Google Cloud Compute Services Cheat Sheet

Google Cloud Compute Services

Google Cloud - Compute Services Options

Compute Engine

  • is a virtual machine (VM) hosted on Google’s infrastructure.
  • can run the public images for Google provided Linux and Windows Server as well as custom images created or imported from existing systems
  • availability policy determines how it behaves when there is a maintenance event
    • VM instance’s maintenance behavior onHostMaintenance, which determines whether the instance is live migrated MIGRATE (default) or stopped TERMINATE
    • Instance’s restart behavior automaticRestart  which determines whether the instance automatically restarts (default) if it crashes or gets stopped
  • Live migration helps keep the VM instances running even when a host system event, such as a software or hardware update, occurs
  • Preemptible VM is an instance that can be created and run at a much lower price than normal instances, however can be stopped at any time
  • Shielded VM offers verifiable integrity of the Compute Engine VM instances, to confirm the instances haven’t been compromised by boot- or kernel-level malware or rootkits.
  • Instance template is a resource used to create VM instances and managed instance groups (MIGs) with identical configuration
  • Instance group is a collection of virtual machine (VM) instances that can be managed as a single entity.
    • Managed instance groups (MIGs)
      • allows app creation with multiple identical VMs.
      • workloads can be made scalable and highly available by taking advantage of automated MIG services, including: autoscaling, autohealing, regional (multiple zone) deployment, and automatic updating
      • supports rolling update feature
      • works with load balancing services to distribute traffic across all of the instances in the group.
    • Unmanaged instance groups
      • allows load balance across a fleet of VMs that you manage yourself which may not be identical
  • Instance template are global, while instance groups are regional.
  • Machine image stores all the configuration, data, metadata and permissions from one or more disks required to create a VM instance
  • Sole-tenancy provides dedicated hosting only for the project’s VM and provides added layer of hardware isolation
  • deletionProtection prevents accidental VM deletion esp. for VMs running critical workloads and need to be protected
  • provides Sustained Discounts, Committed discounts, free tier etc in pricing

App Engine

  • App Engine helps build highly scalable applications on a fully managed serverless platform
  • Each Cloud project can contain only a single App Engine application
  • App Engine is regional, which means the infrastructure that runs the apps is located in a specific region, and Google manages it so that it is available redundantly across all of the zones within that region
  • App Engine application location or region cannot be changed once created
  • App engine allows traffic management to an application version by migrating or splitting traffic.
    • Traffic Splitting (Canary) – distributes a percentage of traffic to versions of the application.
    • Traffic Migration – smoothly switches request routing
  • Support Standard and Flexible environments
    • Standard environment
      • Application instances that run in a sandbox, using the runtime environment of a supported language only.
      • Sandbox restricts what the application can do
        • only allows the app to use a limited set of binary libraries
        • app cannot write to disk
        • limits the CPU and memory options available to the application
      • Sandbox does not support
        • SSH debugging
        • Background processes
        • Background threads (limited capability)
        • Using Cloud VPN
    • Flexible environment
      • Application instances run within Docker containers on Compute Engine virtual machines (VM).
      • As Flexible environment supports docker it can support custom runtime or source code written in other programming languages.
      • Allows selection of any Compute Engine machine type for instances so that the application has access to more memory and CPU.
  • min_idle_instances indicates the number of additional instances to be kept running and ready to serve traffic for this version.


Node Pool

–num-nodes scale cluster –size is deprecated