Boot-Time
      • Update the AMI tools or any software during startup.
      • Take into account the software updates do not break any software and consider the WAN traffic as the downloads will be charged to the AMI user
    • Disable Password-Based Remote Logins for Root
      • Fixed root passwords can be a security risk and need to be disabled
    • Disable Local Root Access
      • disable direct root logins
    • Remove SSH Host Key Pairs
      • Remove the existing SSH host key pairs located in /etc/ssh, which forces SSH to generate new unique SSH key pairs when someone launches an instance using your AMI, improving security and reducing the likelihood of “man-in-the-middle” attacks
    • Install Public Key Credentials
      • EC2 allows users to specify a public-private key pair name when launching an instance.
      • A valid key pair name needs to be provided when launching an instance, the public key, the portion of the key pair that EC2 maintains on the server, is made available to the instance through an HTTP query against the instance metadata and appended to the authorized keys
      • Users can launch instances of the AMI with a key pair and log in without requiring a root password
    • Disabling sshd DNS Checks (Optional)
      • Disabling sshd DNS checks slightly weaken the sshd security. However, if DNS resolution fails, SSH logins still work. If you do not disable sshd checks, DNS resolution failures prevent all logins.
    • Identify Yourself
      • AMI is only represented by an account ID without any further information, so it is better to provide more information to help describe the AMI
    • Protect Yourself
      • Don’t store any sensitive data or software on the AMI
      • Exclude & Skip any directories holding sensitive data or secret information and delete the shell history before creating an AMI

AMI lifecycle

    • Create and register an AMI
    • launch new instances. (You can also launch instances from an AMI if the AMI owner grants you launch permissions)
    • Copy an AMI to the same region or to different regions.
    • Deregister the AMI, when finished launching an instance from an AMI

AMI Lifecycle

AMI Creation

EBS-Backed Linux AMI

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  • EBS-Backed Linux AMI can be created from the instance directly or from the EBS snapshot
  • EBS-backed Linux AMI creation process:-
    1. Select an AMI #1 similar to what you want to have your new AMI #2
    2. Launch an Instance from AMI #1 and configure it accordingly
    3. Stop the instance to ensure data integrity
    4. Create AMI #2 OR create an EBS snapshot and then create an AMI #2 from the snapshot
    5. Amazon automatically register the EBS-backed AMI
    6. AMI #2 can be now used to launch new instances
  • By default, EC2 shuts down the instance, takes snapshots of any attached volumes, creates and registers the AMI, and then reboots the instance.
  • No Reboot option
    • No Reboot option prevents the instance from shut down & reboot
    • AMI will be crash consistent as all the volumes are snapshotted at the same time
    • However, AMI is not application consistent as all the operating system buffers are not flushed to disk before the snapshots are created and file system integrity can’t be guaranteed
  • EC2 creates snapshots of the instance’s root volume and any other EBS volumes attached to the instance. If any volumes attached to the instance are encrypted, the new AMI only launches successfully on instances that support Amazon EBS encryption
  • For any additional instance-store volumes or EBS volumes, the block device mapping for the new AMI contains information for these volumes and the block device mappings for instances that you launch from the new AMI automatically contain information for these volumes.
  • While data on EBS volumes persist, the Instance-store volumes specified in the block device mapping for the new instance are new and don’t contain any data from the instance store volumes of the instance you used to create the AMI.
  • It’s more efficient to create an EBS-backed AMI with EBS snapshots already taken as the snapshot created during AMI creation is just an incremental one
  • You are charged for the storage of both the image and the snapshots

Instance Store-Backed Linux AMI

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  • Instance Store-Backed Linux AMI creation process
    1. Select an AMI #1 similar to what you want to have your new AMI #2
    2. Launch an Instance from AMI #1 and configure the instance accordingly
    3. Bundle the Instance. It takes several minutes for the bundling process to complete.
    4. After the process completes, you have a bundle, which consists of an image manifest (image.manifest.xml) and files (image.part.xx) that contain a template for the root volume.
    5. Upload the bundle to the S3 bucket
    6. Register the Instance Store-backed AMI.
    7. Launching an instance using the new AMI #2, the root volume for the instance is created using the bundle that you uploaded to S3.
  • Charges are incurred for the storage space used by the bundle in S3 until deleted
  • For additional instance store volumes, not root volumes, the block device mapping for the new AMI contains information for these volumes and the block device mappings for instances that you launch from the new AMI automatically contain information for these volumes.

Amazon EBS-backed AMI vs Instance Store-backed AMI

Deregistering AMI

  • Charges are incurred on the AMI created and they can be deregistered, if not needed.
  • Deregistering an AMI does not delete the EBS snapshots or the bundles in the S3 buckets and have to be removed separately
  • Once deregistered, new instances cannot be launched from the AMI. However, it does not impact already created instances from the AMI
  • Clean up EBS-Backed AMI

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    • Deregister the EBS-Backed AMI
    • Delete the EBS Snapshot, as deregistering the AMI doesn’t impact the snapshot
  • Clean up Instance Store-backed AMI

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    • Deregister the EBS-Backed AMI
    • Delete the bundle from the S3 bucket, as deregistering the AMI doesn’t affect the bundles stored in the S3 bucket

AMIs with Encrypted Snapshots

  • AMIs, with EBS backed snapshots, can be attached with both an encrypted root and data volume
  • AMIs copy image can be used to create AMIs with encrypted snapshots from AMIs with unencrypted snapshots. By default, copy image preserves the encryption status of the snapshots
  • Snapshots can be encrypted with either default AWS Key Management Service customer master key (CMK), or with a custom key that you specify

AMI Copying

  • EBS-backed AMIs and instance store-backed AMIs can be copied.
  • Copying an AMI
    • An identical target AMI is created, but with its own unique identifier
    • For EBS backed AMI, identical but distinct root and data snapshots are created
    • Encryption status of the snapshots are preserved
    • However, Launch permissions, user-defined tags, or S3 bucket permissions are not copied from the source AMI to the new AMI. After the copy operation is complete, different launch permissions, user-defined tags, and S3 bucket permissions to the new AMI
  • Source AMI can be deregistered without any impact to the Target AMI
  • AMIs owned or shared with proper permissions can be copied
  • AMIs are created specific to a region and can be copied within or across regions which can help to aid in the consistent global deployment and build highly scalable and available applications
  • AMI copy image can be used to encrypt an AMI from an unencrypted AMI
  • AMIs with encrypted snapshots can be copied and also encryption status changed during the copy process.
  • AWS Marketplace AMI cannot be copied, regardless of whether obtained directly or shared. Instead, launch an EC2 instance using the AWS Marketplace AMI and then create an AMI from the instance.

Amazon Linux 2 and Amazon Linux AMI

Amazon Linux 2 and Linux AMI is a supported and maintained Linux image provided by AWS with the following features

  • A stable, secure, and high-performance execution environment for applications running on EC2.
    • does not allow remote root SSH by default.
    • Password authentication is disabled to prevent brute-force password attacks.
    • Instances launched using Amazon Linux AMI must be provided with a key pair at launch to enable SSH logins
    • Inbound security group must allow SSH access
    • By default, the only account that can log in remotely using SSH is  ec2-user ; this account also has sudo privileges.
    • are configured to download and install security updates at launch time.
  • Provided at no additional charge to Amazon EC2 users.
  • Repository access to multiple versions of MySQL, PostgreSQL, Python, Ruby, Tomcat, and many more common packages.
  • Updated on a regular basis to include the latest components, and these updates are also made available in the yum repositories for installation on running instances.
  • Includes pre-installed packages to enable easy integration with AWS services, such as the AWS CLI, Amazon EC2 API, and AMI tools, the Boto library for Python, and the Elastic Load Balancing tools.

EC2 Image Builder

  • EC2 Image Builder is a fully managed AWS service that makes it easier to automate the creation, management, and deployment of customized, secure, and up-to-date server images that are pre-installed and pre-configured with software and settings to meet specific IT standards
  • EC2 Image Builder simplifies the building, testing, and deployment of Virtual Machine and container images for use on AWS or on-premises.
  • Image Builder significantly reduces the effort of keeping images up-to-date and secure by providing a simple graphical interface, built-in automation, and AWS-provided security settings.
  • Image Builder removes any manual steps for updating an image and you do not have to build your own automation pipeline.
  • Image Builder provides a one-stop-shop to build, secure, and test up-to-date Virtual Machine and container images using common workflows.
  • Image Builder allows image validation for functionality, compatibility, and security compliance with AWS-provided tests and your own tests before using them in production.
  • Image Builder is offered at no cost, other than the cost of the underlying AWS resources used to create, store, and share the images.

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. A user has launched an EC2 instance from an instance store backed AMI. The infrastructure team wants to create an AMI from the running instance. Which of the below mentioned credentials is not required while creating the AMI?
    1. AWS account ID
    2. 509 certificate and private key
    3. AWS login ID to login to the console
    4. Access key and secret access key
  2. A user has launched an EC2 Windows instance from an instance store backed AMI. The user wants to convert the AMI to an EBS backed AMI. How can the user convert it?
    1. Attach an EBS volume to the instance and unbundle all the AMI bundled data inside the EBS
    2. A Windows based instance store backed AMI cannot be converted to an EBS backed AMI
    3. It is not possible to convert an instance store backed AMI to an EBS backed AMI
    4. Attach an EBS volume and use the copy command to copy all the ephemeral content to the EBS Volume
  3. A user has launched two EBS backed EC2 instances in the US-East-1a region. The user wants to change the zone of one of the instances. How can the user change it?
    1. Stop one of the instances and change the availability zone
    2. The zone can only be modified using the AWS CLI
    3. From the AWS EC2 console, select the Actions – > Change zones and specify new zone
    4. Create an AMI of the running instance and launch the instance in a separate AZ
  4. A user has launched a large EBS backed EC2 instance in the US-East-1a region. The user wants to achieve Disaster Recovery (DR) for that instance by creating another small instance in Europe. How can the user achieve DR?
    1. Copy the running instance using the “Instance Copy” command to the EU region
    2. Create an AMI of the instance and copy the AMI to the EU region. Then launch the instance from the EU AMI
    3. Copy the instance from the US East region to the EU region
    4. Use the “Launch more like this” option to copy the instance from one region to another
  5. A user has launched an EC2 instance store backed instance in the US-East-1a zone. The user created AMI #1 and copied it to the Europe region. After that, the user made a few updates to the application running in the US-East-1a zone. The user makes an AMI#2 after the changes. If the user launches a new instance in Europe from the AMI #1 copy, which of the below mentioned statements is true?
    1. The new instance will have the changes made after the AMI copy as AWS just copies the reference of the original AMI during the copying. Thus, the copied AMI will have all the updated data
    2. The new instance will have the changes made after the AMI copy since AWS keeps updating the AMI
    3. It is not possible to copy the instance store backed AMI from one region to another
    4. The new instance in the EU region will not have the changes made after the AMI copy
  6. George has shared an EC2 AMI created in the US East region from his AWS account with Stefano. George copies the same AMI to the US West region. Can Stefano access the copied AMI of George’s account from the US West region?
    1. No, copy AMI does not copy the permission
    2. It is not possible to share the AMI with a specific account
    3. Yes, since copy AMI copies all private account sharing permissions
    4. Yes, since copy AMI copies all the permissions attached with the AMI
  7. EC2 instances are launched from Amazon Machine images (AMIS). A given public AMI can:
    1. be used to launch EC2 Instances in any AWS region.
    2. only be used to launch EC2 instances in the same country as the AMI is stored.
    3. only be used to launch EC2 instances in the same AWS region as the AMI is stored. (An AMI is tied to the region where its files are located within Amazon S3)
    4. only be used to launch EC2 instances in the same AWS availability zone as the AMI is stored.


Amazon CloudWatch Agent

Amazon CloudWatch Agent

  • CloudWatch Agent helps collect metrics and logs from EC2 instances and on-premises servers and push them to CloudWatch.
  • CloudWatch agent helps to
    • Collect internal system-level metrics from EC2 instances across operating systems. The metrics can include in-guest metrics, in addition to the metrics for EC2 instances.
    • Collect system-level metrics from on-premises servers. These can include servers in a hybrid environment as well as servers not managed by AWS.
    • Retrieve custom metrics from the applications or services using the StatsD and collectd protocols. StatsD is supported on both Linux servers and servers running Windows Server. collectd is supported only on Linux servers.
    • Collect logs from EC2 instances and on-premises servers, running either Linux or Windows Server.
    • Collect metrics for individual processes using the procstat plugins stored in the procstat namespace.
  • Default namespace for metrics collected by the agent is CWAgent, although a different namespace can be configured.
  • Logs collected by the unified agent are processed and stored in CloudWatch Logs.
  • Agent can be installed, on Amazon Linux 2 and on all supported operating systems, manually or using AWS Systems Manager
  • CloudWatch agent needs to write metrics to CloudWatch, and an IAM role for EC2 instances or an IAM user for the on-premises server should be assigned.

CloudWatch Agent

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. A company has a set of servers sitting in AWS and a set of them sitting in their On-premise locations. They want to monitor the system-level metrics for both sets of servers and have a unified dashboard for monitoring. As a system administrator, which of the following can help in this regard?
    1. Install the CloudWatch agent on both sets of servers
    2. Migrate the on-premise servers to AWS to ensure they can be monitored
    3. Setup the metrics dashboard in CloudWatch
    4. Setup the metrics dashboard in AWS Inspector
    5. Setup the metrics dashboard in AWS Config
  2. A Developer has a legacy application that is hosted on-premises. Other applications hosted on AWS depend on the on-premises application for proper functioning. In case of any application errors, the Developer wants to be able to use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor and troubleshoot all applications from one place. How can the Developer accomplish this?
    1. Install an AWS SDK on the on-premises server to automatically send logs to CloudWatch.
    2. Download the CloudWatch agent to the on-premises server. Configure the agent to use IAM user credentials with permissions for CloudWatch.
    3. Upload log files from the on-premises server to Amazon S3 and have CloudWatch read the files.
    4. Upload log files from the on-premises server to an Amazon EC2 instance and have the instance forward the logs to CloudWatch.



AWS Macie

Amazon Macie

AWS Macie

  • Macie is a data security service that discovers sensitive data by using machine learning and pattern matching, provides visibility into data security risks, and enables automated protection against those risks.
  • provides an inventory of the S3 buckets and automatically evaluates and monitors the buckets for security and access control.
  • automates the discovery, classification, and reporting of sensitive data.
  • generates a finding for you to review and remediate as necessary if it detects a potential issue with the security or privacy of the data, such as a bucket that becomes publicly accessible.
  • provides multi-account support using AWS Organizations to enable Macie across all of the accounts.
  • is a regional service and must be enabled on a region-by-region basis and helps view findings across all the accounts within each Region.
  • supports VPC Interface Endpoints to access Macie privately from a VPC without an internet gateway, NAT device, VPN connection, or AWS Direct Connect connection.

Amazon Macie

Macie Multiple Accounts

  • Macie provides multi-account support using AWS Organizations to enable Macie across all of the accounts.
  • An organization consists of a designated administrator account and one or more associated member accounts.
  • Accounts can be associated in two ways,
    • by integrating AWS Organizations (Recommended) or
    • by sending and accepting membership invitations
  • The designated administrator can assess and monitor the overall security posture of the organization’s S3 data estate, and discover sensitive data in the organization’s S3 buckets.
  • The administrator can also perform various account management and administration tasks at scale, such as monitoring estimated usage costs and assessing account quotas.

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. Which AWS service makes it easy to automate the process of discovering, classifying, and protecting data stored in AWS?
    1. AWS Shield
    2. AWS WAF
    3. AWS GuardDuty
    4. AWS Macie



AWS CloudTrail

AWS CloudTrail

  • AWS CloudTrail helps you enable governance, compliance, operational, and risk auditing of the AWS account.
  • CloudTrail helps to get a history of AWS API calls and related events for the AWS account.
  • CloudTrail records actions taken by a user, role, or AWS service.
  • CloudTrail tracking includes calls made by using the AWS Management Console, AWS SDKs, Command-line tools (CLI), APIs, and higher-level AWS services (such as AWS CloudFormation)
  • CloudTrail helps to identify which users and accounts called AWS, the source IP address the calls were made from, and when the calls occurred.
  • CloudTrail is enabled on your AWS account when you create it.
  • CloudTrail is per AWS account and per region for all the supported services.
  • CloudTrail AWS API call history enables security analysis, resource change tracking, and compliance auditing.
  • CloudTrail event history provides a viewable, searchable, and downloadable record of the past 90 days of CloudTrail events.
  • CloudTrail logs can be encrypted by using default S3 SSE-S3 or KMS.
  • CloudTrail log file integrity validation can be used to check whether a log file was modified, deleted, or unchanged after CloudTrail delivered it.
  • CloudTrail integrates with AWS Organizations and provides an organization trail that enables the delivery of events in the management account, delegated administrator account, and all member accounts in an organization to the same S3 bucket, CloudWatch Logs, and CloudWatch Events.
  • CloudTrail Insights can be enabled on a trail to help identify and respond to unusual activity.
  • CloudTrail Lake helps run fine-grained SQL-based queries on events.

CloudTrail Works

CloudTrail Flow
  • AWS CloudTrail captures AWS API calls and related events made by or on behalf of an AWS account and delivers log files to a specified S3 bucket.
  • S3 lifecycle rules can be applied to archive or delete log files automatically.
  • Log files contain API calls from all of the account’s CloudTrail-supported services.
  • Log files from all the regions can be delivered to a single S3 bucket and are encrypted, by default, using S3 server-side encryption (SSE). Encryption can be configured with AWS KMS.
  • CloudTrail publishes new log files multiple times an hour, usually about every 5 mins, and typically delivers log files within 15 mins of an API call.
  • CloudTrail can be configured, optionally, to deliver events to a log group to be monitored by CloudWatch Logs.
  • SNS notifications can be configured to be sent each time a log file is delivered to your bucket.
  • A Trail is a configuration that enables logging of the AWS API activity and delivery of events to an specified S3 bucket.
  • Trail can be created with CloudTrail console, AWS CLI, or CloudTrail API.
  • Events in a trail can also be delivered and analyzed with CloudWatch Logs and EventBridge.
  • A Trail can be applied to all regions or a single region
    • A trail that applies to all regions
      • When a trail is created that applies to all regions, CloudTrail creates the same trail in each region, records the log files in each region, and delivers the log files to the specified single S3 bucket (and optionally to the CloudWatch Logs log group).
      • Default setting when a trail is created using the CloudTrail console.
      • A single SNS topic for notifications and CloudWatch Logs log group for events would suffice for all regions.
      • Advantages
        • configuration settings for the trail apply consistently across all regions.
        • manage trail configuration for all regions from one location.
        • immediately receive events from a new region
        • receive log files from all regions in a single S3 bucket and optionally in a CloudWatch Logs log group.
        • create trails in regions not used often to monitor for unusual activity.
    • A trail that applies to one region
      • An S3 bucket can be specified that receives events only from that region and it can be in any region that you specify.
      • Additional individual trails are created that apply to specific regions, those trails can deliver event logs to a single S3 bucket.
  • Turning on a trail means creating a trail and start logging.
  • CloudTrail supports five trails per region. A trail that applies to all regions counts as one trail in every region
  • As a best practice, a trail can be created that applies to all regions in the AWS partition e.g. AWS for all standard AWS regions or aws-cn for china
  • IAM can control which AWS users can create, configure, or delete trails, start and stop logging, and access the buckets containing log information.
  • Log file integrity validation can be enabled to verify that log files have
    remained unchanged since CloudTrail delivered them.
  • CloudTrail Lake helps run fine-grained SQL-based queries on the events.

CloudTrail with AWS Organizations

  • With AWS Organizations, an Organization trail can be created that will log all events for all AWS accounts in that organization.
  • Organization trails can apply to all AWS Regions or one Region.
  • Organization trails must be created in the management account, and when specified as applying to an organization, are automatically applied to all member accounts in the organization.
  • Member accounts will be able to see the organization trail, but cannot modify or delete it.
  • By default, member accounts will not have access to the log files for the organization trail in the S3 bucket.

CloudTrail Events

  • An event in CloudTrail is the record of activity in an AWS account.
  • CloudTrail events provide a history of both API and non-API account activity made through the AWS Management Console, AWS SDKs, command line tools, and other AWS services.
  • CloudTrail has the following event types
    • Management Events
      • Management events provide information about management or control plane operations that are performed on resources.
      • Includes resource creation, modification, and deletion events.
      • By default, trails log all management events for the AWS account.
    • Data Events
      • Data events provide information about the resource or data plane operations performed on or in a resource.
      • Includes data events like reading and writing of objects in S3 or items in DynamoDB.
      • By default, trails don’t log data events for the AWS account.
    • CloudTrail Insights Event
      • CloudTrail Insights events capture unusual API call rate or error rate activity in the AWS account.
      • An Insights event is a record of unusual levels of write management API activity, or unusual levels of errors returned on management API activity. 
      • By default, trails don’t log CloudTrail Insights events.
      • When enabled, CloudTrail detects unusual activity, and Insights events are logged to a different folder or prefix in the destination S3 bucket for the trail.
      • Insights events provide relevant information, such as the associated API, error code, incident time, and statistics, that help you understand and act on unusual activity.
      • Unlike other types of events captured in a CloudTrail trail, Insights events are logged only when CloudTrail detects changes in the account’s API usage or error rate logging that differ significantly from the account’s typical usage patterns.

Global Services Option

  • For most services, events are sent to the region where the action happened.
  • For global services such as IAM, AWS STS, and CloudFront, events are delivered to any trail that has the Include global services option enabled.
  • AWS OpsWorks and Route 53 actions are logged in the US East (N. Virginia) region.
  • To avoid receiving duplicate global service events, remember
    • Global service events are always delivered to trails that have the Apply trail to all regions option enabled.
    • Events are delivered from a single region to the bucket for the trail. This setting cannot be changed.
    • If you have a single region trail, you should enable the Include global services option.
    • If you have multiple single region trails, you should enable the Include global services option in only one of the trails.
  • About global service events
    • have a trail with the Apply trail to all regions option enabled.
    • have multiple single-region trails.
    • do not need to enable the Include global services option for the single region trails. Global service events are delivered for the first trail.

CloudTrail Log File Integrity

  • Validated log files are invaluable in security and forensic investigations.
  • CloudTrail log file integrity validation can be used to check whether a log file was modified, deleted, or unchanged after CloudTrail delivered it.
  • The validation feature is built using industry-standard algorithms: SHA-256 for hashing and SHA-256 with RSA for digital signing which makes it computationally infeasible to modify, delete or forge CloudTrail log files without detection.
  • When log file integrity validation is enabled
    • CloudTrail creates a hash for every log file that it delivers.
    • Every hour, CloudTrail also creates and delivers a digest file that references the log files for the last hour and contains a hash of each.
    • CloudTrail signs each digest file using the private key of a public and private key pair.
    • After delivery, the public key can be used to validate the digest file.
    • CloudTrail uses different key pairs for each AWS region.
    • Digest files are delivered to the same S3 bucket, but a separate folder, associated with the trail for the log files
    • The separation of digest files and log files enables the enforcement of granular security policies and permits existing log processing solutions to continue to operate without modification.
    • Each digest file also contains the digital signature of the previous digest file if one exists.
    • Signature for the current digest file is in the metadata properties of the digest file S3 object.
    • Log files and digest files can be stored in S3 or Glacier securely, durably and inexpensively for an indefinite period of time.
    • To enhance the security of the digest files stored in S3, S3 MFA Delete can be enabled.

CloudTrail Enabled Use Cases

  • Track changes to AWS resources
    • Can be used to track creation, modification or deletion of AWS resources
  • Compliance Aid
    • easier to demonstrate compliance with internal policy and regulatory standards
  • Troubleshooting Operational Issues
    • identify the recent changes or actions to troubleshoot any issues
  • Security Analysis
    • use log files as inputs to log analysis tools to perform security analysis and to detect user behavior patterns

CloudTrail Processing Library (CPL)

  • CloudTrail Processing Library (CPL) helps build applications to take immediate action on events in CloudTrail log files
  • CPL helps to
    • read messages delivered to SNS or SQS
    • downloads and reads the log files from S3 continuously
    • serializes the events into a POJO
    • allows custom logic implementation for processing
    • fault tolerant and supports multi-threading

AWS CloudTrail vs AWS Config

  • AWS Config reports on WHAT has changed, whereas CloudTrail reports on WHO made the change, WHEN, and from WHICH location.
  • AWS Config focuses on the configuration of the AWS resources and reports with detailed snapshots on HOW the resources have changed, whereas CloudTrail focuses on the events, or API calls, that drive those changes. It focuses on the user, application, and activity performed on the system.

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. You currently operate a web application in the AWS US-East region. The application runs on an auto-scaled layer of EC2 instances and an RDS Multi-AZ database. Your IT security compliance officer has tasked you to develop a reliable and durable logging solution to track changes made to your EC2, IAM and RDS resources. The solution must ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your log data. Which of these solutions would you recommend?
    1. Create a new CloudTrail trail with one new S3 bucket to store the logs and with the global services option selected. Use IAM roles, S3 bucket policies and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Delete on the S3 bucket that stores your logs. (Single New bucket with global services option for IAM and MFA delete for confidentiality)
    2. Create a new CloudTrail with one new S3 bucket to store the logs. Configure SNS to send log file delivery notifications to your management system. Use IAM roles and S3 bucket policies on the S3 bucket that stores your logs. (Missing Global Services for IAM)
    3. Create a new CloudTrail trail with an existing S3 bucket to store the logs and with the global services option selected Use S3 ACLs and Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) Delete on the S3 bucket that stores your logs. (Existing bucket prevents confidentiality)
    4. Create three new CloudTrail trails with three new S3 buckets to store the logs one for the AWS Management console, one for AWS SDKs and one for command line tools. Use IAM roles and S3 bucket policies on the S3 buckets that store your logs (3 buckets not needed, Missing Global services options)
  2. Which of the following are true regarding AWS CloudTrail? Choose 3 answers
    1. CloudTrail is enabled globally (it can be enabled for all regions and also per-region basis)
    2. CloudTrail is enabled by default (was not enabled by default, however, it is enabled by default as per the latest AWS enhancements)
    3. CloudTrail is enabled on a per-region basis (it can be enabled for all regions and also per-region basis)
    4. CloudTrail is enabled on a per-service basis (once enabled it is applicable for all the supported services, service can’t be selected)
    5. Logs can be delivered to a single Amazon S3 bucket for aggregation
    6. CloudTrail is enabled for all available services within a region. (is enabled only for CloudTrail supported services)
    7. Logs can only be processed and delivered to the region in which they are generated. (can be logged to bucket in any region)
  3. An organization has configured the custom metric upload with CloudWatch. The organization has given permission to its employees to upload data using CLI as well SDK. How can the user track the calls made to CloudWatch?
    1. The user can enable logging with CloudWatch which logs all the activities
    2. Use CloudTrail to monitor the API calls
    3. Create an IAM user and allow each user to log the data using the S3 bucket
    4. Enable detailed monitoring with CloudWatch
  4. A user is trying to understand the CloudWatch metrics for the AWS services. It is required that the user should first understand the namespace for the AWS services. Which of the below mentioned is not a valid namespace for the AWS services?
    1. AWS/StorageGateway
    2. AWS/CloudTrail (CloudWatch supported namespaces)
    3. AWS/ElastiCache
    4. AWS/SWF
  5. Your CTO thinks your AWS account was hacked. What is the only way to know for certain if there was unauthorized access and what they did, assuming your hackers are very sophisticated AWS engineers and doing everything they can to cover their tracks?
    1. Use CloudTrail Log File Integrity Validation. (Refer link)
    2. Use AWS Config SNS Subscriptions and process events in real time.
    3. Use CloudTrail backed up to AWS S3 and Glacier.
    4. Use AWS Config Timeline forensics.
  6. Your CTO has asked you to make sure that you know what all users of your AWS account are doing to change resources at all times. She wants a report of who is doing what over time, reported to her once per week, for as broad a resource type group as possible. How should you do this?
    1. Create a global AWS CloudTrail Trail. Configure a script to aggregate the log data delivered to S3 once per week and deliver this to the CTO.
    2. Use CloudWatch Events Rules with an SNS topic subscribed to all AWS API calls. Subscribe the CTO to an email type delivery on this SNS Topic.
    3. Use AWS IAM credential reports to deliver a CSV of all uses of IAM User Tokens over time to the CTO.
    4. Use AWS Config with an SNS subscription on a Lambda, and insert these changes over time into a DynamoDB table. Generate reports based on the contents of this table.



AWS IAM Best Practices

AWS IAM Best Practices

AWS recommends the following AWS Identity and Access Management service – IAM Best Practices to secure AWS resources

Root Account – Don’t use & Lock away access keys

  • Do not use the AWS Root account which has full access to all the AWS resources and services including the Billing information.
  • Permissions associated with the AWS Root account cannot be restricted.
  • Do not generate the access keys, if not required
  • If already generated and not needed, delete the access keys.
  • If access keys are needed, rotate (change) the access key regularly
  • Never share the Root account credentials or access keys, instead create IAM users or Roles to grant granular access
  • Enable AWS multifactor authentication (MFA) on the AWS account

User – Create individual IAM users

  • Don’t use the AWS root account credentials to access AWS, and don’t share the credentials with anyone else.
  • Start by creating an IAM User with an Administrator role that has access to all resources as the Root except the account’s security credentials.
  • Create individual users for anyone who needs access to your AWS account and gives each user unique credentials and grant different permissions.

Groups – Use groups to assign permissions to IAM users

  • Instead of defining permissions for individual IAM users, create groups and define the relevant permissions for each group as per the job function, and then associate IAM users to those groups.
  • Users in an IAM group inherit the permissions assigned to the group and a User can belong to multiple groups
  • It is much easier to add new users, remove users and modify the permissions of a group of users.

Permission – Grant least privilege

  • IAM user, by default, is created with no permissions
  • Users should be granted LEAST PRIVILEGE as required to perform a task.
  • Starting with minimal permissions and adding to the permissions as required to perform the job function is far better than granting all access and trying to then tighten it down.

Passwords – Enforce strong password policy for users

  • Enforce users to create strong passwords and enforce them to rotate their passwords periodically.
  • Enable a strong password policy to define password requirements forcing users to create passwords with requirements like at least one capital letter, one number, and how frequently it should be rotated.

MFA – Enable MFA for privileged users

  • For extra security, Enable MultiFactor Authentication (MFA) for privileged IAM users, who are allowed access to sensitive resources or APIs.

Role – Use temporary credentials with IAM roles

  • Use roles for workloads instead of creating IAM user and hardcoding the credentials which can compromise the access and are also hard to rotate.
  • Roles have specific permissions and do not have a permanent set of credentials.
  • Roles provide a way to access AWS by relying on dynamically generated & automatically rotated temporary security credentials.
  • Roles  associated with it but dynamically provide temporary credentials that are automatically rotated

Sharing – Delegate using roles

  • Allow users from same AWS account, another AWS account, or externally authenticated users (either through any corporate authentication service or through Google, Facebook etc) to use IAM roles to specify the permissions which can then be assumed by them
  • A role can be defined that specifies what permissions the IAM users in the other account are allowed, and from which AWS accounts the IAM users are allowed to assume the role

Rotation – Rotate credentials regularly

  • Change your own passwords and access keys regularly and enforce it through a strong password policy. So even if a password or access key is compromised without your knowledge, you limit how long the credentials can be used to access your resources
  • Access keys allows creation of 2 active keys at the same time for an user. These can be used to rotate the keys.

Track & Review – Remove unnecessary credentials

  • Remove IAM user and credentials (that is, passwords and access keys) that are not needed.
  • Use the IAM Credential report that lists all IAM users in the account and the status of their various credentials, including passwords, access keys, and MFA devices and usage patterns to figure out what can be removed
  • Passwords and access keys that have not been used recently might be good candidates for removal.

Conditions – Use policy conditions for extra security

  • Define conditions under which IAM policies allow access to a resource.
  • Conditions would help provide finer access control to the AWS services and resources for e.g. access limited to a specific IP range or allowing only encrypted requests for uploads to S3 buckets etc.

Auditing – Monitor activity in the AWS account

  • Enable logging features provided through CloudTrail, S3, CloudFront in AWS to determine the actions users have taken in the account and the resources that were used.
  • Log files show the time and date of actions, the source IP for an action, which actions failed due to inadequate permissions, and more.

Use IAM Access Analyzer

  • IAM Access Analyzer analyzes the services and actions that the IAM roles use, and then generates a least-privilege policy that you can use.
  • Access Analyzer helps preview and analyze public and cross-account access for supported resource types by reviewing the generated findings.
  • IAM Access Analyzer helps to validate the policies created to ensure that they adhere to the IAM policy language (JSON) and IAM best practices.

Use Permissions Boundaries

  • Use IAM Permissions Boundaries to delegate permissions management within an account
  • IAM permissions boundaries help set the maximum permissions that you delegate and that an identity-based policy can grant to an IAM role.
  • A permissions boundary does not grant permissions on its own.

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. Your organization is preparing for a security assessment of your use of AWS. In preparation for this assessment, which two IAM best practices should you consider implementing? Choose 2 answers
    1. Create individual IAM users for everyone in your organization (May not be needed as can use Roles as well)
    2. Configure MFA on the root account and for privileged IAM users
    3. Assign IAM users and groups configured with policies granting least privilege access
    4. Ensure all users have been assigned and are frequently rotating a password, access ID/secret key, and X.509 certificate (Must be assigned only if using console or through command line)
  2. What are the recommended best practices for IAM? (Choose 3 answers)
    1. Grant least privilege
    2. User the AWS account(root) for regular user
    3. Use Mutli-Factor Authentication (MFA)
    4. Store access key/private key in git
    5. Rotate credentials regularly
  3. Which of the below mentioned options is not a best practice to securely manage the AWS access credentials?
    1. Enable MFA for privileged users
    2. Create individual IAM users
    3. Keep rotating your secure access credentials at regular intervals
    4. Create strong access key and secret access key and attach to the root account
  4. Your CTO is very worried about the security of your AWS account. How best can you prevent hackers from completely hijacking your account?
    1. Use short but complex password on the root account and any administrators.
    2. Use AWS IAM Geo-Lock and disallow anyone from logging in except for in your city.
    3. Use MFA on all users and accounts, especially on the root account. (For increased security, it is recommend to configure MFA to help protect AWS resources)
    4. Don’t write down or remember the root account password after creating the AWS account.
  5. Fill the blanks: ____ helps us track AWS API calls and transitions, ____ helps to understand what resources we have now, and ____ allows auditing credentials and logins.
    1. AWS Config, CloudTrail, IAM Credential Reports
    2. CloudTrail, IAM Credential Reports, AWS Config
    3. CloudTrail, AWS Config, IAM Credential Reports
    4. AWS Config, IAM Credential Reports, CloudTrail


AWS IAM Roles vs Resource Based Policies

AWS IAM Roles vs Resource-Based Policies

AWS allows granting cross-account access to AWS resources, which can be done using IAM Roles or Resource-Based Policies.

IAM Roles

  • Roles can be created to act as a proxy to allow users or services to access resources.
  • Roles support
    • trust policy which helps determine who can access the resources and
    • permission policy which helps to determine what they can access.
  • Users who assume a role temporarily give up their own permissions and instead take on the permissions of the role. The original user permissions are restored when the user exits or stops using the role.
  • Roles can be used to provide access to almost all the AWS resources.
  • Permissions provided to the User through the Role can be further restricted per user by passing an optional policy to the STS request. This policy cannot be used to elevate privileges beyond what the assumed role is allowed to access

Resource-based Policies

  • Resource-based policy allows you to attach a policy directly to the resource you want to share, instead of using a role as a proxy.
  • Resource-based policy specifies the Principal, in the form of a list of AWS account ID numbers, can access that resource and what they can access.
  • Using cross-account access with a resource-based policy, the User still works in the trusted account and does not have to give up their permissions in place of the role permissions.
  • Users can work on the resources from both accounts at the same time and this can be useful for scenarios e.g. copying objects from one bucket to the other bucket in a different AWS account.
  • Resources that you want to share are limited to resources that support resource-based policies
  • Resource-based policies need the trusted account to create users with permissions to be able to access the resources from the trusted account.
  • Only permissions equivalent to, or less than, the permissions granted to your account by the resource owning account can be delegated.

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. What are the two permission types used by AWS?
    1. Resource-based and Product-based
    2. Product-based and Service-based
    3. Service-based
    4. User-based and Resource-based
  2. What’s the policy used for cross-account access? (Choose 2)
    1. Trust policy
    2. Permissions Policy
    3. Key policy


Amazon CloudWatch

Amazon CloudWatch

  • CloudWatch monitors AWS resources and applications in real time.
  • CloudWatch can be used to collect and track metrics, which are the variables to be measured for resources and applications.
  • CloudWatch is basically a metrics repository where the metrics can be inserted and statistics retrieved based on those metrics.
  • In addition to monitoring the built-in metrics that come with AWS, custom metrics can also be monitored
  • CloudWatch provides system-wide visibility into resource utilization, application performance, and operational health.
  • By default, CloudWatch stores the log data indefinitely, and the retention can be changed for each log group at any time.
  • CloudWatch alarms can be configured
    • to send notifications or
    • to automatically make changes to the resources based on defined rules
  • CloudWatch dashboards are customizable home pages in the CloudWatch console used to monitor the resources in a single view, even those resources that are spread across different Regions.
  • CloudWatch Agent helps collect metrics and logs from EC2 instances and on-premises servers and push them to CloudWatch.

CloudWatch Architecture

CloudWatch Architecture
  • CloudWatch collects various metrics from various resources
  • These metrics, as statistics, are available to the user through Console, CLI
  • CloudWatch allows the creation of alarms with defined rules
    • to perform actions to auto-scaling or stop, start, or terminate instances
    • to send notifications using SNS actions on your behalf

CloudWatch Concepts


  • CloudWatch namespaces are containers for metrics.
  • Metrics in different namespaces are isolated from each other, so that metrics from different applications are not mistakenly aggregated into the same statistics.
  • AWS namespaces all follow the convention AWS/<service>, for e.g. AWS/EC2 and AWS/ELB
  • Namespace names must be fewer than 256 characters in length.
  • There is no default namespace. Each data element put into CloudWatch must specify a namespace.


  • Metric is the fundamental concept in CloudWatch.
  • Uniquely defined by a name, a namespace, and one or more dimensions.
  • Represents a time-ordered set of data points published to CloudWatch.
  • Each data point has a time stamp, and (optionally) a unit of measure.
  • Data points can be either custom metrics or metrics from other
    services in AWS.
  • Statistics can be retrieved about those data points as an ordered set of time-series data that occur within a specified time window.
  • When the statistics are requested, the returned data stream is identified by namespace, metric name, dimension, and (optionally) the unit.
  • Metrics exist only in the region in which they are created.
  • CloudWatch stores the metric data for two weeks
  • Metrics cannot be deleted, but they automatically expire after 15 months, if no new data is published to them.
  • Metric retention is as follows
    • Data points with a period of less than 60 seconds are available for 3 hours. These data points are high-resolution custom metrics.
    • Data points with a 60 secs (1 min) period are available for 15 days
    • Data points with a 300 secs (5 min) period are available for 63 days
    • Data points with a 3600 secs (1 hour) period are available for 455 days (15 months)


  • A dimension is a name/value pair that uniquely identifies a metric.
  • Every metric has specific characteristics that describe it, and you can think of dimensions as categories for those characteristics.
  • Dimensions help design a structure for the statistics plan.
  • Dimensions are part of the unique identifier for a metric, whenever a unique name pair is added to one of the metrics, a new metric is created.
  • Dimensions can be used to filter result sets that CloudWatch query returns.
  • A metric can be assigned up to ten dimensions to a metric.

Time Stamps

  • Each metric data point must be marked with a time stamp to identify the data point on a time series.
  • Timestamp can be up to two weeks in the past and up to two hours into the future.
  • If no timestamp is provided, a time stamp based on the time the data element was received is created.
  • All times reflect the UTC time zone when statistics are retrieved


  • Each metric is one of the following:
    • Standard resolution, with data having a one-minute granularity
    • High resolution, with data at a granularity of one second


  • Units represent the statistic’s unit of measure e.g. count, bytes, %, etc


  • Statistics are metric data aggregations over specified periods of time
  • Aggregations are made using the namespace, metric name, dimensions, and the data point unit of measure, within the specified time period


  • Period is the length of time associated with a specific statistic.
  • Each statistic represents an aggregation of the metrics data collected for a specified period of time.
  • Although periods are expressed in seconds, the minimum granularity for a period is one minute.


  • CloudWatch aggregates statistics according to the period length specified in calls to GetMetricStatistics.
  • Multiple data points can be published with the same or similar time stamps. CloudWatch aggregates them by period length when the statistics about those data points are requested.
  • Aggregated statistics are only available when using detailed monitoring.
  • Instances that use basic monitoring are not included in the aggregates
  • CloudWatch does not aggregate data across regions.


  • Alarms can automatically initiate actions on behalf of the user, based on specified parameters.
  • Alarm watches a single metric over a specified time period, and performs one or more actions based on the value of the metric relative to a given threshold over a number of time periods.
  • Alarms invoke actions for sustained state changes only i.e. the state must have changed and been maintained for a specified number of periods.
  • Action can be a
    • SNS notification
    • Auto Scaling policies
    • EC2 action – stop or terminate EC2 instances
  • After an alarm invokes an action due to a change in state, its subsequent behavior depends on the type of action associated with the alarm.
    • For Auto Scaling policy notifications, the alarm continues to invoke the action for every period that the alarm remains in the new state.
    • For SNS notifications, no additional actions are invoked.
  • An alarm has three possible states:
    • OK—The metric is within the defined threshold
    • ALARM—The metric is outside of the defined threshold
    • INSUFFICIENT_DATA—Alarm has just started, the metric is not available, or not enough data is available for the metric to determine the alarm state
  • Alarms exist only in the region in which they are created.
  • Alarm actions must reside in the same region as the alarm
  • Alarm history is available for the last 14 days.
  • Alarm can be tested by setting it to any state using the SetAlarmState API (mon-set-alarm-state command). This temporary state change lasts only until the next alarm comparison occurs.
  • Alarms can be disabled and enabled using the DisableAlarmActions and EnableAlarmActions APIs (mon-disable-alarm-actions and mon-enable-alarm-actions commands).


  • CloudWatch does not aggregate data across regions. Therefore, metrics are completely separate between regions.

Custom Metrics

  • CloudWatch allows publishing custom metrics with put-metric-data CLI command (or its Query API equivalent PutMetricData)
  • CloudWatch creates a new metric if put-metric-data is called with a new metric name,  else it associates the data with the specified existing metric
  • put-metric-data command can only publish one data point per call
  • CloudWatch stores data about a metric as a series of data points and each data point has an associated time stamp
  • Creating a new metric using the put-metric-data command, can take up to two minutes before statistics can be retrieved on the new metric using the get-metric-statistics command and can take up to fifteen minutes before the new metric appears in the list of metrics retrieved using the list-metrics command.
  • CloudWatch allows publishing
    • Single data point
      • Data points can be published with time stamps as granular as one-thousandth of a second, CloudWatch aggregates the data to a minimum granularity of one minute
      • CloudWatch records the average (sum of all items divided by number of items) of the values received for every 1-minute period, as well as number of samples, maximum value, and minimum value for the same time period
      • CloudWatch uses one-minute boundaries when aggregating data points
    • Aggregated set of data points called a statistics set
      • Data can also be aggregated before being published to CloudWatch
      • Aggregating data minimizes the number of calls reducing it to a single call per minute with the statistic set of data
      • Statistics include Sum, Average, Minimum, Maximum, SampleCount
  • If the application produces data that is more sporadic and have periods that have no associated data, either a the value zero (0) or no value at all can be published
  • However, it can be helpful to publish zero instead of no value
    • to monitor the health of your application for e.g. alarm can be configured to notify if no metrics published every 5 minutes
    • to track the total number of data points
    • to have statistics such as minimum and average to include data points with the value 0.

CloudWatch Dashboards

  • CloudWatch dashboards are customizable home pages in the CloudWatch console used to monitor the resources in a single view, even those resources that are spread across different Regions.
  • Dashboards can be used to create customized views of the metrics and alarms for the AWS resources.
  • Dashboards can help to create
    • A single view for selected metrics and alarms to help assess the health of the resources and applications across one or more Regions.
    • An operational playbook that provides guidance for team members during operational events about how to respond to specific incidents.
    • A common view of critical resource and application measurements that can be shared by team members for faster communication flow during operational events.
  • CloudWatch cross-account observability helps monitor and troubleshoot applications that span multiple accounts within a Region.
  • Cross-account observability includes monitoring and source accounts
    • A monitoring account is a central AWS account that can view and interact with observability data generated from source accounts.
    • A source account is an individual AWS account that generates observability data for the resources that reside in it.
    • Source accounts share their observability data with the monitoring account which can include the following types of telemetry:
      • Metrics in CloudWatch
      • Log groups in CloudWatch Logs
      • Traces in AWS X-Ray

CloudWatch Agent

  • CloudWatch Agent helps collect metrics and logs from EC2 instances and on-premises servers and push them to CloudWatch.
  • Logs collected by the unified agent are processed and stored in CloudWatch Logs.

CloudWatch Logs

Refer blog post @ CloudWatch Logs

CloudWatch Supported Services

Refer blog post @ CloudWatch Supported Services

Accessing CloudWatch

  • CloudWatch can be accessed using
    • AWS CloudWatch console
    • CloudWatch CLI
    • AWS CLI
    • CloudWatch API
    • AWS SDKs


AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. A company needs to monitor the read and write IOPs metrics for their AWS MySQL RDS instance and send real-time alerts to their operations team. Which AWS services can accomplish this? Choose 2 answers
    1. Amazon Simple Email Service (Cannot be integrated with CloudWatch directly)
    2. Amazon CloudWatch
    3. Amazon Simple Queue Service
    4. Amazon Route 53
    5. Amazon Simple Notification Service
  2. A customer needs to capture all client connection information from their load balancer every five minutes. The company wants to use this data for analyzing traffic patterns and troubleshooting their applications. Which of the following options meets the customer requirements?
    1. Enable AWS CloudTrail for the load balancer.
    2. Enable access logs on the load balancer. (Refer link)
    3. Install the Amazon CloudWatch Logs agent on the load balancer.
    4. Enable Amazon CloudWatch metrics on the load balancer (does not provide Client connection information)
  3. A user is running a batch process on EBS backed EC2 instances. The batch process starts a few instances to process Hadoop Map reduce jobs, which can run between 50 – 600 minutes or sometimes for more time. The user wants to configure that the instance gets terminated only when the process is completed. How can the user configure this with CloudWatch?
    1. Setup the CloudWatch action to terminate the instance when the CPU utilization is less than 5%
    2. Setup the CloudWatch with Auto Scaling to terminate all the instances
    3. Setup a job which terminates all instances after 600 minutes
    4. It is not possible to terminate instances automatically
  4. A user has two EC2 instances running in two separate regions. The user is running an internal memory management tool, which captures the data and sends it to CloudWatch in US East, using a CLI with the same namespace and metric. Which of the below mentioned options is true with respect to the above statement?
    1. The setup will not work as CloudWatch cannot receive data across regions
    2. CloudWatch will receive and aggregate the data based on the namespace and metric
    3. CloudWatch will give an error since the data will conflict due to two sources
    4. CloudWatch will take the data of the server, which sends the data first
  5. A user is sending the data to CloudWatch using the CloudWatch API. The user is sending data 90 minutes in the future. What will CloudWatch do in this case?
    1. CloudWatch will accept the data
    2. It is not possible to send data of the future
    3. It is not possible to send the data manually to CloudWatch
    4. The user cannot send data for more than 60 minutes in the future
  6. A user is having data generated randomly based on a certain event. The user wants to upload that data to CloudWatch. It may happen that event may not have data generated for some period due to randomness. Which of the below mentioned options is a recommended option for this case?
    1. For the period when there is no data, the user should not send the data at all
    2. For the period when there is no data the user should send a blank value
    3. For the period when there is no data the user should send the value as 0 (Refer User Guide)
    4. The user must upload the data to CloudWatch as having no data for some period will cause an error at CloudWatch monitoring
  7. A user has a weighing plant. The user measures the weight of some goods every 5 minutes and sends data to AWS CloudWatch for monitoring and tracking. Which of the below mentioned parameters is mandatory for the user to include in the request list?
    1. Value
    2. Namespace (refer put-metric request)
    3. Metric Name
    4. Timezone
  8. A user has a refrigerator plant. The user is measuring the temperature of the plant every 15 minutes. If the user wants to send the data to CloudWatch to view the data visually, which of the below mentioned statements is true with respect to the information given above?
    1. The user needs to use AWS CLI or API to upload the data
    2. The user can use the AWS Import Export facility to import data to CloudWatch
    3. The user will upload data from the AWS console
    4. The user cannot upload data to CloudWatch since it is not an AWS service metric
  9. A user has launched an EC2 instance. The user is planning to setup the CloudWatch alarm. Which of the below mentioned actions is not supported by the CloudWatch alarm?
    1. Notify the Auto Scaling launch config to scale up
    2. Send an SMS using SNS
    3. Notify the Auto Scaling group to scale down
    4. Stop the EC2 instance
  10. A user has a refrigerator plant. The user is measuring the temperature of the plant every 15 minutes. If the user wants to send the data to CloudWatch to view the data visually, which of the below mentioned statements is true with respect to the information given above?
    1. The user needs to use AWS CLI or API to upload the data
    2. The user can use the AWS Import Export facility to import data to CloudWatch
    3. The user will upload data from the AWS console
    4. The user cannot upload data to CloudWatch since it is not an AWS service metric
  11. A user is trying to aggregate all the CloudWatch metric data of the last 1 week. Which of the below mentioned statistics is not available for the user as a part of data aggregation?
    1. Aggregate
    2. Sum
    3. Sample data
    4. Average
  12. A user has setup a CloudWatch alarm on an EC2 action when the CPU utilization is above 75%. The alarm sends a notification to SNS on the alarm state. If the user wants to simulate the alarm action how can he achieve this?
    1. Run activities on the CPU such that its utilization reaches above 75%
    2. From the AWS console change the state to ‘Alarm’
    3. The user can set the alarm state to ‘Alarm’ using CLI
    4. Run the SNS action manually
  13. A user is publishing custom metrics to CloudWatch. Which of the below mentioned statements will help the user understand the functionality better?
    1. The user can use the CloudWatch Import tool
    2. The user should be able to see the data in the console after around 15 minutes
    3. If the user is uploading the custom data, the user must supply the namespace, timezone, and metric name as part of the command
    4. The user can view as well as upload data using the console, CLI and APIs
  14. An application that you are managing has EC2 instances and DynamoDB tables deployed to several AWS Regions. In order to monitor the performance of the application globally, you would like to see two graphs 1) Avg CPU Utilization across all EC2 instances and 2) Number of Throttled Requests for all DynamoDB tables. How can you accomplish this? [PROFESSIONAL]
    1. Tag your resources with the application name, and select the tag name as the dimension in the CloudWatch Management console to view the respective graphs (CloudWatch metrics are regional)
    2. Use the CloudWatch CLI tools to pull the respective metrics from each regional endpoint. Aggregate the data offline & store it for graphing in CloudWatch.
    3. Add SNMP traps to each instance and DynamoDB table. Leverage a central monitoring server to capture data from each instance and table. Put the aggregate data into CloudWatch for graphing (Can’t add SNMP traps to DynamoDB as it is a managed service)
    4. Add a CloudWatch agent to each instance and attach one to each DynamoDB table. When configuring the agent set the appropriate application name & view the graphs in CloudWatch. (Can’t add agents to DynamoDB as it is a managed service)
  15. You have set up Individual AWS accounts for each project. You have been asked to make sure your AWS Infrastructure costs do not exceed the budget set per project for each month. Which of the following approaches can help ensure that you do not exceed the budget each month? [PROFESSIONAL]
    1. Consolidate your accounts so you have a single bill for all accounts and projects (Consolidation will not help limit per account)
    2. Set up auto scaling with CloudWatch alarms using SNS to notify you when you are running too many Instances in a given account (many instances do not directly map to cost and would not give exact cost)
    3. Set up CloudWatch billing alerts for all AWS resources used by each project, with a notification occurring when the amount for each resource tagged to a particular project matches the budget allocated to the project. (as each project already has a account, no need for resource tagging)
    4. Set up CloudWatch billing alerts for all AWS resources used by each account, with email notifications when it hits 50%. 80% and 90% of its budgeted monthly spend
  16. You meet once per month with your operations team to review the past month’s data. During the meeting, you realize that 3 weeks ago, your monitoring system which pings over HTTP from outside AWS recorded a large spike in latency on your 3-tier web service API. You use DynamoDB for the database layer, ELB, EBS, and EC2 for the business logic tier, and SQS, ELB, and EC2 for the presentation layer. Which of the following techniques will NOT help you figure out what happened?
    1. Check your CloudTrail log history around the spike’s time for any API calls that caused slowness.
    2. Review CloudWatch Metrics graphs to determine which component(s) slowed the system down. (Metrics data was available for 2 weeks before, however it has been extended now)
    3. Review your ELB access logs in S3 to see if any ELBs in your system saw the latency.
    4. Analyze your logs to detect bursts in traffic at that time.
  17. You have a high security requirement for your AWS accounts. What is the most rapid and sophisticated setup you can use to react to AWS API calls to your account?
    1. Subscription to AWS Config via an SNS Topic. Use a Lambda Function to perform in-flight analysis and reactivity to changes as they occur.
    2. Global AWS CloudTrail setup delivering to S3 with an SNS subscription to the deliver notifications, pushing into a Lambda, which inserts records into an ELK stack for analysis.
    3. Use a CloudWatch Rule ScheduleExpression to periodically analyze IAM credential logs. Push the deltas for events into an ELK stack and perform ad-hoc analysis there.
    4. CloudWatch Events Rules, which trigger based on all AWS API calls, submitting all events to an AWS Kinesis Stream for arbitrary downstream analysis. (CloudWatch Events allow subscription to AWS API calls, and direction of these events into Kinesis Streams. This allows a unified, near real-time stream for all API calls, which can be analyzed with any tool(s). Refer link)
  18. To monitor API calls against our AWS account by different users and entities, we can use ____ to create a history of calls in bulk for later review, and use ____ for reacting to AWS API calls in real-time.
    1. AWS Config; AWS Inspector
    2. AWS CloudTrail; AWS Config
    3. AWS CloudTrail; CloudWatch Events (CloudTrail is a batch API call collection service, CloudWatch Events enables real-time monitoring of calls through the Rules object interface. Refer link)
    4. AWS Config; AWS Lambda
  19. You are hired as the new head of operations for a SaaS company. Your CTO has asked you to make debugging any part of your entire operation simpler and as fast as possible. She complains that she has no idea what is going on in the complex, service-oriented architecture, because the developers just log to disk, and it’s very hard to find errors in logs on so many services. How can you best meet this requirement and satisfy your CTO? [PROFESSIONAL]
    1. Copy all log files into AWS S3 using a cron job on each instance. Use an S3 Notification Configuration on the <code>PutBucket</code> event and publish events to AWS Lambda. Use the Lambda to analyze logs as soon as they come in and flag issues. (is not fast in search and introduces delay)
    2. Begin using CloudWatch Logs on every service. Stream all Log Groups into S3 objects. Use AWS EMR cluster jobs to perform adhoc MapReduce analysis and write new queries when needed. (is not fast in search and introduces delay)
    3. Copy all log files into AWS S3 using a cron job on each instance. Use an S3 Notification Configuration on the <code>PutBucket</code> event and publish events to AWS Kinesis. Use Apache Spark on AWS EMR to perform at-scale stream processing queries on the log chunks and flag issues. (is not fast in search and introduces delay)
    4. Begin using CloudWatch Logs on every service. Stream all Log Groups into an AWS Elasticsearch Service Domain running Kibana 4 and perform log analysis on a search cluster. (ELK – Elasticsearch, Kibana stack is designed specifically for real-time, ad-hoc log analysis and aggregation)
  20. Your EC2-Based Multi-tier application includes a monitoring instance that periodically makes application -level read only requests of various application components and if any of those fail more than three times 30 seconds calls CloudWatch to fire an alarm, and the alarm notifies your operations team by email and SMS of a possible application health problem. However, you also need to watch the watcher -the monitoring instance itself – and be notified if it becomes unhealthy. Which of the following is a simple way to achieve that goal? [PROFESSIONAL]
    1. Run another monitoring instance that pings the monitoring instance and fires a could watch alarm mat notifies your operations team should the primary monitoring instance become unhealthy.
    2. Set a CloudWatch alarm based on EC2 system and instance status checks and have the alarm notify your operations team of any detected problem with the monitoring instance.
    3. Set a CloudWatch alarm based on the CPU utilization of the monitoring instance and nave the alarm notify your operations team if C r the CPU usage exceeds 50% few more than one minute: then have your monitoring application go into a CPU-bound loop should it Detect any application problems.
    4. Have the monitoring instances post messages to an SOS queue and then dequeue those messages on another instance should the queue cease to have new messages, the second instance should first terminate the original monitoring instance start another backup monitoring instance and assume (the role of the previous monitoring instance and beginning adding messages to the SQS queue.