AWS Application Load Balancer – ALB

AWS Application Load Balancer -ALB

  • Application Load Balancer operates at layer 7 (application layer) and allows defining routing rules based on content across multiple services or containers running on one or more EC2 instances.
  • scales the load balancer as traffic to the application changes over time.
  • can scale to the vast majority of workloads automatically.
  • supports health checks, used to monitor the health of registered targets so that the load balancer can send requests only to the healthy targets.

Application Load Balancer Components

  • A load balancer
    • serves as the single point of contact for clients.
    • distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets, such as EC2 instances, in multiple AZs, which increases the availability of the application.
    • one or more listeners can be added to the load balancer.
  • A listener
    • checks for connection requests from clients, using the configured protocol and port
    • rules defined determine, how the load balancer routes request to its registered targets.
    • each rule consists of a priority, one or more actions, and one or more conditions.
    • supported actions are
      • forward,
      • redirect,
      • fixed-response
    • supported rule conditions are
      • host-header
      • http-request-method
      • path-pattern
      • source-ip
      • http-header
      • query-string
    • when the conditions for a rule are met, its actions are performed.
    • a default rule for each listener must be defined, and optionally additional rules can be defined
  • Target group
    • routes requests to one or more registered targets, such as EC2 instances, using the specified protocol and port number
    • a target can be registered with multiple target groups.
    • health checks can be configured on a per target group basis.
    • health checks are performed on all targets registered to a target group that is specified in a listener rule for the load balancer.
    • target group supports
        • EC2 instances (can be managed as a part of the ASG)
        • ECS tasks
        • Lambda functions
        • Private IP Addresses on AWS or On-premises over VPN or DX.
    • supports weighted target group routing
      • enables routing of the traffic forwarded by a rule to multiple target groups.
      • enables use cases like blue-green, canary and hybrid deployments without the need for multiple load balancers.
      • also enables zero-downtime migration between on-premises and cloud or between different compute types like EC2 and Lambda.
  • When a load balancer receives a request, it evaluates the listener rules in priority order to determine which rule to apply and then selects a target from the target group for the rule action.
  • Listener rules can be configured to route requests to different target groups based on the content of the application traffic.
  • Routing is performed independently for each target group, even when a target is registered with multiple target groups.
  • Routing algorithm used can be configured at the target group level.
  • Default routing algorithm is round-robin; alternatively, the least outstanding requests routing algorithm can also be specified

Classic Load Balancer vs Application Load Balancer vs Network Load Balancer

Refer Blog Post @ Classic Load Balancer vs Application Load Balancer vs Network Load Balancer

Application Load Balancer Benefits

  • Support for Path-based routing,  where listener rules can be configured to forward requests based on the URL in the request. This enables structuring applications as smaller services (microservices), and route requests to the correct service based on the content of the URL.
  • Support for routing requests to multiple services on a single EC2 instance by registering the instance using multiple ports using Dynamic Port mapping.
  • Support for containerized applications. EC2 Container Service (ECS) can select an unused port when scheduling a task and register the task with a target group using this port, enabling efficient use of the clusters.
  • Support for monitoring the health of each service independently, as health checks are defined at the target group level and many CloudWatch metrics are reported at the target group level.
  • Attaching a target group to an Auto Scaling group enables scaling each service dynamically based on demand.

Application Load Balancer Features

  • supports load balancing of applications using HTTP and HTTPS (Secure HTTP) protocols
  • supports HTTP/2, which is enabled natively. Clients that support HTTP/2 can connect over TLS
  • supports WebSockets and Secure WebSockets natively
  • supports Request tracing, by default.
    • request tracing can be used to track HTTP requests from clients to targets or other services.
    • Load balancer upon receiving a request from a client, adds or updates the X-Amzn-Trace-Id header before sending the request to the target
    • Any services or applications between the load balancer and the target can also add or update this header.
  • supports Sticky Sessions (Session Affinity) using load balancer generated cookies, to route requests from the same client to the same target
  • supports SSL termination, to decrypt the request on ALB before sending it to the underlying targets.
    • an SSL certificate can be installed on the load balancer.
    • the load balancer uses this certificate to terminate the connection and then decrypt requests from clients before sending them to targets.
  • supports layer 7 specific features like X-Forwarded-For headers to help determine the actual client IP, port and protocol
  • automatically scales its request handling capacity in response to incoming application traffic.
  • supports hybrid load balancing,
    • If an application runs on targets distributed between a VPC and an on-premises location, they can be added to the same target group using their IP addresses
  • provides High Availability, by allowing you to specify more than one AZ and distribution of incoming traffic across multiple AZs.
  • integrates with ACM to provision and bind an SSL/TLS certificate to the load balancer thereby making the entire SSL offload process very easy
  • supports multiple certificates for the same domain to a secure listener
  • supports IPv6 addressing, for an Internet-facing load balancer
  • supports Cross-zone load balancing, by default
  • supports Security Groups to control the traffic allowed to and from the load balancer.
  • provides Access Logs, to record all requests sent to the load balancer, and store the logs in S3 for later analysis in compressed format
  • provides Delete Protection, to prevent the ALB from accidental deletion
  • supports Connection Idle Timeout – ALB maintains two connections for each request one with the Client (front end) and one with the target instance (back end). If no data has been sent or received by the time that the idle timeout period elapses, ALB closes the front-end connection
  • integrates with CloudWatch to provide metrics, such as request counts, error counts, error types, and request latency
  • integrates with AWS WAF, a web application firewall that helps protect web applications from attacks by allowing rules configuration based on IP addresses, HTTP headers, and custom URI strings
  • integrates with CloudTrail to receive a history of ALB API calls made on the AWS account
  • back-end server authentication (MTLS) is NOT supported

Application Load Balancer Listeners

  • A listener is a process that checks for connection requests, using the configured protocol and port
  • Listener supports HTTP & HTTPS protocol with Ports from 1-65535
  • ALB supports SSL Termination for HTTPS listeners, which helps to offload the work of encryption and decryption so that the targets can focus on their main work.
  • HTTPS listener supports exactly one SSL server certificate on the listener.
  • HTTPS listener must have at least one SSL server certificate on the listener
  • WebSockets with both HTTP and HTTPS listeners (Secure WebSockets)
  • Supports HTTP/2 with HTTPS listeners
    • 128 requests can be sent in parallel using one HTTP/2 connection.
    • ALB converts these to individual HTTP/1.1 requests and distributes them across the healthy targets in the target group using the round-robin routing algorithm.
    • HTTP/2 uses front-end connections more efficiently resulting in fewer connections between clients and the load balancer.
    • Server-push feature of HTTP/2 is not supported
  • Each listener has a default rule, and can optionally define additional rules.
  • Each rule consists of a priority, action, optional host condition, and optional path condition.
    • Priority – Rules are evaluated in priority order, from the lowest value to the highest value. The default rule has the lowest priority
    • Action – Each rule action has a type and a target group. Currently, the only supported type is forward, which forwards requests to the target group. You can change the target group for a rule at any time.
    • Condition – There are two types of rule conditions: host and path. When the conditions for a rule are met, then its action is taken
  • Host Condition or Host-based routing
    • Host conditions can be used to define rules that forward requests to different target groups based on the hostname in the host header
    • This enables support for multiple domains using a single ALB for e.g.,,
    • Each host condition has one hostname. If the hostname in
  • Path Condition or path-based routing
    • Path conditions can be used to define rules that forward requests to different target groups based on the URL in the request
    • Each path condition has one path pattern for e.g.,,
    • If the URL in a request matches the path pattern in a listener rule exactly, the request is routed using that rule.

Advantages over Classic Load Balancer

  • Support for path-based routing, where rules can be configured for the listener to forward requests based on the content of the URL
  • Support for host-based routing, where rules can be configured for the listener to forward requests based on the host field in the HTTP header.
  • Support for routing based on fields in the request, such as standard and custom HTTP headers and methods, query parameters, and source IP address
  • Support for routing requests to multiple applications on a single EC2 instance. Each instance or IP address can be registered with the same target group using multiple ports
  • Support for registering targets by IP address, including targets outside the VPC for the load balancer.
  • Support for redirecting requests from one URL to another.
  • Support for returning a custom HTTP response.
  • Support for registering Lambda functions as targets.
  • Support for the load balancer to authenticate users of the applications through their corporate or social identities before routing requests.
  • Support containerized applications with ECS using Dynamic port mapping
  • Support monitoring the health of each service independently, as health checks and many CloudWatch metrics are defined at the target group level
  • Attaching the target group to an Auto Scaling group enables scaling of each service dynamically based on demand
  • Access logs contain additional information & stored in compressed format
  • Improved load balancer performance.

Application Load Balancer Pricing

  • charged for each hour or partial hour that an ALB is running and the number of Load Balancer Capacity Units (LCU) used per hour.
  • An LCU is a new metric for determining ALB pricing
  • An LCU defines the maximum resource consumed in any one of the dimensions (new connections, active connections, bandwidth and rule evaluations) the Application Load Balancer processes the traffic.

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. You are designing an application which requires websockets support, to exchange real-time messages with end-users without the end users having to request (or poll) the server for an update? Which ELB option should you choose?
    1. Use Application Load Balancer and enable comet support
    2. Use Classic Load Balancer which supports WebSockets
    3. Use Application Load Balancer which supports WebSockets
    4. Use Classic Load Balancer and enable comet support
  2. Which of the following Internet protocols does an AWS Application Load Balancer Support? Choose 2 answers
    A. ICMP
    B. UDP
    C. HTTP
    D. SNTP
    E. Websocket
  3. Your organization has configured an application behind ALB. However, Clients are complaining that they cannot connect to an Internet-facing load balancer. What cannot be the issue?
    1. Internet-facing load balancer is attached to a private subnet
    2. ALB Security Groups does not allow the traffic
    3. Subnet NACLs do not allow the traffic
    4. ALB was not assigned an EIP
  4. To protect your ALB from accidental deletion, you should
    1. enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) protected access
    2. enable Delete Protection on the ALB
    3. enabled Termination Protection on the ALB
    4. ALB does not provide any feature to prevent accidental deletion
  5. Your organization is using ALB for servicing requests. One of the API request is facing consistent performance issues. Upon checking the flow, you find that the request flows through multiple services. How can you track the performance or timing issues in the application stack at the granularity of an individual request?
    1. Track the request using “X-Amzn-Trace-Id” HTTP header
    2. Track the request using “X-Amzn-Track-Id” HTTP header
    3. Track the request using “X-Aws-Track-Id” HTTP header
    4. Track the request using “X-Aws-Trace-Id” HTTP header


Refer AWS documentation – ELB_Application_Load_Balancer

AWS Classic Load Balancer vs Application Load Balancer vs Network Load Balancer

AWS Classic Load Balancer vs Application Load Balancer vs Network Load Balancer

  • Elastic Load Balancing supports three types of load balancers:
    • Classic Load Balancer – CLB
    • Application Load Balancer – ALB
    • Network Load Balancer – NLB
  • While there is some overlap in the features, AWS does not maintain feature parity between the different types of load balancers.

CLB vs ALB vs NLB General

Usage Patterns

  • Classic Load Balancer
    • provides basic load balancing across multiple EC2 instances and operates at both the request level and connection level.
    • is intended for applications that were built within the EC2-Classic network.
    • is ideal for simple load balancing of traffic across multiple EC2 instances.
  • Application Load Balancer
    • is ideal for microservices or container-based architectures where there is a need to route traffic to multiple services or load balance across multiple ports on the same EC2 instance.
    • operates at the request level (layer 7), routing traffic to targets – EC2 instances, containers, IP addresses, and Lambda functions based on the content of the request.
    • is ideal for advanced load balancing of HTTP and HTTPS traffic, and provides advanced request routing targeted at delivery of modern application architectures, including microservices and container-based applications.
    • simplifies and improves the security of the application, by ensuring that the latest SSL/TLS ciphers and protocols are used at all times.
  • Network Load Balancer
    • operates at the connection level (Layer 4), routing connections to targets – EC2 instances, microservices, and containers – within VPC based on IP protocol data.
    • is ideal for load balancing of both TCP and UDP traffic,
    • is capable of handling millions of requests per second while maintaining ultra-low latencies.
    • is optimized to handle sudden and volatile traffic patterns while using a single static IP address per AZ
    • is integrated with other popular AWS services such as Auto Scaling, ECS, CloudFormation, and AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).
  • AWS recommends using Application Load Balancer for Layer 7 and Network Load Balancer for Layer 4 when using VPC.

AWS ELB Classic Load Balancer vs Application Load Balancer
Supported Protocols

  • Classic ELB operates at layer 4 and supports HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, SSL
  • ALB operates at layer 7 and supports HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP/2, WebSockets
  • NLB operates at the connection level (Layer 4)

Load Balancing to Multiple Ports on the same instance

  • Only ALB & NLB supports Load Balancing to multiple ports on the same instance

Host-based Routing & Path-based Routing

  • Host-based routing use host conditions to define rules that forward requests to different target groups based on the hostname in the host header. This enables ALB to support multiple domains using a single load balancer.
  • Path-based routing use path conditions to define rules that forward requests to different target groups based on the URL in the request. Each path condition has one path pattern. If the URL in a request matches the path pattern in a listener rule exactly, the request is routed using that rule.
  • Only ALB supports Host-based & Path-based routing.

CLB vs ALB vs NLB Common configurations and Features

Slow Start

  • By default, a target starts to receive its full share of requests as soon as it is registered with a target group and passes an initial health check.
  • Using slow start mode gives targets time to warm up before the load balancer sends them a full share of requests.
  • Only ALB supports slow start mode

Static IP and Elastic IP Address

  • NLB automatically provides a static IP per AZ (subnet) that can be used by applications as the front-end IP of the load balancer.
  • NLB also allows the option to assign an Elastic IP per AZ (subnet) thereby providing your own fixed IP.
  • Classic ELB and ALB does not support Static and Elastic IP address

Connection Draining OR Deregistration Delay

  • Connection draining enables the load balancer to complete in-flight requests made to instances that are de-registering or unhealthy.
  • All Load Balancer types support connection draining/deregistration delay.

Idle Connection Timeout

  • Idle Connection Timeout helps specify a time period, which ELB uses to close the connection if no data has been sent or received by the time that the idle timeout period elapses
  • Can be configured for  CLB & ALB (default 60 seconds)
  • Cannot be configured for NLB (350 secs for TCP, 120 secs for UDP)
  • It is recommended to enable HTTP keep-alive in the web server settings for the EC2 instances, thus making the ELB reuse the backend connections until the keep-alive timeout expires.

PrivateLink Support

  • CLB and ALB do not support PrivateLink (TCP, TLS)
  • Only NLB supports PrivateLink (TCP, TLS)

Zonal Isolation

  • Only NLB supports Zonal Isolation which supports application architectures in a single zone. It automatically fails over to other healthy AZs, if something fails in an AZ
  • CLB and ALB do not support Zonal Isolation.

Deletion Protection

  • Only ALB & NLB supports Deletion Protection, wherein a load balancer can’t be deleted if deletion protection is enabled
  • CLB does not support deletion protection.

Preserve Source IP address

  • As the ELB intercepts the traffic between the client and the back-end servers, the back-end server does not know the IP address, Protocol, and the Port used between the Client and the Load balancer.
  • Classic ELB (HTTP/HTTPS) and ALB do not preserve the client-side source IP.  It needs to be retrieved using X-Forward-XXX.
    • X-Forwarded-For request header to help back-end servers identify the IP address of a client when you use an HTTP or HTTPS load balancer.
    • X-Forwarded-Proto request header to help back-end servers identify the protocol (HTTP/S) that a client used to connect to the server
    • X-Forwarded-Port request header to help back-end servers identify the port that an HTTP or HTTPS load balancer uses to connect to the client.
  • CLB (SSL/TLS) uses Proxy Protocol Version 1 and NLB uses Proxy Protocol Version 2 to provide the information.
  • NLB preserves the client-side source IP or needs Proxy Protocol allowing the back-end to see the IP address of the client.
    • If targets are registered by instance ID or ECS tasks, the source IP addresses of the clients are preserved and provided to the applications.
    • If targets are registered by IP address
      • for TCP & TLS, the source IP addresses are the private IP addresses of the load balancer nodes. Use Proxy Protocol.
      • for UDP & TCP_UDP, it is enabled by default and the source IP addresses of the clients are preserved.

Health Checks

  • All Load Balancer types support Health checks to determine if the instance is healthy or unhealthy
  • ALB provides health check improvements that allow detailed error codes from 200-399 to be configured

Supported Platforms

  • Classic ELB supports both EC2-Classic and EC2-VPC
  • ALB and NLB support only EC2-VPC.


  • CLB does not support WebSockets
  • Only ALB and NLB support WebSockets

Cross-zone Load Balancing

  • By default, Load Balancer will distribute requests evenly across its enabled AZs, irrespective of the instances it hosts.
  • Cross-zone Load Balancing help distribute incoming requests evenly across all instances in its enabled AZs.
  • CLB -> Cross Zone load balancing is disabled, by default, and can be enabled and free of charge.
  • ALB -> Cross Zone load balancing is enabled by default and free.
  • NLB -> Cross Zone load balancing is disabled, by default, and can be enabled but is charged for inter-az data transfer.

Stick Sessions (Cookies)

  • Stick Sessions (Session Affinity) enables the load balancer to bind a user’s session to a specific instance, which ensures that all requests from the user during the session are sent to the same instance
  • CLB, ALB, and NLB support sticky sessions to maintain session affinity
  • CLB and ALB maintain session stickiness using cookies.
  • NLB does not support sticky sessions. NLB now supports sticky sessions.
  • NLB uses a built-in 5-tuple hash table in order to maintain stickiness across backend servers.
  • NLB idle timeout for TCP connections is 350 seconds. Once the timeout is reached or the session is terminated, the NLB will forget the stickiness and incoming packets will be considered as a new flow and could be load balanced to a new target.

CLB vs ALB vs NLB Security

SSL Termination/Offloading

  • SSL Termination helps decrypt requests from clients before sending them to targets and hence reducing the load. SSL certificate must be installed on the load balancer.
  • All load balancers types support SSL Termination.

Server Name Indication

  • CLB only supports a single certificate and does not support SNI
  • ALB and NLB support multiple certificates and use SNI to serve multiple secure websites using a single TLS listener.
    • If the hostname provided by a client matches a single certificate in the certificate list, the load balancer selects this certificate.
    • If a hostname provided by a client matches multiple certificates in the certificate list, the load balancer selects the best certificate that the client can support.

Back-end Server Authentication

  • Back-end Server Authentication enables authentication of the instances. 
  • Load balancer communicates with an instance only if the public key that the instance presents to the load balancer matches a public key in the authentication policy for the load balancer.
  • Classic Load Balancer supports Back-end Server Authentication
  • ALB does not support Back-end Server Authentication

CloudWatch Metrics

  • All Load Balancer types integrate with CloudWatch to provide metrics, with ALB providing additional metrics

Access Logs

  • Access logs capture detailed information about requests sent to the load balancer. Each log contains information such as request received time, client’s IP address, latencies, request paths, and server responses
  • All Load Balancer types provide access logs, with ALB providing additional attributes

AWS Certification Exam Practice Questions

  • Questions are collected from Internet and the answers are marked as per my knowledge and understanding (which might differ with yours).
  • AWS services are updated everyday and both the answers and questions might be outdated soon, so research accordingly.
  • AWS exam questions are not updated to keep up the pace with AWS updates, so even if the underlying feature has changed the question might not be updated
  • Open to further feedback, discussion and correction.
  1. A company wants to use load balancer for their application. However, the company wants to forward the requests without any header modification. What service should the company use?
    1. Classic Load Balancer
    2. Network Load Balancer
    3. Application Load Balancer
    4. Use Route 53
  2. A Solutions Architect is building an Amazon ECS-based web application that requires that headers are not modified when being forwarded to Amazon ECS. Which load balancer should the Architect use?
    1. Application Load Balancer
    2. Network Load Balancer
    3. A virtual load balancer appliance from AWS marketplace
    4. Classic Load Balancer
  3. An application tier currently hosts two web services on the same set of instances, listening on different ports. Which AWS service should a solutions architect use to route traffic to the service based on the incoming request?
    1. AWS Application Load Balancer
    2. Amazon CloudFront
    3. Amazon Route 53
    4. AWS Classic Load Balancer
  4. A Solutions Architect needs to deploy an HTTP/HTTPS service on Amazon EC2 instances with support for WebSockets using load balancers. How can the Architect meet these requirements?
    1. Configure a Network Load balancer.
    2. Configure an Application Load Balancer.
    3. Configure a Classic Load Balancer.
    4. Configure a Layer-4 Load Balancer.
  5. A company is hosting an application in AWS for third party access. The third party needs to whitelist the application based on the IP. Which AWS service can the company use in the whitelisting of the IP address?
    1. AWS Application Load Balancer
    2. AWS Classic Load balancer
    3. AWS Network Load Balancer
    4. AWS Route 53



AWS Compute Services Cheat Sheet

AWS Compute Services Cheat Sheet

AWS Compute Services

Elastic Cloud Compute – EC2

  • provides scalable computing capacity
  • Features
    • Virtual computing environments, known as EC2 instances
    • Preconfigured templates for EC2 instances, known as Amazon Machine Images (AMIs), that package the bits needed for the server (including the operating system and additional software)
    • Various configurations of CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity for your instances, known as Instance types
    • Secure login information for your instances using key pairs (public-private keys where private is kept by user)
    • Storage volumes for temporary data that’s deleted when you stop or terminate your instance, known as Instance store volumes
    • Persistent storage volumes for data using Elastic Block Store (EBS)
    • Multiple physical locations for your resources, such as instances and EBS volumes, known as Regions and Availability Zones
    • A firewall to specify the protocols, ports, and source IP ranges that can reach your instances using Security Groups
    • Static IP addresses, known as Elastic IP addresses
    • Metadata, known as tags, can be created and assigned to EC2 resources
    • Virtual networks that are logically isolated from the rest of the AWS cloud, and can optionally connect to on-premises network, known as Virtual private clouds (VPCs)

Amazon Machine Image – AMI

    • template from which EC2 instances can be launched quickly
    • does NOT span across regions, and needs to be copied
    • can be shared with other specific AWS accounts or made public

Instance Types

  • T for applications needing general usage
    • T2 instances are Burstable Performance Instances that provide a baseline level of CPU performance with the ability to burst above the baseline.
    • T2 instances accumulate CPU Credits when they are idle, and consume CPU Credits when they are active.
    • T2 Unlimited Instances can sustain high CPU performance for as long as a workload needs it at an additional cost.
  • R for applications needing more RAM or Memory
  • C for applications needing more Compute
  • M for applications needing more Medium or Moderate performance on both Memory and CPU
  • I for applications needing more IOPS
  • for applications needing more GPU

Instance Purchasing Option

  • On-Demand Instances
    • pay for instances and compute capacity that you use by the hour
    • no long-term commitments or up-front payments
  • Reserved Instances
    • provides lower hourly running costs by providing a billing discount
    • capacity reservation is applied to instances
    • suited if consistent, heavy, predictable usage
    • provides benefits with Consolidate Billing
    • can be modified to switch Availability Zones or the instance size within the same instance type, given the instance size footprint (Normalization factor) remains the same
    • pay for the entire term regardless of the usage
    • is not a physical instance that is launched, but rather a billing discount applied to the use of On-Demand Instances
  • Scheduled Reserved Instances
    • enable capacity reservations purchase that recurs on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, with a specified start time and duration, for a one-year term.
    • Charges are incurred for the time that the instances are scheduled, even if they are not used
    • good choice for workloads that do not run continuously, but do run on a regular schedule
  • Spot Instances
    • cost-effective choice but does NOT guarantee availability
    • applications flexible in the timing when they can run and also able to handle interruption by storing the state externally
    • provides a two-minute warning if the instance is to be terminated to save any unsaved work
    • Spot blocks can also be launched with a required duration, which are not interrupted due to changes in the Spot price
    • Spot Fleet is a collection, or fleet, of Spot Instances, and optionally On-Demand Instances, which attempts to launch the number of Spot and On-Demand Instances to meet the specified target capacity
  • Dedicated Instances
    • is a tenancy option that enables instances to run in VPC on hardware that’s isolated, dedicated to a single customer
  • Dedicated Host
    • is a physical server with EC2 instance capacity fully dedicated to your use
  • Light, Medium, and Heavy Utilization Reserved Instances are no longer available for purchase and were part of the Previous Generation AWS EC2 purchasing model

Enhanced Networking

  • results in higher bandwidth, higher packet per second (PPS) performance, lower latency, consistency, scalability, and lower jitter
  • supported using Single Root – I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) only on supported instance types
  • is supported only with a VPC (not EC2 Classic), HVM virtualization type and available by default on Amazon AMI but can be installed on other AMIs as well

Placement Group

  • Cluster Placement Group
    • provide low latency, High-Performance Computing via 10Gbps network
    • is a logical grouping on instances within a Single AZ
    • don’t span availability zones, can span multiple subnets but subnets must be in the same AZ
    • can span across peered VPCs for the same Availability Zones
    • existing instances can’t be moved into an existing placement group
    • An existing instance can be moved to a placement group, or moved from one placement group to another, or removed from a placement group, given it is in the stopped state.
    • for capacity errors, stop and start the instances in the placement group
    • use homogenous instance types which support enhanced networking and launch all the instances at once
  • Spread Placement Groups
    • is a group of instances that are each placed on distinct underlying hardware i.e. each instance on a distinct rack across AZ
    • recommended for applications that have a small number of critical instances that should be kept separate from each other.
    • reduces the risk of simultaneous failures that might occur when instances share the same underlying hardware.
  • Partition Placement Groups
    • is a group of instances spread across partitions i.e. group of instances spread across racks across AZs
    • reduces the likelihood of correlated hardware failures for the application.
    • can be used to spread deployment of large distributed and replicated workloads, such as HDFS, HBase, and Cassandra, across distinct hardware

EC2 Monitoring

  • CloudWatch provides monitoring for EC2 instances
  • Status monitoring helps quickly determine whether EC2 has detected any problems that might prevent instances from running applications.
  • Status monitoring includes
    • System Status checks – indicate issues with the underlying hardware
    • Instance Status checks – indicate issues with the underlying instance.

Elastic Load Balancer

  • Managed load balancing service and scales automatically
  • distributes incoming application traffic across multiple EC2 instances
  • is distributed system that is fault tolerant and actively monitored by AWS scales it as per the demand
  • are engineered to not be a single point of failure
  • need to Pre-Warm ELB if the demand is expected to shoot especially during load testing. AWS documentation does not mention it now.
  • supports routing traffic to instances in multiple AZs in the same region
  • performs Health Checks to route traffic only to the healthy instances
  • support Listeners with HTTP, HTTPS, SSL, TCP protocols
  • has an associated IPv4 and dual stack DNS name
  • can offload the work of encryption and decryption (SSL termination) so that the EC2 instances can focus on their main work
  • supports Cross Zone load balancing to help route traffic evenly across all EC2 instances regardless of the AZs they reside in
  • to help identify the IP address of a client
    • supports Proxy Protocol header for TCP/SSL connections
    • supports X-Forward headers for HTTP/HTTPS connections
  • supports Stick Sessions (session affinity) to bind a user’s session to a specific application instance,
    • it is not fault tolerant, if an instance is lost the information is lost
    • requires HTTP/HTTPS listener and does not work with TCP
    • requires SSL termination on ELB as it users the headers
  • supports Connection draining to help complete the in-flight requests in case an instance is deregistered
  • For High Availability, it is recommended to attach one subnet per AZ for at least two AZs, even if the instances are in a single subnet.
  • supports Static/Elastic IP (NLB only)
  • IPv4 & IPv6 support however VPC does not support IPv6. VPC now supports IPV6.
  • HTTPS listener does not support Client Side Certificate
  • For SSL termination at backend instances or support for Client Side Certificate use TCP for connections from the client to the ELB, use the SSL protocol for connections from the ELB to the back-end application, and deploy certificates on the back-end instances handling requests
  • supports a single SSL certificate, so for multiple SSL certificate multiple ELBs need to be created
  • Uses Server Name Indication to supports multiple SSL certificates

Application Load Balancer

  • supports HTTP and HTTPS (Secure HTTP) protocols
  • supports HTTP/2, which is enabled natively. Clients that support HTTP/2 can connect over TLS
  • supports WebSockets and Secure WebSockets natively
  • supports Request tracing, by default.
    • request tracing can be used to track HTTP requests from clients to targets or other services.
    • Load balancer upon receiving a request from a client, adds or updates the X-Amzn-Trace-Id header before sending the request to the target
  • supports containerized applications. Using Dynamic port mapping, ECS can select an unused port when scheduling a task and register the task with a target group using this port.
  • supports Sticky Sessions (Session Affinity) using load balancer generated cookies, to route requests from the same client to the same target
  • supports SSL termination, to decrypt the request on ALB before sending it to the underlying targets.
  • supports layer 7 specific features like X-Forwarded-For headers to help determine the actual client IP, port and protocol
  • automatically scales its request handling capacity in response to incoming application traffic.
  • supports hybrid load balancing, to route traffic to instances in VPC and an on-premises location
  • provides High Availability, by allowing more than one AZ to be specified
  • integrates with ACM to provision and bind a SSL/TLS certificate to the load balancer thereby making the entire SSL offload process very easy
  • supports multiple certificates for the same domain to a secure listener
  • supports IPv6 addressing, for an Internet facing load balancer
  • supports Cross-zone load balancing, and cannot be disabled.
  • supports Security Groups to control the traffic allowed to and from the load balancer.
  • provides Access Logs, to record all requests sent the load balancer, and store the logs in S3 for later analysis in compressed format
  • provides Delete Protection, to prevent the ALB from accidental deletion
  • supports Connection Idle Timeout – ALB maintains two connections for each request one with the Client (front end) and one with the target instance (back end). If no data has been sent or received by the time that the idle timeout period elapses, ALB closes the front-end connection
  • integrates with CloudWatch to provide metrics such as request counts, error counts, error types, and request latency
  • integrates with AWS WAF, a web application firewall that helps protect web applications from attacks by allowing rules configuration based on IP addresses, HTTP headers, and custom URI strings
  • integrates with CloudTrail to receive a history of ALB API calls made on the AWS account
  • back-end server authentication is NOT supported
  • does not provide Static, Elastic IP addresses

Network Load Balancer

  • handles volatile workloads and scale to millions of requests per second, without the need of pre-warming
  • offers extremely low latencies for latency-sensitive applications.
  • provides static IP/Elastic IP addresses for the load balancer
  • allows registering targets by IP address, including targets outside the VPC (on-premises) for the load balancer.
  • supports containerized applications. Using Dynamic port mapping, ECS can select an unused port when scheduling a task and register the task with a target group using this port.
  • monitors the health of its registered targets and routes the traffic only to healthy targets
  • enable cross-zone loading balancing only after creating the NLB
  • preserves client side source IP allowing the back-end to see client IP address. Target groups can be created with target type as instance ID or IP address. If targets registered by instance ID, the source IP addresses of the clients are preserved and provided to the applications. If register targets registered by IP address, the source IP addresses are the private IP addresses of the load balancer nodes.
  • supports both network and application target health checks.
  • supports long-lived TCP connections ideal for WebSocket type of applications
  • supports Zonal Isolation, which is designed for application architectures in a single zone and can be enabled in a single AZ to support architectures that require zonal isolation
  • does not support stick sessions

Auto Scaling

  • ensures correct number of EC2 instances are always running to handle the load by scaling up or down automatically as demand changes
  • cannot span multiple regions.
  • attempts to distribute instances evenly between the AZs that are enabled for the Auto Scaling group
  • performs checks either using EC2 status checks or can use ELB health checks to determine the health of an instance and terminates the instance if unhealthy, to launch a new instance
  • can be scaled using manual scaling, scheduled scaling or demand based scaling
  • cooldown period helps ensure instances are not launched or terminated before the previous scaling activity takes effect to allow the newly launched instances to start handling traffic and reduce load

AWS Auto Scaling & ELB

  • Auto Scaling & ELB can be used for High Availability and Redundancy by spanning Auto Scaling groups across multiple AZs within a region and then setting up ELB to distribute incoming traffic across those AZs
  • With Auto Scaling, use ELB health check with the instances to ensure that traffic is routed only to the healthy instances


  • offers Serverless computing that allows applications and services to be built and run without thinking about servers.
  • helps run code without provisioning or managing servers, where you pay only for the compute time when the code is running.
  • is priced on a pay-per-use basis and there are no charges when the code is not running.
  • performs all the operational and administrative activities on your behalf, including capacity provisioning, monitoring fleet health, applying security patches to the underlying compute resources, deploying code, running a web service front end, and monitoring and logging the code.
  • does not provide access to the underlying compute infrastructure.
  • handles scalability and availability as it
    • provides easy scaling and high availability to the code without additional effort on your part.
    • is designed to process events within milliseconds.
    • is designed to run many instances of the functions in parallel.
    • is designed to use replication and redundancy to provide high availability for both the service and the functions it operates.
    • has no maintenance windows or scheduled downtimes for either.
    • has a default safety throttle for the number of concurrent executions per account per region.
    • has a higher latency immediately after a function is created, or updated, or if it has not been used recently.
    • for any function updates, there is a brief window of time, less than a minute, when requests would be served by both versions
  • Security
    • stores code in S3 and encrypts it at rest and performs additional integrity checks while the code is in use.
    • each function runs in its own isolated environment, with its own resources and file system view
    • supports Code Signing using AWS Signer, which offers trust and integrity controls that enable you to verify that only unaltered code from approved developers is deployed in the functions.
  • Functions must complete execution within 900 seconds. The default timeout is 3 seconds. The timeout can be set the timeout to any value between 1 and 900 seconds.
  • AWS Step Functions can help coordinate a series of Lambda functions in a specific order. Multiple functions can be invoked sequentially, passing the output of one to the other, and/or in parallel, while the state is being maintained by Step Functions.
  • AWS X-Ray helps to trace functions, which provides insights such as service overhead, function init time, and function execution time.
  • Lambda Provisioned Concurrency provides greater control over the performance of serverless applications.
  • Lambda@Edge allows you to run code across AWS locations globally without provisioning or managing servers, responding to end-users at the lowest network latency.
  • Lambda Extensions allow integration of Lambda with other third-party tools for monitoring, observability, security, and governance.
  • Compute Savings Plan can help save money for Lambda executions.
  • CodePipeline and CodeDeploy can be used to automate the serverless application release process.
  • RDS Proxy provides a highly available database proxy that manages thousands of concurrent connections to relational databases.
  • Supports Elastic File Store, to provide a shared, external, persistent, scalable volume using a fully managed elastic NFS file system without the need for provisioning or capacity management.
  • Supports Function URLs, a built-in HTTPS endpoint that can be invoked using the browser, curl, and any HTTP client.