AWS Solution Architect & SysOps Associate Certification Exams Preparation & Sample Questions
- AWS Certified Solution Architect – Associate learning path
- AWS Certified Developer – Associate learning path
- AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate learning path
- AWS Certified Solution Architect – Professional learning path
- AWS Certified DevOps – Professional learning path
I recently passed AWS Solution Architect – Associate (90%) & SysOps – Associate (81%) certification exams.
I would like to share my preparation leading to and experience for the exams
- AWS Certification exams are pretty tough to crack as they cover a lot of topics from a wide range of services offered by them.
- I cleared both the Solution Architect and SysOps Associate certifications in a time frame of 2 months.
- I had 6 months of prior hands-on experience with AWS primarily on IAM, VPC, EC2, S3 & RDS which helped a lot
- There are lot of resources online which can be helpful but are overwhelming as well as misguide you (I found lot of dumps which have sample exam questions but the answers are marked wrong)
- AWS Associate certifications although can be cleared with complete theoretical knowledge, a bit of hands on really helps a lot.
- Also, AWS services are update literally everyday with new features being added, issues resolved and so on, which the exam questions surely don’t keep a track off. Not sure how often the exam questions are updated.
- So my suggestion is if you see a question which focuses on a scenario which added latest by AWS within a month, still don’t go with that answer and stick to the answer which was relevant before the update for e.g. encryption of Root volume usually made in the certification exam with options to use external tools and was enabled by AWS recently.
AWS Certification Exam Preparation
As I mentioned there are lot of resources and courses online for the Certification exam which can be overwhelming, this is what I did for my preparation to clear the exams
- Went through AWS Certification Preparation guide
- Went through the AWS Solution Architect & SysOps blue print thoroughly as it mentions the topics and the weightage in the exam
- Purchased the acloud guru course from udemy (got it for $10 on discount) for both the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate 2017 and AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate 2017
course, which greatly helped to have a clear picture of the the format, topics and relevant sections
- Signed up with AWS for the Free Tier account which provides a lot of the Services to be tried for free with certain limits which are more then enough to get things going. Be sure to decommission anything, if you using any thing beyond the free limits, preventing any surprises
- Also, used the QwikLabs for all the introductory courses which are free and allow you to try out the services multiple times (I think its max 5, as I got the warnings couple of times)
- Update: Qwiklabs seems to have reduced the free courses quite a lot and now provide targeted labs for AWS Certification exams which are charged
- Went through the few Whitepapers especially the
- Read the FAQs atleast for the important topics, as they cover important points and are good for quick review
- Went through multiple sites to consolidate the Sample exam questions and worked on them to get the correct answers. I have tried to consolidate them further in this blog topic wise.
- Went through multiple discussion topics on the acloud guru course which are pretty interesting and provides further insights and some of them are actually certification exam questions
- I did not purchase the AWS Practice exams, as the questions are available all around. But if you want to check the format, it might be useful.
- Opinion : acloud guru course are good by itself but is not sufficient to pass the exam but might help to counter about 50-60% of exam questions
- Also, if you are well prepared the time for the certification exam is more then enough and I could answer all the questions within an hour and was able to run a review on all them once.
- Important Exam Time Tip: Only mark the questions which you doubt as Mark for Review and then go through them only. I did the mistake marking quite a few as Mark for Review, even though I was confident on the answers, and wasting time on them again.
- You can also check on
- Braincert AWS Solution Architect – Associate Practice Exam
- Set of extensive questions, with very nice, accurate & detailed explanation
- Whizlabs AWS Solutions Architect Associate Exam and AWS SysOps Administrator Associate Exam exams which has practice exams
- Braincert AWS Solution Architect – Associate Practice Exam
AWS Associate Certification Exam Important Topics
- Both Solution Architect & Sysops concentrate on a variety of AWS services
- Important topics with 70-80% coverage
- EC2
- S3
- Whitepapers
- CloudWatch Monitoring & Troubleshooting – Primarily for SysOps
- Other topics with 20-30% coverage
- Can expect questions from SWF, AWS Support, Cloud HSM (supported services), Trusted Advisor, Storage Gateway, Direct Connect, SNS, Consolidated Billing
Man i need to ask you some important question, i i did go once to the exam and i failed , and as you said the internet is full of misleading dumps and question/answers.
i have been answering all your questions and answers lately, all the blog question seriously ! do you think this covers all ? or not ? also it will be great help if i can have your contact email.
Hi Melik, I just subscribed to the acloud guru course which i think was enough to get started but not to clear the exams for sure.
I did go through a lot of dumps which are shared for free partially and then ask to to buy full ones, the answers were actually wrong.
Am not sure for the full dumps sold as I never felt the need to buy those.
I have tried to consolidate all the questions I could get hold of around the internet and answered them to best of my knowledge with relevant documentation.
From my experience, you might need go through the acloud guru course (or any other equivalent ones), my blog, a bit of hands on and faqs and couple of whitepaper, which should be good enough.
So a few months ago I also passed AWS-SA-A (87%). I would highly suggest exactly what Mr. Patil has suggested i.e. 1) A Cloud Guru 2) Jayendra Patil Blog 3) AWS FAQ’s and Whitepapers 4) A lil bit of hands on, especially VPC. That’s it and you are gold. I would suggest reading his blog based on topics. It helped me a lot to answer questions that I had not encountered before (approximately 15-18 questions). What helps is the explanation given in red by Mr. Patil after some of the questions. Understanding those concepts will help you to reason the right answer for those unknown questions. I say this because in my exam I was also keeping score between questions I was sure that I had the right answers and questions which I had to reason before answering. I was surprised to see I got 87% as I was expecting around 70%.
Jayendra Sir, how can I upload a few questions for SA Pro? I have just started studying for SA-Pro and have a few questions that I would like to review/answer.
As usual, thanks for maintaining this site. It has truly helped many of us understand these concepts as well as clear the certs.
hello MrPatil,
I am preparing for AWS associate exam, i want to know that after getting certified how much it help in getting the job in India.
Harpal singh
Surely it has a weightage in India, as we too are working heavily on AWS and see openings in other companies as well.
But Only certification adds value, but hand ons experience is a must.
How many of the sample questions would you say that you saw on the real exam?
Almost 80%
Great article! This is a great way to get an idea of the type of questions that you may face during the examinations. Students should go through theses questions and answers to make sure that they are fully prepared for the AWS Certification Examination.
Very good blog. i have tried different website links. but not satisfied. finally followed this block which helped me to clear the associate level exam with out any tension.
Thanks Jayendra.
Hey Congrats Ramesh and thanks for the feedback
Mr.Jayendra – this is very useful. Have a question! I am scheduled to write ins Dec 30. But i need little bit more prep. If i postpone to Jan 1st week, will the format change because it is new clandar year is my worry? Do you have any thoughts??
Also where have you given the sample questions? Can u give me the link? My id is
I doubt it would change with the year change. Amazon updates questions on frequent basis, but some of the questions are still old and does not keep up the pace with the changes happening in AWS services everyday. So i still think you should be good to go. Sample questions are linked to each of the topics at the end.
Hi Jayendra,
Thank you very much! No Doubt its really a very good blog.Its helps a lot! But i wanted to know if you have this kind of blog for AWS-Certified-Solutions-Architect-Professional exam.If so can you please provide me the details.Thanks in advacne!
The topics and some of questions are pretty much from the Professional course as well. I don’t have a brief overview for Professional certification as I am also preparing on it.
Jayendra Sir! Is it possible for me to send you some AWS-SA Professional questions and concepts? I am having a tough time identifying the correct methodology and responses. If so please contact me and let me know how I can send these to you. Thanks.
Sure Ravi, please give me your email id and will mail you directly.
Hi Jayendra:
Excellent blog, I cleared my SA-Associate and your blog was helpful…. Next I am targeting sysops and SA-P, can you share the details for SA-P pls ?
my email id is
Congrats Abhi, Sys Ops – Associate is pretty much covered in the blog.
Am working on the SA-P and will let you know soon.
Could you please share with me as well, Thank you os much in advance!
These are what I was looking for. Could you please send me these?
Hi Everyone!
Guyz who have taken the exam can answer this question.
Can we keep track of our score while the exam is still going on and what is the passing percentage for associate architect.
Nope, the score is disclosed at the very end only after you submit the exam. Also the passing % is variable and not known.
Dear Jayendra,
Variable means it can increase will I am giving the test, any idea if you can give about the minimum % what should I aim for .So that I can have some goal in front of me.
Read on forums thats its a variable percentile calculations, so on one day a person scoring 65% might pass will on an other day person scoring 70% might fail. I would recommend scoring above 70-75% for making it through.
Thanks a lot !
Thanks Sir. My email is
Hi Jayendra,
Thank you for writing very crisp blog. This blog clearly guides us on what steps we need to follow for excelling on AWS solution architecture — associate certification exam.
Can you please share your list of AWS-SA Professional questions and concepts. It would be of great help. My email id is
Hi Jayendra, would it be possible to share questions to, Please. Thank you
hello Jay,
Can you please share Developer associate exam question with me
Hi Sanjeev, i do any have any specific developer associate exam set, but the blog should cover most of the questions and almost all the topics.
Hi Jayendra, would it be possible to share questions for associate exams to, Please. Thanks a lot.
I have tried to put questions as per the topics on the blog itself. So you should find most of them for associate exam on the site.
Great Blogs…..Thanks a lot for this, very helpful and much appreciated.
Thanks Kieran a lot, let me know if any feedback
Love your blog! Could you send me the questions for the solution architect associate exam? I am unsure of which ones are sysops only.
Thanks Jim, they are all included with individual topics …. SysOps mainly concentrate on Monitoring, Troubleshooting, CloudWatch, CloudFormation etc.
Hi Jayendra,
Your blog rocks!
Today I’ve passed AWS SA-Assocaite exam, your blogs acted as a study guide for me, the questions at the end of each topic is very helpful for exam point of view, much appreciated.Thank you very much.
Congrats Prasenjit and thanks
Jayendra thanks so much for this blog and your excellent summaries of the white paper as well as the sample questions. I was feeling a bit lost with the sheer scale of the AWS services and your posts helped me focus. With your help I’ve just passed SysOps with 90%!
For other readers who are preparing, I also did the cloudguru course, and searched through their forums for questions discussed on there as well as from people who passed and their hints. I read a lot of AWS documentation on specifics I saw in the forums/course/this blog if I didn’t fully understand. I’ve also spent the last 6 months very hands-on with AWS, repeatedly building VPCs, EC2, ELB, ASGs etc which is invaluable. Good luck!
Great .. Thanks and Congrats Tarni
Hi Jayendra,
After reading your blog I gain some confidence to take exam.
Could you please share me some sample questions for CSA – associate.
Hi Sanjay … Concentrate on the ones with lesser prose for Associate exams …
Did you see any questions on the white paper “Well Architected Framework”
nope .. nothing related to it
Hi Jayendra,
I am preparing for associate exam. Is it possible to share the associate exam questions to
Thanks and appreciate your help.
Hi Samy, its covered in the blog. Check for the shorter ones, they are more relevant for the associate exam.
Hi Jayendra,
Questions presented listed in blog are awesome, from where you collected these questions and how much this help for exam?
Just aggregated them … they are available across the forums and sites on Internet ….
Hi Jayendra,
Can you share the questions and details with me at for Solution architect associate exams
Hi Saurabh, I don’t have a separate set, you can check the blog questions based on the topics targeted for Associate exams. The questions with less prose are the associate ones.
Jayendra sir,
Thank you so-much!. I really grateful to you. I followed your guidance by completing 1) few times 2)Your blogs and sample questions 3)FAQs as you advised. I cleared the AWS-SA exam last week.
I am starting for AWS sysops administrator associate exam. I bought videos only. Do you any recommendations for complete conceptual understanding and sample questions.
Again, thank you very much for your contributions to AWS learners community!!
Congrats Raman, thats great ….
acloud guru, blog and FAQs would be good enough to clear SysOps Associate.
Thanks for your recommendations. I will focus on all the three areas.
Hi Jayendra
Thanks for sharing such valuable information .
I am also preparing for SA exam and came across this blog. After going through few sample Qns , I felt that Acloud guru alone will not be enough to clear the exam . But for preparing for SA exam ( not Sys Ops admin currently ) , is it good to study the topics , Qns and links mentioned from this page or is there anything more precise for SA.
i saw the SA prep guide , but that was more related individual topics
and of course a concise cheap sheet also .
Please clear this doubt also to go ahead with focus.
The SA and SysOps is not much different except for the SysOps concentrates more on troubleshooting, Monitoring, Deployments so topics like CloudWatch, CloudTrail, CloudFormation, Elastic Beanstalk and Opsworks are more SysOps related. So you can skip these the rest remain the same.
Also, i have tried to mark some topics as Professional specific, but if not marked concentrate on questions that do not have long prose. Longer prose with multiple services are surely professional.
Thanks for the info
Hi Jay,
Your blog is very good. I passed the CSA exam last week and your blog helped me a lot. I heard Developer Associate exam is almost similar to CSA and only a few topics we need to have in-depth knowledge like DynamoDB. Could you please tell me which topics should i focus more to pass the Developer Associate exam?
And one more suggestion is, please try adding tags to specify which topics are for which exams. Because some topics have in-depth details which may not require for Associate exams.
Thanks and Congrats. For Developer, topics mostly remain the same and the focus is more on development. Services like IAM, S3, VPC, DynamoDB, SQS, RDS, Route 53, Beanstalk are covered.
I am trying to separate the topics and the questions as well based on the Associate and Professional level, but it would take time.
Thank you, Jay. Truly appreciate all your hardwork, especially your down-to-earth attitude
Thanks Anand … Happy to help
My other question is, Should we know any programming language to learn or pass the Developer Associate exam?
And in general, what scripting/programming language should I learn to become more knowledgeable in AWS? And are there any sites from which we can learn those scripting languages easily? Thanks in advance.
Focus is not on programming language but on APIs or function provided by AWS. So you don’t ideally need to learn Java/Python for it.
Hi Jay,
Your blog is very great. I am preparing for the CSA exam and your blog is helping me a lot, please let me know when you will be able to separate the topics and the questions based on the Associate and Professional level? I know it would take time and effort but I am looking for an estimate.
According to your knowledge, how often Amazon change the questions based on feedback you got from people.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks JoS, working on it post by post …. might be able to close it my this month.
The exam hasn’t changed for quite some time and no new service appears in the exam as far as the feedback i have seen from the people taking exam recently.
Thanks for the reply and efforts. I am looking forward to see the changes in your blog.
sure .. will keep you updated ..
Hi Jay,
first of all Kudos to you Sir!!! This blog is definitely the best blog i have seen so far around AWS technologies, specially for Certification Preparations.
I finished CSAA last week with a score of 92% and planning to Take the CDA next week, could you email me the material or sample questions that you may have?
Congrats Aseem and thanks
I don’t have any separate material for CDA. All the topics and questions are consolidated on the blog.
Concentrate more on DynamoDB additional in addition to the VPC, S3, EC2, IAM and other topics.
Hi Jayendra,
Very happy to land in your page ! Thank you so much for such great materials !
In the begining, you have mentioned that you cleared Solution Architect and SysOps Associate certifications in a time frame of 2 months and you had 6 months prior AWS experience.
Did you take up SysOps exam right after Solution Architect or there were other certifications before you hit SysOps ?
I have hands-on experience in AWS as DevOps engineer and have been using the services like EC2,VPC,IAM,S3, Route53, CloudWatch, SNS, SES etc. I hope, a cloudguru training, your blogs, AWS white-papers, sample questions will be suffice to clear Solution Architect first. Final target is SysOps though :-).
Hi Rajib,
I took SA and SysOps within a span of 2 months. Nothing in between.
SysOps and SA (same with Developer) share about 70% of the topics required for the exam.
You can take them in any order.
However for professional, you surely need preparation time. Atleast dedicated 3 months from my estimates so better clear Associates before you move to Professional.
For Associate, acloud guru, my blog, whitepapers should suffice.
All the best
Hi Jayendra,
Thank you for your response and suggestions. I will take up Associates first before I take up the final target DevOps – Professional (sorry, there was a typo in my previous post: “Final target is SysOps though” should have been “Final target is DevOps though”).
Great and All the best …
Hi Jayendra,
Not sure if you remember me but i have been here in your blog for ages, today i have a question not about AWS!
First let me tell you that i cleared both Solution Architecture and SysOps only because of your blog.
Now my question, why do you blog ? seriously ? is it documenting what you study ? is it long term goal to change it to paid service ? maybe add some ads later ? what is the real reason deep inside for blogging
I started a blog and then i stopped after 48 hours asking myself that question.
Sure I remember you Sherief
and congrats 

I actually started documenting my study notes on blogspot initially and then started using it as a reference as well.
Main reason being there are lot things and I was not able to find anything specific for certification.
However, slowly I moved to my own domain, learned quite a lot of other stuff as well WordPress, SEO, Ads, Affiliate marketing and AWS itself
Just continuing with what I have now, but surely have new topics on my mind to add.
I want to suggest one thing to add to your blog, which will be helpful for me !
to add section for real life scenarios, common daily AWS tasks something that can make people who are getting the certificate to have the feeling of hands one experience.
Thanks Sherief, am looking into those topics already.
Hi Jayendra,
I have been studying for CSAA for like a couple of months. And I’m planning to take an exam in a week. I have been studying your blog, flashcards, did some practice tests in whizlabs and in acloudguru. The thing is I’ve been through many tests and I,ve been scoring like 77% to 81%. I’m not pretty confident to attempt. Would that cover like 75% in the real test?
Hi Meena, go through my CSSA blog topics and practice exam questions if you think you have manage to understand the concept and answer them all, I think you are good to go. All the Best …
Dear Mr Patil,
Its really nice to see such a blog been maintained and indeed helping many like me who are actually looking for an optimal direction to prepare for these tests. I am preparing for AWS Solution Certified Architect Associate Exam, could you pleas share sample questions to my email address? In fact i am browsing through for some sample question but your experience would really help to have a best set of questions.
Please mail me to
Thanks in Advance
Hi Hussain, replied separately.
I am preparing for AWS Solution Certified Architect Associate Exam, could you please share some sample questions to
Many thanks for help!
I don’t have any separate question set.
Refer to my Blog Post @ which has the topics and questions at the end.
The longer prose ones are the professional ones usually so you can ignore.
I am yet to mark the questions which are specific to Associate and Professional.
For Associate Practice Exams, also check–-Associate-Practice-Exams, which are excellent preparation before exams.
Dear Mr Patil,
Thanks a lot for this lovery block which is helping many like me who are actually looking for an direction to prepare for these tests. I am preparing for AWS Solution Certified Architect Associate Exam, could you please share sample questions to my email address?
In fact i am browsing through for some sample question but your experience would really help to have a best set of questions.
Please mail me to
Thanks alot in Advance
Thanks Hitesh, I have listed lot of questions with each blog post. Haven’t got anything separate.
For Associate Please refer to blog post @
If you want to check on Practice exams I would recommend Braincert Exams @ Good for preparation before exams and the content is of good quality, coverage and explanation.
Hello Jay,
It is a great Blog, and i hope that i have seen it before i went to my Associate Exam first try. I depended on acloudguru, and unfortunately as you said, it was not quite enough to pass the exam, although i was confident from the course.
I’m planning to try again in a week time, but i need to be more prepared for the exam, the problem is that the Faqs does cover many details that is not really required for the associate exam. I’m not sure if you have a consolidated set of practice exam questions in a document by now so i can save the time and effort other than depending on the braincert you mentioned. Your experience is valuable.
My Email is
Hi Jayendra:
Excellent blog,
I am preparing for AWS Solution Certified Architect Associate Exam, could you please share some sample questions to
Many thanks for help!
AWS Solution Certified Architect Associate Exam!!!
Please for any useful material!! email:
Thank You In Advanced!
sent across ….
Hi Jayendrapatil,
Excellent references and explanation.
Thanks very much.
Thanks James, happy to help …
Hi Jayendra,
Awesome blog!
I am planning to start my preparation for solution architecture exams and collecting all possible papers and related study materials. If possible can you forward me the same.
In case you have any tips if you want to pass before starting my preparation, I would love to know.
Thanks in advance!
Email ID:
AWS Solution Certified Architect Associate Exam, Please share all sample questions-answers you have.
Thank You In Advance!
Good day could you please share all
Sample questions you have
AWS Solution Certified Architect Associate Exam, Please share questions
Hello Jayendra,
Really nice blog with detailed information. I am preparing for AWS Solution Certified Architect Associate Exam, could you please share any useful material, sample questions/answres to my email address?
Please mail me to
Thanks in Advance,
Best Regards,
Hello Jeyendra,
This is one of the excellent blog which i have visited so far. I am in the final leg of prepration. Could you please share sample questions with me?
my email address is :
Thanks & Regards
Vijay Krishnan MR
Hi Jay
Thanks very much for your blog. It’s really excellent and powerful to help me clear my SA-professional exam with score 86. I appreciate it a lot.
Thats great Leo … Congrats ….
BTW, there’s a new certification named as Big Data – Specialist. Have you cleared it or do you have any learning materials to help?
Hi Leo, yup haven’t looked into it yet but this is certainly on my list ….
Hello Jayendra,
Really nice blog with detailed information. I am preparing for AWS Solution Developer Certification Exam, could you please share any useful material, sample questions/answers to my email address?
Please mail me to
Thanks in Advance,
Radhika Kamalesh
Hi Radhika, sent an email ….
Based on your recommendation, i have gone thru the course and white papers along with the hands-on. but, i heard that they have added ECS to the SA Associate exam. i am preparing that too now. Could you please help with the sample questions for SA Associate exam.
The sample questions are at the end of each topic. You can check the one with lesser prose which usually are professional.
You can also check for braincert exams which are ideal for preparation.
Awsome Blog with detailed information. I have cleared both Associate and professional exam and got lot of exam preparation tips from your blog
Currently am preparing for AWS bigdata Certification Exam, failed in my first attempt with 53 % could you please share any useful material, sample questions/answers to my email address?
Please mail me to
I have gone thru cloudguru ,linuxacademy and whitepapers,reinvent videos as well
Thanks for your support
Congrats Selva, sorry i do not have anything on Big data for now. Working on it.
Hello Jay,
I just cleared CSA-A exam lately, I wish I had seen your blog a little earlier as I had to go through a boatload of material – Acloudguru, Linuxacademy, Sybex book, some collection of Q&A from different sources.
However, glad that I was able to pass it!
Kindly forward me the collection of Q&A you have for your CSA-A exam and I can comment on what I saw in my exam specifically.
For now, I’ve started prep for SysOps, if you have any set of questions on that, please forward it to me
I saw a lot of questions that are clearly marked for CSA-A exam, CDA & Prof exams but for some reason not SysOps. Hope I am not missing anything here.
Regards & keep up the good work!
Congrats Muzammil, i had started marking the questions categorized by exams but never completed it, so you won’t find many of them marked.
I do not have separate questions but you can try the ones with shorter prose, these are usually associate levels. You can also check for braincert practice tests, would help.
I’ve grabbed quite a few Q&A from your website, let me put that up in a testing engine topic wise and see how it may look like.
Hi Jayendra,
Hope all is well-
I am preparing for AWS Solution Architect Associate certification. You blog is really helpful.
If you have any additional reference Q&A, please do share it @
Appreciate your help.Thanks!
Raja B
just sent …
I am preparing for AWS Sysops Associate certification can you please send me questions
Jayandra excellent Kudos to you on this Blog ,
I am currently on Cloud Foundry project (pivotal)
Deploying Cloud Foundry on AWS .
Appreciate if you could send additional resources on CSA certificate exams or any other resources to my email thanks for your time again
Hi Jayendra,
Trust you are doing good!
I am preparing for AWS Solution Architect Associate certification and ur blog is helpful.
If you have any additional reference Q&A, please do share it prashantpathki at
Appreciate your help.
Hi Prashant, sent over via email
Hi Jayendra,
I am also preparing for the AWS SA Associate exam. Please fwd the reference Q&A as well to raman.mms at
Thanks & Regards
I am also preparing for AWS SA associate exam. please forward Q&A to me so well.
admajia at
warm regards,
Hi Jayendra,
Hope all is well, haopy to see your blog, this is amazing.
I am preparing for the AWS SA Associate exam. Please fwd the reference Q&A as well to
Thanks in advance.
Hi Jeyendra,
This is one of most helpful knowledge resource for AWS. I was able to clear teh solution architect associate certification with 81%. I prepared with some AWS knowledge repository (its too vast, so not able to cover substantial) and 2-3 months of hands on labs, but was not quite confident about the exam. Your collection of knowledge resources helped me to prepare better and gain confidence.
Thank you very much!
Congrats Prasanna, Happy to Help
Hi Jayendra,
Good Day.
I hope you are doing well.
Your blog is really great help for us.
I have read the topics and see it full of knowledge.
Can i have a favor, kindly send me Q&A to my email.
My email is
Thanks and Regards
I do not have any separate Q&A, all the questions are on the blog site. Would suggest go through the blog, whitepapers, FAQs and Braincert practice tests.
Hi Jayendra,
I forgot to mention i’m about to take AWS Solution Architect Associate.
Kindly send me Q & A to my email address.
Thanks and Regards.
Hi Jayendra,
I am planning to take up the AWS Certified Big Data – Speciality certification.
Anys suggestions on its resources; as the acloudguru course would not be sufficient to clear the exam.
Your resources for Solution architect associate was very helpful to clear the exam.
Please let me know your suggestions on this.
Hello Jayendra,
Really nice blog with very detailed information. and the cheat sheets are at the best of what you can get.
I am preparing for AWS Solution Architect Certification Exam, could you please share any useful material, sample questions/answers to my email address?
Please mail me to
Thanks for writing this awesome article. This information would benefit anyone preparing for the exams.
Hi, I am also preparing for AWS Solution Architect – Associate Certification Exam, could you please share some Q&A that will help me to clear the exam.
I do not have separate Q&A, everything is on the blog. I passed you few links that can help you in preparation and hands-on
I am also preparing for the AWS Devops Associate exam. Please fwd the reference Q& mail id is as soon as possible.
I do not have separate Q&A, everything is on the blog. I passed you few links that can help you in preparation and hands-on
Hi Jayendra,
I am taking up my AWS Certified Systems Architect -Associate test next week. I have had some hands on experience and had also taken ACloud Guru training for CSA. Also have bought AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam Mastery2018. Would appreciate if you could provide any last minute tips for clearing the certifications.
You can send it to
I purchased dumps from cert4pass and appeared for the exam and got 45% failed.
Mostof the dumps are with wrong answers. Please help me to get the correct answers.
My email id :
As i have mentioned in the post, Dumps across have wrong answers so do not trust.
HI Jayendrapatil,
I am preparing for AWS Solution Architect Associate certification and following your your blog as a guideline.
CAn you please share additional reference Q&A, any think which you think is helpfull for the test please send at
you can follow the resources, usually a online course, blog contents, FAQs, practice tests are a very good preparation for the exams.
Hi Jayendra, Thanks for your Blogs and references. I cleared AWS SA Associate exam with help of your blogs and Brain Cert Practice exam question sets. I also referred AcloudGuru course.
I am now thinking of going for AWS developers exam. Can you please let me know what extra preparation I need to do and where can I find correct references?
Do you think of any other certification that we should do after this first certification?
Thats great Amol, congrats. You can refer to the blog for developer
70% of the topics are same, whereas developer just have few more topics and development tools coverage compared to SA.
Hi Jayendra,
When wanting to work as SA, which of the below certification should be done first so as to help in Day to Day work?
AWS Developers associate?
AWS Devops Associate? Any link for preparation of this course?
If going for SA, SysOps is more helpful then Developer. Developer is more developers.
For SysOps –
Hi Jay,
Could you please send me the practice questions for DevOps Engineer Professional at
Hi Jayendra,
I am preparing for associate exam and your blog is one of my key reference.
Really appreciate and thank you for your excellent work.
I am looking for practice questions near to actual exam, would it be possible for you to please
share or even if reference would be great help for me.
Thanks in advance.
You can check on the Braincert exams, they have a good feedback and can help a lot for the exams.
Hello Jayendra,
Really nice blog with detailed information. I am preparing for AWS Developer Associate Certification Exam on the topics given in your blog. It is very much helpful, if you could share any material, sample questions/answers to my email address..
Please mail me to
Thank you,
Sorry your email bounced …
For CDA you can refer to
you can also check AWS Developer Associate Practice Exams @, would help you to prepare for the exams.
Hello Jayendra,
the blog is really helpful, i’m preparing for AWS Solution Architect Associate exam, i have been using AWS from 5 months. ive even subscribed udemy course. i’m looking for sample questions before going for the exam. it would be helpful if you send me some.
Thank you.
I do not have a seperate question set, pretty much is on the blog. sent a short summary that might help.
Hi Jayendra
I am planning to give CSA exam by next month.Could you please share any dumps/ any reference questions or material that I can go through.I will also post my results after my exam.Looking forward to your mail.
dont have any seperate dumps. All the questions are on the blog and I keep updating them.
Sent an email for brief preparation summary, should be good enough to get you through.
Hi, I am planning to give sysops exam this month but I do not have questions to practice. Can you help mw with that?
I have questions on the blog for each topic, you can basically check on them relevant to the SysOps exam.
Hi Jayendra,
I have AWS solution architect associate exam on Mar 14, can you give me any tips or any reference material plz. Thanks!!
replied a preparation summary from the blog, make sure to cover as much as you can.
Hello Jayendra,
The blog is really helpful, i’m preparing for AWS Solution Architect Associate exam, i have been studying & using AWS since last 6 months. i’ve even subscribed udemy course. i’m looking for sample questions before going for the exam. it would be helpful if you send me some.
Thank you.
Hi jayendra,
I am preparing for AWS CSA exam.Can you send me the Q&A set or links for them ?
It will be helpful for practice.
Don’t have seperate set of Q&A. Most of it is covered on the blog. Sent a brief summary for preparation.
Would you please corward this summary to me too
Hi Jayendra,
I’m planning to give CSA exam. Can you forward the brief summary for preparation to
hello Jay,
Can you please associate solution architect exam question with me?
Hello Jay,
I’m planning to give Solution Architect Associate exam. Can you please forward the brief summary for preparation to
hi Jeyandra,
This is Shiva again, I followed your advise and got certified SA in November. Now I am planning todo aws bigdata certification. Please could you advise me on this.
Congrats Shiva, i am preparing one for big data soon.
Hi Jayendra,
Hope you are doing good. happy to see your blog, this is very helpful.
I am preparing for the AWS SA Associate exam. Could Please fwd the reference and Q&A to
Appreciate your help!
Thanks in advance
Hi Jayendra,
I am preparing for AWS Solution Architect – Associates exam.
Request you to please share the QA guide to
Hello Jayendra,
I have scheduled AWS solutions architect associate exam this weekend. Any helpful tips, questions, topics to get me through the exam helps. I did prepare for the exam.
Your guidance is for cross checking my knowledge.
Hello Jayendra
I am preparing for the AWS SA Associate exam. Could Please fwd the reference and Q&A I am planning to give next week.
Hi, Jayendra,
I just passed the AWS SA Associate exam and scored 81%. Thank you very much for your great material to help me pass this exam. There are several questions regarding the API gateway, which is not encountered during preparation. it would be better than you can add more details to it.
Great Congrats Larry, sure i will check on API gateway.
Hello patil,
I have attempted AWS CSA -Assocaite exam but could not get succeed , could you please help me to share the set of sample questions on, planning to re-appear again in first week of help would be very much appreciated.
Hi , could you please share the latest questions and material if any for SA @
There are resources in the SAA-C01 learning path, you can refer and choose what you are looking for.
Hi, Jayendra,
Planning to take a SAA-C01 certification(Solution Archetict Associate). Please share the QA guide that can help me pass the exam.
Hi Dan Dilag, should be useful as it covers the resources.
Nice Information on AWS
Hi Jayendra, would it be possible to share questions for associate exams to
Please. Thanks a lot.
Hi Jayendra, would it be possible to share questions for associate exams to for recent 3 yeras dumps, Please. Thanks a lot.
Sorry Basi, i do not have dumps or questions. I usually check on the internet for these.
Hi Jayendra,
Am planning to appear for the “new version” of the exam SAA-C02 (Solution Architect – Associate) next month. All the additional resources / documents / sample questions specific to SAA-C02 would be of great help. Thanks in advance.
Hi Sankara, updated @
Excellent post !!!,
Thanks for such a great post and the review, I am totally impressed! Keep stuff like this coming.