AWS Partnerships That Have Upgraded the Way Businesses Collaborate

AWS Partnerships That Have Upgraded the Way Businesses Collaborate

Credit: Unsplash

Through the AWS Partner Network (APN), brands have been able to reach customers and help improve businesses across the globe. AWS channel chief Doug Yeum explains that the benefits to brands in the APN can be tremendous. In his keynote presentation at the AWS re:Invest 2020 conference, he said, “Companies are looking for AWS partners who can deliver end-to-end solutions, develop cloud-native applications in addition to managing the cloud infrastructure, and have deep specializations across industries, use cases, specific workloads like SAP and AWS services. Partners who can meet these customer requirements and truly understand that speed matters — there will be lots of opportunities.”

Indeed, we’ve seen some great AWS partnerships present innovative ways to solve every business need imaginable. Here are some of the most memorable AWS partnerships to have upgraded the way businesses collaborate:


Having been an AWS Premier Consulting Partner and AWS Managed Services Provider since 2008, AliCloud is at the forefront of AWS partnerships. With the help of AWS resources like training, marketing, and solutions development assistance, the company aims to improve AWS adoption by onboarding new startup and enterprise customers. AliCloud hopes to use its many years of experience to introduce new customers to the wonders of cloud services.


Altium is a leading provider of electronics designing software that aims to streamline the process for both beginning and experienced engineers. In an effort to make the development and realization of printed circuit boards more streamlined, they developed Altium 365, a completely cloud-based design platform that creates seamless collaboration points across the electronics development process. In 2020, Altium selected AWS to host Altium 365, making it more accessible to individual and enterprise clients alike.


Professional services network Deloitte is known for providing support to companies across over 150 countries worldwide, and through its collaboration with AWS, it has developed Smart Factory Fabric. With it, they now empower smart factory transformations at both the plant and enterprise level. The Smart Factory Fabric is a pre-configured suite of cloud-based applications that help industrial enterprises quickly transition to the digital world, improving operational performance and reducing costs.


Offering three services on AWS, InfoStretch aims to enable enterprise clients to accelerate their digital initiatives through DevSecOps, Internet of Things (IoT) offerings, data engineering, and data analytics services, among others. Through their “Go, Be, Evolve” digital approach, they assist clients in the digital maturity journey from strategy, planning, migration, and execution, all the way to automation.


Specializing in providing SAP solutions for enterprises on AWS, Lemongrass became an AWS partner because of the latter’s position as a leader in cloud infrastructure. Eamonn O’Neill, director of Lemongrass Consulting, has stated that the infrastructure of AWS was perfect for their services, as it’s “incredibly resilient, and incredibly well built.”

Whats Next !

But what’s next for AWS? Following amazing partnerships that seek to revolutionize the way we do business, Amazon is rolling out some great features, including the mainstreaming of Graviton2 processors, which promise to streamline cloud computing. AWS is also constantly working to re-evaluate its systems to ensure better cost-savings management for customers. Improvements are also being made to Aurora Serverless, enabling it to support customers who want to continue scaling up.

AWS can be a game-changer for many businesses. With a robust operations hub like AWS Systems Manager, businesses have great control over operational tasks, troubleshooting, and resource and application management. With AWS announcing that it adds 50 new partners to the APN daily, the network has become a great resource for end-to-end solutions and cloud-native application development.

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty (AXS-C01) Exam Learning Path

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder - Specialty Certificate

Finally All Down for AWS (for now) …

Continuing on my AWS journey with the last AWS certification, I took another step by clearing the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty (AXS-C01) certification. It is amazing to know and learn how Voice first experiences are making an impact and changing how we think about technology and use cases.

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty (AXS-C01) exam basically validates your ability to build, test, publish and certify Alexa skills.

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty (AXS-C01) Exam Summary

  • AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty exam focuses only on Alexa and how to build skills.
  • AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty exam has 65 questions with a time limit of 170 minutes
  • Compared to the other professional and specialty exams, the question and answers are not long and similar to associate exams. So if you are prepared well, it should not need the 170 minutes.
  • As the exam was online from home, there was no access to paper and pen but the trick remains the same, read the question and draw a rough architecture and focus on the areas that you need to improve. Trust me, you will be able to eliminate 2 answers for sure and then need to focus on only the other two. Read the other 2 answers to check the difference area and that would help you reach to the right answer or atleast have a 50% chance of getting it right.

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AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty (AXS-C01) Exam Topic Summary

Refer AWS Alexa Cheat Sheet

Domain 1: Voice-First Design Practices and Capabilities

1.1 Describe how users interact with skills

1.2 Map features and capabilities to use cases

  • Alexa supports display cards to display text (Simple card) and text with image (Standard card)
  • Alexa Alexa Skill Kits supports APIs
    • Alexa Settings APIs allow developers to retrieve customer preferences for the settings like time zone, distance measuring unit, and temperature measurement unit 
    • Device services – a skill can request the customer’s permission to their address information, which is a static data filled by customer and includes the country/region, postal code and full address
    • Customer Profile services – a skill can request the customer’s permission to their contact information, which includes name, email address and phone number
    • With Location services, a skill can ask a user’s permission to obtain the real-time location of their Alexa-enabled device, specifically at the time of the user’s request to Alexa, so that the skill can provide enhanced services.
  • Alexa Skill Kit APIs need apiAccessToken and deviceId to access the ASK APIs
  • Progressive Response API allows you to keep the user engaged while the skill prepares a full response to the user’s request.
  • Personalization can be provided using userId and state persistence

Domain 2: Skill Design

2.1 Design and develop an interaction model

  • Alexa interaction model includes skill, Invocation name, utterances, slots, Intents
  • A skill is ‘an app for Alexa’, however they are not downloadable but just need to be enabled.
  • Wakeword – Amazon offers a choice of wakewords like ‘Alexa’, ‘Amazon’, ‘Echo’, ‘skill’, ‘app’ or ‘Computer’, with the default being ‘Alexa’.
  • Launch phrases include “run,” “start,” “play,” “resume,” “use,” “launch,” “ask,” “open,” “tell,” “load,” “begin,” and “enable.”
  • Connecting words include “to,” “from,” “in,” “using,” “with,” “about,” “for,” “that,” “by,” “if,” “and,” “whether.”
  • Invocation name
    • is the word or phrase used to trigger the skill for custom skills and the invocation name should adhere to the requirements
    • must not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of an entity or person
    • must be compound of two or more works.
    • One-word invocation names are allowed only for brand/intellectual property.
    • must not include names of people or places
    • if two-word invocation names, one of the words cannot be a definite article (“the”), indefinite article (“a”, “an”) or preposition (“for”, “to”, “of,” “about,” “up,” “by,” “at,” “off,” “with”).
    • must not contain any of the Alexa skill launch phrases, connecting words and wake words
    • must contain only lower-case alphabetic characters, spaces between words, and possessive apostrophes
    • must spell characters like numbers for e.g., twenty one
    • can have periods in the invocation names containing acronyms or abbreviations that are pronounced as a series of individual letters, for e.g. NASA as n. a. s. a.
    • cannot spell out phonemes for e.g., a skill titled “AWS Facts” would need “AWS” represented as “a. w. s. ” and NOT “ay double u ess.”
    • must not create confusion with existing Alexa features.
    • must be written in each supported language
  • An intent is what a user is trying to accomplish.
    • Amazon provides standard built-in intents which can be extended
    • Intents need to have a unique utterance
  • Utterances are the specific phrases that people will use when making a request to Alexa.
  • A slot is a variable that relates to an intent allowing Alexa to understand information about the request
    • Amazon provides standard built-in slots which can be extended
  • Entity resolution improves the way Alexa matches possible slot values in a user’s utterance with the slots defined in your interaction model

2.2 Design a multi-turn conversation

  • Alexa Dialog management model identifies the prompts and utterances to collect, validate, and confirm the slot values and intents.
  • Alexa supports
    • Auto Delegation where Alexa completes all of the dialog steps based on the dialog model.
    • Manual delegation using Dialog.Delegate where Alexa sends the skill an IntentRequest for each turn of the conversation and provides more flexibility.
  • AMAZON.FallbackIntent will not be triggered in the middle of a dialog

2.3 Use built-in intents and slots

  • Standard built-in intents cannot include any slots. If slots are needed, create a custom intent and write your own sample utterances.
  • Alexa recommends using and extending standard built-in intents like Alexa.HelpIntent, Alexa.YesIntent with additional utterances as per the skill requirements
  • Alexa provides Alexa.FallbackIntent for handling any unmatched utterances and can be used to improve the interaction model accuracy.
  • Standard built-in intents cannot include any slots. If slots are needed, create a custom intent and write your own sample utterances.
  • Alexa provides slot which helps capture variables and can be either be a Amazon predefined slot such as dates, numbers, durations, time, etc. or a custom one specific to the skill
  • Predefined slots can be extended to add additional values

2.4 Handle unexpected conversational requests or responses

  • Alexa provides Alexa.FallbackIntent for handling any unmatched utterances and can be used to improve the interaction model accuracy.
  • Alexa also provides Intent History  which provides  a consolidate view with aggregated, anonymized frequent utterances and the resolved intents. These can be used to map the utterances to correct intents

2.5 Design multi-modal skills using one or more service interfaces (for example, audio, video, and gadgets)

  • Alexa enabled devices with a screen handles Page and Scroll intents. Do not handle Next and Previous.
  • Alexa skill with AudioPlayer interface
    • must handle AMAZON.ResumeIntent and AMAZON.PauseIntent
    • PlaybackController events to track AudioPlayer status changes initiated from the device buttons

Domain 3: Skill Architecture

3.1 Identify AWS services for extending Alexa skill functionality (Amazon CloudFront, Amazon S3, Amazon CloudWatch, and Amazon DynamoDB)

  • Focus on standard skill architecture using Lambda for backend, DynamoDB for persistence, S3 for severing static assets, and CloudWatch for monitoring and logs.
  • Lambda provide serverless handling for the Alexa requests, but remember the following limits
    • default concurrency soft limit of 1000 can be increased by raising a support request
    • default timeout of 3 secs, and should be increased to atleast 7 secs to be inline with Alexa timeout of 8 secs
    • default memory of 128mb, increase to improve performance
  • S3 performance can be improved by exposing it through CloudFront esp. for images, audio and video files

3.2 Use AWS Lambda to build Alexa skills

  • Lambda integrates with CloudWatch to provide logs and should be the first thing to check in case of any issues or errors.
  • Alexa allows any http endpoint to act as a backend, but needs to meet following requirements
    • must be accessible over the internet.
    • must accept HTTP requests on port 443.
    • must support HTTP over SSL/TLS, using an Amazon-trusted certificate.

3.3 Follow AWS and Alexa security and privacy best practices

  • Alexa requires the backend to verify that incoming requests come from Alexa using Skill ID verification
  • Child-directed skills cannot use personal and location information
  • Skills cannot be used to capture health information
  • Alexa Skills Kit uses the OAuth 2.0 authentication framework for Account linking, which defines a means by which the service can allow Alexa, with the user’s permission, to access information from the account that the user has set up with you.
  • Alexa smart home skills must have OAuth authorization code grant implementation while custom skills can have authorization code grant or impact grant implementation.

Domain 4: Skill Development

4.1 Implement in-skill purchasing and Amazon Pay for Alexa Skills

  • In-skill purchasing enables selling premium content such as game features and interactive stories in skills with a custom interaction model.
  • In-skill purchasing is handled by Alexa when the skill sends a Upsell directive. As the skill session ends when a Upsell directive is sent, be sure to save any relevant user data in a persistent data store so that the skill can continue where the user left off after the purchase flow is completed and the endpoint is back in control of the user experience.
  • Skill can handle the Connections.Response request that indicates the result of a purchase flow and resume the skill

4.2 Use Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) for expression and MP3 audio

  • SSML is a markup language that provides a standard way to mark up text for the generation of synthetic speech.
  • Alexa supports a subset of SSML tags including
    • say-as to interpret text as telephone, date, time etc.
    • phonemeprovides a phonemic/phonetic pronunciation
    • prosody modifies the volume, pitch, and rate of the tagged speech.
    • audioallows playing MP3 player while rendering a response
      • must be in valid MP3 file (MPEG version 2) format
      • must be hosted at an Internet-accessible HTTPS endpoint.
      • For speech response, the audio file cannot be longer than 240 seconds.
        • combined total time for all audio files in the outputSpeech property of the response cannot be more than 240 seconds.
        • combined total time for all audio files in the reprompt property of the response cannot be more than 90 seconds.
      • bit rate must be 48 kbps.
      • sample rate must be 22050Hz, 24000Hz, or 16000Hz.

4.3 Implement state management

  • Alexa Skill state persistence can be handled using session attributes during the session and externally using services like DynamoDB, RDS across sessions.

4.4 Implement Alexa service interfaces (audio player, video player, and screens)

4.5 Parse Alexa JSON requests and provide responses

  • All requests include the session (optional), context, and request objects at the top level.
    •  session object provides additional context associated with the request.
      • session attributes can be used to store data
      • user containing userId to uniquely define an user and accessToken to access other services.
      • system object provides apiAccessToken and device object provides deviceId to access ASK APIs
      • application provide applicationId
      • device object provides supportedInterfaces to list each interface that the device supports
      • user containing userId to uniquely define an user and accessToken to access other services.
    • request object that provides the details of the user’s request.
  • Response includes
    • outputSpeech contains the speech to render to the user.
    • reprompt contains the outputSpeech to use if a re-prompt is necessary.
    • shouldEndSession provides a boolean value that indicates what should happen after Alexa speaks the response.

Domain 5: Test, Validate, and Troubleshoot

5.1 Debug and troubleshoot using Amazon CloudWatch or other tools

  • Lambda integrates with CloudWatch for metric and logs and can be check for any errors and metrics.

5.2 Use the Alexa developer testing tools

  • Utterance profiles – test utterances to know what intent they resolve to 
  • Alexa Skill simulator
    • provides an ability to Interact with Alexa with either your voice or text, without an actual device.
    • maintains the skill session, so the interaction model and dialog flow can be tested.
    • supports multiple languages testing by selecting locale
    • has limitations in testing audio, video, Alexa settings and Device API
  • Manual Json
    • enter a JSON request directly and see the skill returned JSON response
    • does not maintain the skill session and is similar to testing a JSON request in the Lambda console.
  • Voice & Tone – enter plain text or SSML and hear how Alexa speaks the text in a selected language
  • Alexa device – test with an Alexa-enabled device.
  • Alexa app – test the skill with the Alexa app for Android/iOS
  • Lambda Test console – to test Lambda functions

5.3 Perform beta testing

  • Skill beta testing tool can be used to test the Alexa skill in beta before releasing it to production
  • Beat testing allows testing changes to an existing skill, while still keeping the currently live version of the skill available for the general public.
  • Members can be invited using their Alexa email address. Alexa device used by the beta tester must be associated with the email address in the tester’s invitation.

5.4 Troubleshoot errors in the interaction model

Domain 6: Publishing, Operations, and Lifecycle Management

6.1 Describe the skill publishing process

  • Alexa skill needs to go through certification process before the Skill is live and made available to the users
  • Alexa creates an in development version of the skill, once the skill becomes live
  • Alexa Skill live version cannot be edited, and it is recommended to edit the in development skill, test and then re-certify for publishing.
  • Backend changes like changes in Lambda functions or response output from the function, however, can be made on live version and do not require re-certification. However, it is recommended to use Lambda versioning or alias to do such changes.
  • Alexa for Business allows skill to be made private and available to select users within the company

6.2 Add and remove users in the developer console

  • Alexa Skill Developer console access can be shared across multiple users for collaboration
  • Administrator and Analyst roles will also have access to the Earnings and Payments sections.
  • Administrator and Marketer roles will also have access to edit the content associated with apps (i.e. Descriptions, Images & Multimedia) and IAPs
  • Administrator and Developer roles will have access to create, modify and delete Alexa skills using ASK CLI and SMAPI.
  • Administrator, Analyst and Marketer roles have access to sales report

6.3 Perform analysis of skill analytics in the developer console

  • Intent History – View aggregated, anonymized frequent utterances and the resolved intents. You cannot track the user intent history as they are anonymized.
  • Actions – Unique customers per action, total actions, and total utterances per action.
  • Customers – Total number of unique customers who accessed the skill.
  • Intents – Unique customers per intent, total utterances per intent, total intents, and failed intents.
  • Interaction Path – Paths users take when interacting with the skill.
  • Plays Total number of times that a user played the skill content.
  • Retention (live skills only) Usage of the skill over time by groups of customers or cohorts. View the number or percentage of customers who returned to your skill over a 12-week period.
  • Sessions Total sessions, successful session types (sessions that didn’t end due to an error), average sessions per customer. Includes a breakdown of successful, failed, and no-response sessions as a percentage of total sessions. Custom
  • Utterances Metrics for utterances depend on the skill category.

6.4 Differentiate among the statuses/versions of skills (for example, In Development, In Certification, and Live)

  • In Development – skill available for development, testing
  • In Review – A certification review is in progress and the skill cannot be edited
  • Certified – Skill passed certification review, and is not yet available to users
  • Live – skill has been published and is available to users. You cannot edit the configuration for live skills
  • Hidden – skill was previously published, but has since been hidden. Existing users can access the skill. New users cannot discover the skill.
  • Removed – skill was previously published, but has since been removed. Users cannot enable or use the skill.

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty (AXS-C01) Exam Resources

AWS DynamoDB Best Practices

AWS DynamoDB Best Practices

Primary Key Design

  • Primary key uniquely identifies each item in a DynamoDB table and can be simple (a partition key only) or composite (a partition key combined with a sort key).
  • Partition key portion of a table’s primary key determines the logical partitions in which a table’s data is stored, which in turn affects the underlying physical partitions.
  • Partition key should have many unique values.
  • Distribute reads / writes uniformly across partitions to avoid hot partitions
  • Store hot and cold data in separate tables
  • Consider all possible query patterns to eliminate the use of scans and filters.
  • Choose a sort key depending on the application’s needs.
  • Avoid hot keys and hot partitions – a partition key design that doesn’t distribute I/O requests evenly can create “hot” partitions that result in throttling and use the provisioned I/O capacity inefficiently.

Secondary Indexes

  • Use indexes based on the application’s query patterns.
  • Local Secondary Indexes – LSIs
    • Use primary key or LSIs when strong consistency is desired
    • Watch for expanding item collections (10 GB size limit!)
  • Global Secondary Indexes – GSIs
    • Use GSIs for finer control over throughput or when your application needs to query using a different partition key.
    • Can be used for eventually consistent read replicas – set up a global secondary index that has the same key schema as the parent table, with some or all of the non-key attributes projected into it.
  • Project fewer attributes – As secondary indexes consume storage and provisioned throughput, keep the index size as small as possible by projecting only required attributes as it would provide greater performance
  • Keep the number of indexes to a minimum – don’t create secondary indexes on attributes that aren’t queried often. Indexes that are seldom used contribute to increased storage and I/O costs without improving application performance.
  • Sparse indexes – DynamoDB indexes are Sparse and it writes a corresponding index entry only if the index sort key value is present in the item. If the sort key doesn’t appear in every table item, the index will do contain the item.

Large Items and Attributes

  • DynamoDB currently limits the size of each item (400 KB) that is stored in a table, which includes both attribute names and values binary length.
  • Use shorter (yet intuitive!) attribute names
  • Keep item size small.
  • Use compression (GZIP or LZO).
  • Split large attributes across multiple items.
  • Store metadata in DynamoDB and large BLOBs or attributes in S3.

Querying and Scanning Data

  • Avoid scans and filters – Scan operations are less efficient than other operations in DynamoDB. A Scan operation always scans the entire table or secondary index. It then filters out values to provide the result, essentially adding the extra step of removing data from the result set.
  • Use eventual consistency for reads.

Time Series Data

  • Use a table per day, week, month, etc for storing time series data – create one table per period, provisioned with the required read and write capacity and the required indexes.
  • Before the end of each period, prebuild the table for the next period. Just as the current period ends, direct event traffic to the new table. Assign names to the tables that specify the periods they have recorded.
  • As soon as a table is no longer being written to, reduce its provisioned write capacity to a lower value (for example, 1 WCU), and provision whatever read capacity is appropriate. Reduce the provisioned read capacity of earlier tables as they age.
  • Archive or drop the tables whose contents are rarely or never needed.
  • Dropping tables is the fastest, simplest and cost-effective method if all the items are to be deleted from the table, without spending time in scanning and deleting each item.

Other Best Practices

  • Burst Capacity reserves a portion of unused capacity (5 mins.) for later bursts of throughput to handle usage spikes.
  • Adaptive capacity helps run imbalanced workloads indefinitely. It minimizes throttling due to throughput exceptions and reduces cost by enabling you to provision only the needed throughput capacity.
  • Deletion protection can keep the tables from being accidentally deleted.



AWS Content Delivery – Cheat Sheet


  • provides low latency and high data transfer speeds for distribution of static, dynamic web or streaming content to web users
  • delivers the content through a worldwide network of data centers called Edge Locations
  • keeps persistent connections with the origin servers so that the files can be fetched from the origin servers as quickly as possible.
  • dramatically reduces the number of network hops that users’ requests must pass through
  • supports multiple origin server options, like AWS hosted service for e.g. S3, EC2, ELB or an on premise server, which stores the original, definitive version of the objects
  • single distribution can have multiple origins and Path pattern in a cache behavior determines which requests are routed to the origin
  • supports Web Download distribution and RTMP Streaming distribution
    • Web distribution supports static, dynamic web content, on demand using progressive download & HLS and live streaming video content
    • RTMP supports streaming of media files using Adobe Media Server and the Adobe Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) ONLY
  • supports HTTPS using either
    • dedicated IP address, which is expensive as dedicated IP address is assigned to each CloudFront edge location
    • Server Name Indication (SNI), which is free but supported by modern browsers only with the domain name available in the request header
  • For E2E HTTPS connection,
    • Viewers -> CloudFront needs either self signed certificate, or certificate issued by CA or ACM
    • CloudFront -> Origin needs certificate issued by ACM for ELB and by CA for other origins
  •  Security
    • Origin Access Identity (OAI) can be used to restrict the content from S3 origin to be accessible from CloudFront only
    • supports Geo restriction (Geo-Blocking) to whitelist or blacklist countries that can access the content
    • Signed URLs 
      • for RTMP distribution as signed cookies aren’t supported
      • to restrict access to individual files, for e.g., an installation download for your application.
      • users using a client, for e.g. a custom HTTP client, that doesn’t support cookies
    • Signed Cookies
      • provide access to multiple restricted files, for e.g., video part files in HLS format or all of the files in the subscribers’ area of a website.
      • don’t want to change the current URLs
    • integrates with AWS WAF, a web application firewall that helps protect web applications from attacks by allowing rules configured based on IP addresses, HTTP headers, and custom URI strings
  • supports GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE to get object & object headers, add, update, and delete objects
    • only caches responses to GET and HEAD requests and, optionally, OPTIONS requests
    • does not cache responses to PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE request methods and these requests are proxied back to the origin
  • object removal from cache
    • would be removed upon expiry (TTL) from the cache, by default 24 hrs
    • can be invalidated explicitly, but has a cost associated, however might continue to see the old version until it expires from those caches
    • objects can be invalidated only for Web distribution
    • change object name, versioning, to serve different version
  • supports adding or modifying custom headers before the request is sent to origin which can be used to
    • validate if user is accessing the content from CDN
    • identifying CDN from which the request was forwarded from, in case of multiple CloudFront distribution
    • for viewers not supporting CORS to return the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header for every request
  • supports Partial GET requests using range header to download object in smaller units improving the efficiency of partial downloads and recovery from partially failed transfers
  • supports compression to compress and serve compressed files when viewer requests include Accept-Encoding: gzip in the request header
  • supports different price class to include all regions, to include only least expensive regions and other regions to exclude most expensive regions
  • supports access logs which contain detailed information about every user request for both web and RTMP distribution

AWS IoT Core


AWS IoT Core

  • AWS IoT Core is a managed cloud platform that lets connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices.
  • AWS IoT Core can support billions of devices and trillions of messages, and can process and route those messages to AWS endpoints and to other devices reliably and securely.
  • AWS IoT Core allows the applications to keep track of and communicate with all the devices, all the time, even when they aren’t connected.
  • AWS IoT Core offers
    • Connectivity between devices and the AWS cloud.
      • AWS IoT Core allows communication with connected devices securely, with low latency and with low overhead.
      • Communication can scale to as many devices as needed.
      • AWS IoT Core supports standard communication protocols (HTTP, MQTT, and WebSockets are supported currently).
      • Communication is secured using TLS.
    • Processing data sent from connected devices.
      • AWS IoT Core can continuously ingest, filter, transform, and route the data streamed from connected devices.
      • Actions can be taken based on the data and route it for further processing and analytics.
    • Application interaction with connected devices.
      • AWS IoT Core accelerates IoT application development.
      • It serves as an easy to use interface for applications running in the cloud and on mobile devices to access data sent from connected devices, and send data and commands back to the devices.


AWS IoT Core Works

  • Connected devices, such as sensors, actuators, embedded devices, smart appliances, and wearable devices, connect to AWS IoT Core over HTTPS, WebSockets, or secure MQTT.
  • Communication with AWS IoT Core is secure.
    • HTTPS and WebSockets requests sent to AWS IoT Core are authenticated using AWS IAM or AWS Cognito, both of which support the AWS SigV4 authentication.
    • HTTPS requests can also be authenticated using X.509 certificates.
    • MQTT messages to AWS IoT Core are authenticated using X.509 certificates.
    • With AWS IoT Core allows using AWS IoT Core generated certificates, as well as those signed by your preferred Certificate Authority (CA).
  • AWS IoT Core also offers fine-grained authorization to isolate and secure communication among authenticated clients.

Device Gateway

  • Device Gateway forms the backbone of communication between connected devices and the cloud capabilities such as the Rules Engine, Device Shadow, and other AWS and 3rd-party services.
  • Device Gateway allows secure, low-latency, low-overhead, bi-directional communication between connected devices, cloud and mobile application
  • Device Gateway supports the pub/sub messaging pattern, which involves involves clients publishing messages on logical communication channels called ‘topics’ and clients subscribing to topics to receive messages
  • Device gateway enables communication between publishers and subscribers
  • Device Gateway scales automatically as per the demand, without any operational overhead

Rules Engine

  • Rules Engine enables continuous processing of data sent by connected devices.
  • Rules can be configured to filter and transform the data using an intuitive, SQL-like syntax.
  • Rules can be configured to route the data to other AWS services such as DynamoDB, Kinesis, Lambda, SNS, SQS, CloudWatch, Elasticsearch Service with built-in Kibana integration, as well as to non-AWS services, via Lambda for further processing, storage, or analytics.


  • Registry allows registering devices and keeping track of devices connected to AWS IoT Core, or devices that may connect in the future.

Device Shadow

  • Device Shadow enables cloud and mobile applications to query data sent from devices and send commands to devices, using a simple REST API, while letting AWS IoT Core handle the underlying communication with the devices.
  • Device Shadow accelerates application development by providing
    • a uniform interface to devices, even when they use one of the several IoT communication and security protocols with which the applications may not be compatible.
    • an always available interface to devices even when the connected devices are constrained by intermittent connectivity, limited bandwidth, limited computing ability or limited power.

Device and its Device Shadow Lifecycle

  • A device (such as a light bulb) is registered in the Registry.
  • Connected device is programmed to publish a set of its property values or ‘state (“I am ON and my color is RED”) to the AWS IoT Core service.
  • Device Shadow also stores the last reported state in the  in AWS IoT Core.
  • An application (such as a mobile app controlling the light bulb) uses a RESTful API to query AWS IoT Core for the last reported state of the light bulb, without the complexity of communicating directly with the light bulb
  • When a user wants to change the state (such as turning the light bulb from ON to OFF), the application uses a RESTful API to request an update, i.e. sets a ‘desired’ state for the device in AWS IoT Core. AWS IoT Core takes care of synchronizing the desired state to the device.
  • Application gets notified when the connected device updates its state to the desired state.

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. You need to filter and transform incoming messages coming from a smart sensor you have connected with AWS. Once messages are received, you need to store them as time series data in DynamoDB. Which AWS service can you use?
    1. IoT Device Shadow Service (maintains device state)
    2. Redshift
    3. Kinesis (While Kinesis could technically be used as an intermediary between different sources, it isn’t a great way to get data into DynamoDB from an IoT device.)
    4. IoT Rules Engine

AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate SAA-C02 Exam Learning Path

SAA-C02 Certification

AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate SAA-C02 Exam Learning Path

AWS Solutions Architect – Associate SAA-C02 exam is the latest AWS exam that has replaced the previous SAA-C01 certification exam. It basically validates the ability to effectively demonstrate knowledge of how to architect and deploy secure and robust applications on AWS technologies

  • Define a solution using architectural design principles based on customer requirements.
  • Provide implementation guidance based on best practices to the organization throughout the life cycle of the project.

Refer AWS_Solution_Architect_-_Associate_SAA-C02_Exam_Blue_Print

AWS Solutions Architect – Associate SAA-C02 Exam Summary

  • SAA-C02 exam consists of 65 questions in 130 minutes, and the time is more than sufficient if you are well prepared.
  • SAA-C02 Exam covers the architecture aspects in deep, so you must be able to visualize the architecture, even draw them out in the exam just to understand how it would work and how different services relate.
  • AWS has updated the exam concepts from the focus being on individual services to more building of scalable, highly available, cost-effective, performant, resilient.
  • If you had been preparing for the SAA-C01 –
    • SAA-C02 is pretty much similar to SAA-C01 except the operational effective architecture domain has been dropped
    • Although, most of the services and concepts covered by the SAA-C01 are the same. There are few new additions like Aurora Serverless, AWS Global Accelerator, FSx for Windows, FSx for Lustre
  • AWS exams are available online, and I took the online one. Just make sure you have a proper place to take the exam with no disturbance and nothing around you.
  • Also, if you are taking the AWS Online exam for the first time try to join atleast 30 minutes before the actual time.

AWS Solutions Architect – Associate SAA-C02 Exam Resources

AWS Solutions Architect – Associate SAA-C02 Exam Topics

Make sure you go through all the topics and focus on hints in italics


  • Be sure to create VPC from scratch. This is mandatory.
    • Create VPC and understand whats an CIDR and addressing patterns
    • Create public and private subnets, configure proper routes, security groups, NACLs. (hint: Subnets are public or private depending on whether they can route traffic directly through Internet gateway)
    • Create Bastion for communication with instances
    • Create NAT Gateway or Instances for instances in private subnets to interact with internet
    • Create two tier architecture with application in public and database in private subnets
    • Create three tier architecture with web servers in public, application and database servers in private. (hint: focus on security group configuration with least privilege)
    • Make sure to understand how the communication happens between Internet, Public subnets, Private subnets, NAT, Bastion etc.
  • Understand difference between Security Groups and NACLs (hint: Security Groups are Stateful vs NACLs are stateless. Also only NACLs provide an ability to deny or block IPs)
  • Understand VPC endpoints and what services it can help interact (hint: VPC Endpoints routes traffic internally without Internet)
    • VPC Gateway Endpoints supports S3 and DynamoDB.
    • VPC Interface Endpoints OR Private Links supports others
  • Understand difference between NAT Gateway and NAT Instance (hint: NAT Gateway is AWS managed and is scalable and highly available)
  • Understand how NAT high availability can be achieved (hint: provision NAT in each AZ and route traffic from subnets within that AZ through that NAT Gateway)
  • Understand VPN and Direct Connect for on-premises to AWS connectivity
    • VPN provides quick connectivity, cost-effective, secure channel, however routes through internet and does not provide consistent throughput
    • Direct Connect provides consistent dedicated throughput without Internet, however requires time to setup and is not cost-effective
  • Understand Data Migration techniques
    • Choose Snowball vs Snowmobile vs Direct Connect vs VPN depending on the bandwidth available, data transfer needed, time available, encryption requirement, one-time or continuous requirement
    • Snowball, SnowMobile are for one-time data, cost-effective, quick and ideal for huge data transfer
    • Direct Connect, VPN are ideal for continuous or frequent data transfers
  • Understand CloudFront as CDN and the static and dynamic caching it provides, what can be its origin (hint: CloudFront can point to on-premises sources and its usecases with S3 to reduce load and cost)
  • Understand Route 53 for routing
    • Understand Route 53 health checks and failover routing
    • Understand  Route 53 Routing Policies it provides and their use cases mainly for high availability (hint: focus on weighted, latency, geolocation, failover routing)
  • Be sure to cover ELB concepts in deep.
    • SAA-C02 focuses on ALB and NLB and does not cover CLB
    • Understand differences between  CLB vs ALB vs NLB
      • ALB is layer 7 while NLB is layer 4
      • ALB provides content based, host based, path based routing
      • ALB provides dynamic port mapping which allows same tasks to be hosted on ECS node
      • NLB provides low latency and ability to scale
      • NLB provides static IP address


  • Understand IAM as a whole
    • Focus on IAM role (hint: can be used for EC2 application access and Cross-account access)
    • Understand IAM identity providers and federation and use cases
    • Understand MFA and how would implement two factor authentication for an application
    • Understand IAM Policies (hint: expect couple of questions with policies defined and you need to select correct statements)
  • Understand encryption services
  • AWS WAF integrates with CloudFront to provide protection against Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. It also provide IP blocking and geo-protection.
  • AWS Shield integrates with CloudFront to provide protection against DDoS.
  • Refer Disaster Recovery whitepaper, be sure you know the different recovery types with impact on RTO/RPO.


  • Understand various storage options S3, EBS, Instance store, EFS, Glacier, FSx and what are the use cases and anti patterns for each
  • Instance Store
    • Understand Instance Store (hint: it is physically attached  to the EC2 instance and provides the lowest latency and highest IOPS)
  • Elastic Block Storage – EBS
    • Understand various EBS volume types and their use cases in terms of IOPS and throughput. SSD for IOPS and HDD for throughput
    • Understand Burst performance and I/O credits to handle occasional peaks
    • Understand EBS Snapshots (hint: backups are automated, snapshots are manual
  • Simple Storage Service – S3
    • Cover S3 in depth
    • Understand S3 storage classes with lifecycle policies
      • Understand the difference between SA Standard vs SA IA vs SA IA One Zone in terms of cost and durability
    • Understand S3 Data Protection (hint: S3 Client side encryption encrypts data before storing it in S3)
    • Understand S3 features including
      • S3 provides a cost effective static website hosting
      • S3 versioning provides protection against accidental overwrites and deletions
      • S3 Pre-Signed URLs for both upload and download provides access without needing AWS credentials
      • S3 CORS allows cross domain calls
      • S3 Transfer Acceleration enables fast, easy, and secure transfers of files over long distances between your client and an S3 bucket.
    • Understand Glacier as an archival storage with various retrieval patterns
    • Glacier Expedited retrieval now allows object retrieval within mins
  • Understand Storage gateway and its different types.
    • Cached Volume Gateway provides access to frequently accessed data, while using AWS as the actual storage
    • Stored Volume gateway uses AWS as a backup, while the data is being stored on-premises as well
    • File Gateway supports SMB protocol
  • Understand FSx easy and cost effective to launch and run popular file systems.
  • Understand the difference between EBS vs S3 vs EFS
    • EFS provides shared volume across multiple EC2 instances, while EBS can be attached to a single volume within the same AZ.
  • Understand the difference between EBS vs Instance Store
  • Would recommend referring Storage Options whitepaper, although a bit dated 90% still holds right


  • Understand Elastic Cloud Compute – EC2
  • Understand Auto Scaling and ELB, how they work together to provide High Available and Scalable solution. (hint: Span both ELB and Auto Scaling across Multi-AZs to provide High Availability)
  • Understand EC2 Instance Purchase Types – Reserved, Scheduled Reserved, On-demand and Spot and their use cases
    • Choose Reserved Instances for continuous persistent load
    • Choose Scheduled Reserved Instances for load with fixed scheduled and time interval
    • Choose Spot instances for fault tolerant and Spiky loads
    • Reserved instances provides cost benefits for long terms requirements over On-demand instances
    • Spot instances provides cost benefits for temporary fault tolerant spiky load
  • Understand EC2 Placement Groups (hint: Cluster placement groups provide low latency and high throughput communication, while Spread placement group provides high availability)
  • Understand Lambda and serverless architecture, its features and use cases. (hint: Lambda integrated with API Gateway to provide a serverless, highly scalable, cost-effective architecture)
  • Understand ECS with its ability to deploy containers and micro services architecture.
    • ECS role for tasks can be provided through taskRoleArn
    • ALB provides dynamic port mapping to allow multiple same tasks on the same node
  • Know Elastic Beanstalk at a high level, what it provides and its ability to get an application running quickly.


  • Understand relational and NoSQLs data storage options which include RDS, DynamoDB, Aurora and their use cases
  • RDS
    • Understand RDS features – Read Replicas vs Multi-AZ
      • Read Replicas for scalability, Multi-AZ for High Availability
      • Multi-AZ are regional only
      • Read Replicas can span across regions and can be used for disaster recovery
    • Understand Automated Backups, underlying volume types
  • Aurora
    • Understand Aurora
      • provides multiple read replicas and replicates 6 copies of data across AZs
    • Understand Aurora Serverless provides a highly scalable cost-effective database solution
  • DynamoDB
    • Understand DynamoDB with its low latency performance, key-value store (hint: DynamoDB is not a relational database)
    • DynamoDB DAX provides caching for DynamoDB
    • Understand DynamoDB provisioned throughput for Read/Writes (It is more cover in Developer exam though.)
  • Know ElastiCache use cases, mainly for caching performance

Integration Tools

  • Understand SQS as message queuing service and SNS as pub/sub notification service
  • Understand SQS features like visibility, long poll vs short poll
  • Focus on SQS as a decoupling service
  • Understand SQS Standard vs SQS FIFO difference (hint: FIFO provides exactly once delivery both low throughput)


  • Know Redshift as a business intelligence tool
  • Know Kinesis for real time data capture and analytics
  • Atleast know what AWS Glue does, so you can eliminate the answer

Management Tools

  • Understand CloudWatch monitoring to provide operational transparency
  • Know which EC2 metrics it can track. Remember, it cannot track memory and disk space/swap utilization
  • Understand CloudWatch is extendable with custom metrics
  • Understand CloudTrail for Audit
  • Have a basic understanding of CloudFormation, OpsWorks

AWS Whitepapers & Cheat sheets

AWS Solutions Architect – Associate Exam Domains

Domain 1: Design Resilient Architectures

  1. Design a multi-tier architecture solution
  2. Design highly available and/or fault-tolerant architectures
  3. Design decoupling mechanisms using AWS services
  4. Choose appropriate resilient storage

Domain 2: Define High-Performing Architectures

  1. Identify elastic and scalable compute solutions for a workload
  2. Select high-performing and scalable storage solutions for a workload
  3. Select high-performing networking solutions for a workload
  4. Choose high-performing database solutions for a workload

Domain 3: Specify Secure Applications and Architectures

  1. Design secure access to AWS resources
  2. Design secure application tiers
  3. Select appropriate data security options

Domain 4: Design Cost-Optimized Architectures

  1. Determine how to design cost-optimized storage.
  2. Determine how to design cost-optimized compute.

AWS FSx for Lustre

AWS FSx for Lustre

  • FSx for Lustre is a fully managed service, that makes it easy and cost-effective to launch and run the world’s most popular HPC high-performance Lustre file system.
  • FSx for Lustre is an open-source file system designed for applications that require fast storage, where the storage needs to keep up with the compute.
  • handles the traditional complexity of setting up and managing high-performance Lustre file systems.
  • is POSIX-compliant and can be used with existing Linux-based applications without having to make any changes.
  • provides a native file system interface and works as any file system does with the Linux operating system.
  • provides read-after-write consistency and supports file locking.
  • is compatible with the most popular Linux-based AMIs, including Amazon Linux, Amazon Linux 2, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS, SUSE Linux and Ubuntu.
  • is accessible from compute workloads running on EC2 instances and containers running on EKS.
  • can be accessed from a Linux instance, by installing the open-source Lustre client and mounting the file system using standard Linux commands.
  • is ideal for use cases where speed matters, such as machine learning, high-performance computing (HPC), video processing, financial modelling, genome sequencing, and electronic design automation (EDA)

FSx for Lustre Deployment Options

Scratch file systems

  • designed for temporary storage and short-term processing of data.
  • provide high burst throughput of up to six times the baseline throughput of 200 MBps per TiB of storage capacity.
  • data is not replicated and does not persist if a file server fails.
  • ideal for cost-optimized storage for short-term, processing-heavy workloads.

Persistent file systems

  • designed for long-term storage and workloads.
  • is highly available, and data is automatically replicated within the AZ that is associated with the file system.
  • data volumes attached to the file servers are replicated independently from the file servers to which they are attached.
  • if a file server becomes unavailable, it is replaced automatically within minutes of failure.
  • continuously monitored for hardware failures, and automatically replaces infrastructure components in the event of a failure.
  • ideal for workloads that run for extended periods or indefinitely, and that might be sensitive to disruptions in availability.

FSx for Lustre - Scratch vs Persistence

FSx for Lustre with S3

  • FSx for Lustre also integrates seamlessly with S3, making it easy to process cloud data sets with the Lustre high-performance file system.
  • FSx for Lustre file system transparently presents S3 objects as files and allows writing changed data back to S3.
  • FSx for Lustre file system can be linked with a specified S3 bucket, making the data in the S3 accessible to the file system.
  • S3 objects’ names and prefixes will be visible as files and directories
  • S3 objects are lazy-loaded by default.
    • FSx automatically loads the corresponding objects from S3 only when first accessed by the applications.
    • Subsequent reads of these files are served directly out of the file system with low, consistent latencies.
    • FSx for Lustre file system can optionally be batch hydrated.
  • FSx for Lustre uses parallel data transfer techniques to transfer data from S3 at up to hundreds of GBs/s.
  • Files from the file system can be exported back to the S3 bucket

FSx for Lustre Security

  • FSx for Lustre provides encryption at rest for the file system and the backups, by default, using KMS.
  • FSx encrypts data-in-transit when accessed from supported EC2 instances only

FSx for Lustre Scalability

  • FSx for Lustre file systems scale to hundreds of GB/s of throughput and millions of IOPS.
  • FSx for Lustre also supports concurrent access to the same file or directory from thousands of compute instances.
  • FSx for Lustre provides consistent, sub-millisecond latencies for file operations.

FSx for Lustre Availability and Durability

  • On a scratch file system, file servers are not replaced if they fail and data is not replicated.
  • On a persistent file system, if a file server becomes unavailable it is replaced automatically and within minutes.
  • FSx for Lustre provides a parallel file system, where data is stored across multiple network file servers to maximize performance and reduce bottlenecks, and each server has multiple disks.
  • FSx takes daily automatic incremental backups of the file systems, and allows manual backups at any point.
  • Backups are highly durable and file-system-consistent

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. A solutions architect is designing storage for a high performance computing (HPC) environment based on Amazon Linux. The workload stores and processes a large amount of engineering drawings that require shared storage and heavy computing. Which storage option would be the optimal solution?
    1. Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS)
    2. Amazon FSx for Lustre
    3. Amazon EC2 instance store
    4. Amazon EBS Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1)
  2. A company is planning to deploy a High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster in its VPC that requires a scalable, high performance file system. The storage service must be optimized for efficient workload processing, and the data must be accessible via a fast and scalable file system interface. It should also work natively with Amazon S3 that enables you to easily process your S3 data with a high-performance POSIX interface. Which of the following is the MOST suitable service that you should use for this scenario?
    1. Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS)
    2. Amazon FSx for Lustre
    3. Amazon Elastic Block Store
    4. Amazon EBS Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1)



AWS FSx for Windows

AWS FSx for Windows

  • Amazon FSx for Windows File Server provides fully managed, highly reliable, and scalable file storage that is accessible over the industry-standard Service Message Block (SMB) protocol.
  • FSx for Windows is built on Windows Server, delivering a wide range of administrative features such as user quotas, end-user file restore, ACLs, and Microsoft Active Directory (AD) integration.
  • FSx for Windows provides high levels of throughput and IOPS and consistent sub-millisecond latencies.
  • FSx for Windows offers single-AZ and multi-AZ deployment options, fully managed backups, and encryption of data at rest and in transit.
  • FSx for Windows File Server backups are file-system-consistent, highly durable, and incremental.
  • Amazon FSx is accessible from Windows, Linux, and MacOS compute instances and devices.
  • Amazon FSx provides concurrent access to the file system to thousands of compute instances and devices
  • Amazon FSx can connect the file system to EC2, VMware Cloud on AWS, Amazon WorkSpaces, and Amazon AppStream 2.0 instances.
  • Integrated with CloudWatch to monitor storage capacity and file system activity
  • Integrated with CloudTrail to monitor all Amazon FSx API calls
  • Amazon FSx was designed for use cases that require Windows shared file storage, like CRM, ERP, custom or .NET applications, home directories, data analytics, media, and entertainment workflows, web serving and content management, software build environments, and Microsoft SQL Server.
  • FSx file system is accessible from the on-premises environment using an AWS Direct Connect or AWS VPN connection.
  • FSx is accessible from multiple VPCs, AWS accounts, and AWS Regions using VPC Peering connections or AWS Transit Gateway.
  • FSx provides consistent sub-millisecond latencies with SSD storage and single-digit millisecond latencies with HDD storage
  • FSx supports Microsoft’s Distributed File System (DFS) to organize shares into a single folder structure up to hundreds of PB in size

FSx for Windows Security

  • FSx works with Microsoft Active Directory (AD) to integrate with  existing Windows environments, which can either be an AWS Managed Microsoft AD or self-managed Microsoft AD
  • FSx provides standard Windows permissions (full support for Windows Access Controls ACLS) for files and folders.
  • FSx for Windows File Server supports encryption at rest for the file system and backups using KMS managed keys
  • FSx encrypts data-in-transit using SMB Kerberos session keys when accessing the file system from clients that support SMB 3.0.
  • FSx supports file-level or folder-level restores to previous versions by supporting Windows shadow copies, which are point in time snapshots of the file system.
  • FSx supports Windows shadow copies to enable the end-users to easily undo file changes and compare file versions by restoring files to previous versions, and backups to support the backup retention and compliance needs.
  • FSx complies with ISO, PCI-DSS, and SOC certifications, and is HIPAA eligible.

FSx for Windows Availability and durability

  • FSx for Windows automatically replicates the data within an Availability Zone (AZ) to protect it from component failure.
  • FSx continuously monitors for hardware failures and automatically replaces infrastructure components in the event of a failure.
  • FSx supports Multi-AZ deployment
    • automatically provisions and maintains a standby file server in a different Availability Zone.
    • any changes written to disk in the file system are synchronously replicated across AZs to standby.
    • helps enhance availability during planned system maintenance.
    • helps protect the data against instance failure and AZ disruption.
    • In the event of planned file system maintenance or unplanned service disruption, FSx automatically fails over to the secondary file server, allowing data accessibility without manual intervention.
  • Multi-AZ file systems automatically failover from the preferred file server to the standby file server if
    • An Availability Zone outage occurs.
    • Preferred file server becomes unavailable.
    • Preferred file server undergoes planned maintenance.
  • FSx supports automatic backups of the file systems, which incrementally store only the changes after the most recent backup.
  • FSx stores backups in S3.

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. A data processing facility wants to move a group of Microsoft Windows servers to the AWS Cloud. Theses servers require access to a shared file system that can integrate with the facility’s existing Active Directory (AD) infrastructure for file and folder permissions. The solution needs to provide seamless support for shared files with AWS and on-premises servers and allow the environment to be highly available. The chosen solution should provide added security by supporting encryption at rest and in transit. The solution should also be cost-effective to implement and manage. Which storage solution would meet these requirements?
    1. An AWS Storage Gateway file gateway joined to the existing AD domain
    2. An Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system joined to the existing AD domain
    3. An Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) file system joined to an AWS managed AD domain
    4. An Amazon S3 bucket mounted on Amazon EC2 instances in multiple Availability Zones running Windows Server and joined to an AWS managed AD domain.

